Simple steps to build daily spiritual nourishment into your life for healthy, vibrant growth as Jesus' disciple.
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Latest Activity: Jan 28, 2020
How to Grow
Many Christians say they want to grow in their spiritual life or get closer to God, but they don't know how or lack a plan. Growth in Christ can be as simple as following through with what we call the 2-3-2 plan. You will be amazed at how your spiritual life develops; it will seem almost miraculous!
Developing a Daily Habit
One of the goals of the 2-3-2 plan is to develop some healthy habits or spiritual disciplines you’ll practice daily. Most of us don’t like the word discipline, but just as brushing one’s teeth, taking a bath, exercise, and eating healthy food on a daily basis promotes physical health and growth, good daily spiritual disciplines promote a healthy relationship with God. Over time, you’ll find yourself building spiritual vibrancy, health and “muscle” which will enable you to rely more on the Lord, help you cope with life challenges and relate better to others. Looking back, you’ll see how you've grown and how you are better able to cope with life challenges because you were following God’s “owners manual” for life (the Bible), regularly seeking God’s help, and making better, wiser choices.
Growth Takes Time
Keep in mind that even though you may have received Jesus Christ as your Savior and now have a relationship with God, changing your thought patterns and learning to live consistently in this new way often takes a long time. One doesn’t just wake up one morning after years of inactivity and decide to compete in an Olympic marathon race that afternoon. That is why good, consistent, daily training and habits are needed. It takes time to replace a long history of bad habits with good ones. So be patient with yourself and others on the same journey.
The Quiet Time
One of the most important spiritual habits is a daily “quiet time” or “devotional” time.
Have you ever noticed two people in love? They just can't get enough time alone with each other! In the same way, God wants a love relationship with you. A daily quiet time is time you will schedule to meet with Him. Notice that we said schedule, because it is not going to happen by accident. You need to be very deliberate about this. To start, plan on setting aside 30 minutes every day for your devotional time. The amount of time is only a suggestion; don’t get fixated. Remember it is not a formula, but a relationship.
A Method to Consider:
Ask God when He would like you to meet with Him. Write down when you believe He would like you to have your appointment together. ___:___ to ____:____ AM/PM
2-3-2 What is That?
2: Means worship God by listening to TWO Christian worship music songs and/or singing praise to God. Check out some of the member's profiles here on TheNET. Many have uploaded lots of good worship music. Worship is important because God loves it! Worship sets our hearts and minds in tune with God. Remember it is all about a love relationship with Him! Don't skip this step!
3: Means read THREE chapters (or more) of the Bible. Tell God you love Him and ask Him to help you understand, learn from, and speak to you from His Word, the Bible.
If you wish, use this Daily Bible Reading Plan (this will be at least three chapters). The Daily Bible Reading Plan is a PDF file you read, save and print using Adobe Reader. If you don’t have Adobe Reader, you can download it free. You may print the reading plan for quick reference.
You can read the Bible online or use a printed copy. For English users, we recommend the New International Version or the New Living Translation because generally they are easier to read and understand.
Print out the Bible Reading Highlights Record (also a PDF file). Try to answer one or more of the eight questions listed at the top of the page. (You can print additional pages as necessary and keep all your devotional insights in a notebook or folder). You may also want to write what God is teaching you every day in your blog. That way other believers can benefit from what you are learning!
2: Means talk with God, thanking him; and asking him TWO questions about what you read, asking for help for others and yourself or about anything else as you would your closest friend.
OK, so have you scheduled your quiet time with God yet? God is waiting to meet with you!
Growing together with you!
TheNET Coordinator
Started by L.L.Mc. Last reply by Anniev May 28, 2018. 13 Replies 4 Likes
Started by Karin Sylvester Soderstrom. Last reply by victor k phiri Jul 26, 2010. 1 Reply 0 Likes
I set a time for bible study and have a relationship with God.
My group God's Word I started about a week ago. We can all learn from each other and grow stronger in God.
Your group Miracle Grow is very knowledgeable and am happy to be here.
Taking Dominion and reigning in Life is Part of Your Divine Make-Up, Part of Your Divine Nature after the New Birth, You are Not just a ordinary Person After JESUS come into Your Life You have the Divine nature of Your Heavenly Father In You.. Today Do not allow Religion and Denomination Rob You of Who "YOU" really ARE and what "YOU" really Posess In Christ Jesus.. Today I really Want YOU to Know that YOU are Created to Have Dominion and to Reign in Life over the Devil and all Life Situations and circumstances.. If I were You I would Print this off and not Go over it not one time.. But over and over and over untill you see yourself walking in Dominion that Jesus Purchase and Gave Us. Make Your Heavenly Father Proud, Walk in Your Dominion and reign in life so that the Father look at jesus and Say thats my "Son - Daughter" look at them they got the devil Under our Feet. Look at them they are taking Back What You Paid the price for On the Cross.. Look, Look, Look, they are Reigning in Life ... They are In the Kingdom Winners Circle .. I can Hear the heavenly father say I'm Proud.. They are not letting Religion distort the true value Of My word .. Today I feel the annointing Just Writing this ... Come on Rise Up YOU are a winner the hard Part Has Been Done. YOU were created to REIGN and have Dominion In Life.
