If you see someone sin, how do you handle it? Are you quick to Judge them? Is there a better way to Handle it when you see others sin as you have sinned also? I myself have sinned, and I see people around me sinning every day like I have sinned. I can not be quick to judge them. But I can be quick to give then some advice. I could say to the person that I seen sin. I have sinned just like you did, and I had to repent from my sin, and God forgives our sins. You may even have a story to tell them about what your sin was, and how you handled it, and maybe how God put it on your heart to ask for him to forgive you. How do you think this would impact people around you?????
I believe Christ has not come to condemn the world but rather through Him the world might be save; so do u see the focus of Christ? If we {Christians}have the mind of Christ that should be our focus also, there are examples in the bible we can relate to this; the woman caught in adultery is one and the tax collector is another,Christ has never condemn then but rather He be a solution to them therefore we have to do like wise. Remember has Christ has reconcile us to Himself ; He has entrust us the ministry of reconciliation.The bible say in Romans 5:8 that while we yet sinners Christ came and die for us. We must understand that, that was our former state and it is our responsibility to give them good advice by the word of God and live the rest to Mr Holy Spirit because He does the work of salvation in a person's life. Jesus said in John that, He have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen, He must bring them also. They too will listen to His voice and there be one flock and one shepherd.I am telling you the truth heaven will be full of surprises because the people that we some times condemn has sinners, it will surprise us to meet this same people in heaven.
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