All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

When Jesus came to earth HE came to show love,grace, and mercy. But
when Jesus died on the cross that bloody friday justice and mercy
met. It was also a clash of 2 worlds. The worlds of heaven and hell
collided that day when Jesus was dying. Jesus could have very easily
called on HIS angels to save HIM and get HIM down from the cross but
HE did not. He stayed on that cross for 6 hours. HIS first words
were "Father forgive them for they know not what there doing."
Jesus's heavenly Father could have killed every single one of
Jesus's murders but instead HE(God the Father) showed mercy and
grace on them. HE loved to the point of even sparing there lives. If
Jesus would have called on the angels to get HIM down there might
have been a major war or the religious people of Jesus's day would
probably have believed in Jesus. But since HE(Jesus) died that day on
the cross they mocked HIM even to the point of watch HIM die.
Christ died for you so that you might have life and live it
aboundantly. If Jesus would never have died on the cross that day
there probably wouldnt be to many followers today. But HE did die
on that cross. HE for you and me . HE died so that HE could save
the world from its evil ways. Jesus 's death is to be glorified.
But HE , on the 3rd day rose from the dead and is now alive living
in Heaven seated at the right hand of the Father. If you will just
confess that Jesus is Lord and belive in your heart that HE is
truly who HE says HE is you will be saved. God Bless.

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We need to remember His humility especially in this time of our history where our values & beliefs are being so criticized during the beginning of Trump's presidency. It's hard to hold our tongues & not lash back. We need to try to be like our Savior. 

So true Tammy. So many people want to tell us that we are wrong for believing what we do. But we need to keep our heads held high and not let the world get us down and drag us down.  



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