Have Your Ever Wondered? • What Did Jesus Mean When He Said: "I Give You Authority and Power!" [Luke 10:19] • What Did Jesus Mean When He Said "..And Even Greater Works shall you do!"? [John 14:12] • What Does the Bible Mean When It Says: "You Have Given Him (man) Authority" [Ps 8:6] • Do we Really Have Supernatural Power to change things Available to Us? If We do - What is the Secret to A Christian's Power? • How Do We Access the Power the Bible Speaks of In Acts 1:8? Brothers and Sisters, These are the questions that so many people are asking? And the answer to all of these is found in Scripture. Find out what the Bible says about you and the authority that Jesus gave you as a part of His glorious church! Are You tired of Being Powerless? • Wouldn't you prefer to rule over your finances instead of having them rule your life and dictate what you can, and cannot afford? • Wouldn't you prefer to rule over your body (and any sickness) instead of having your body tell you what your day is going to be like - how you are going to feel - and whether or not you are strong and healthy enough to do what you want to do God says we can! And, He even tells us how in the Word of God. Scripture :"For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)" [Rom:5:17] "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." [Gen:1:26] "What is man, that you are mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For you have made him (man) a little lower than the angels, and have crowned him with glory and honor. You made him (man) to have dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet:" [Ps:8:4-6] "...Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." [Rv:1:5-6] Who and What Are We? Pay close attention to what GOD has said about His children - every person who has been born again into the family of God (the Church): • "(He) has made us kings and priests unto God". • "(He) made us to have dominion over the works of His hands" • "(He) made us to be kings" Did you notice that when speaking about US - GOD did NOT say that he is going to make us kings and priests unto Him (at some time in the future) - or that He was going to give us dominion - but rather that he has ALREADY MADE us (past tense) kings and priests and He has already given us dominion? Now it is important to remember that it is the WORD of GOD that says this - and not me, or some man - but God Almighty said this about US in His Word. I do not believe that this is a misprint or that God made a mistake when speaking to us about this subject. If you pay attention to the scriptures in Romans 4: 16-18, this is exactly how God spoke about Abraham before He even had a child: "As it is written, I have made thee (past tense) a father of many nations,..." It was only when Abram believed what God had said - and began to call himself Abraham - that he then saw the promise fulfilled - manifested - become reality. It is important to understand that Abram began to call himself 'Abraham' - (meaning "Exalted Father") - despite the fact that there was no physical evidence that he had a child (much less many children) - or that he would ever have a child! When Abram did that - God called it: Faith. Kings And Priests There is much to say about being made both a king - and a priest, but today I want to focus on the fact that God has MADE us kings - and that HE has GIVEN us dominion over the earth, and our life! Question: What do kings do? answer: They reign over their kingdom - they rule. (Don't they?) If they do - then that would explain more fully what the passage in Romans 5 means: "For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)" , [Rom:5:17:] What exactly do the words "Reign" and "Dominion" mean? To find out the meaning of the words - we need to first look at the original languages (Hebrew & Greek) and see what words they used. Dominion: The original Hebrew uses the word "radah" [Genesis 1:26] - which means literally: • "To Rule over with Authority" • "To Subjugate" • "The Right and the Power to Govern and Control" • "To Dominate" In Psalm 8:6 the Hebrew word used is "mashal" which again means: • "to have ruling power over" "To dominate" • "To make to have the right and power to govern and control Reign: The original Greek uses the word "basileuo" - which means literally: "To Rule over with Authority." Wow! - Did you see what God said to us by the Holy Spirit thru the hands of Paul? If I read this passage in the original Greek it would be translated like this: For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall rule over their life with supreme authority by one, Jesus Christ.)" [Rom:5:17:] Again I want to remind you that it was GOD - and not I who said this to us in His Word. And if He said it - it must be true- even if we don't understand it - accept it - or believe it. It's still true! The Key to Reigning in Life: I understand that many people might have questions as to why they don't seem to be able to do this. After all, if God said it, then how come so many can't do this? "they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness.." According to this scripture, we will not be able to reign over our lives - rule with authority - until we receive the abundance of Grace and the gift of righteousness. And sadly, most Christians wrongly believe that if they received salvation thru Christ; then they received there is - and the truth is that they haven't All they received was that they get to go to heaven when they die (because that's all they believe) - and most never recognize - accept - or believe that there is a whole lot more that was given to us then just getting to go to heaven when we die (not that salvation is not tremendous enough on its own). Yet the Word of God clearly states that there is a whole lot more that is available to us then just getting to go to heaven when we die: "But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak." [Heb:6:9] Did you notice that God says in His Word that there are OTHER THINGS that accompany salvation? In other words there is a whole lot more that is also available to us then just getting to go to heaven when we die! Receiving the Other Things:Just because something is given - does not mean that we receive it. There have been many times when someone has tried to give me something that I chose not to receive. How about you - has anyone ever offered you something that you refused to take? So it is with salvation - God gave the gift of Eternal Life thru Christ to the entire world - yet not everyone chooses to receive it. And one cannot and will not receive it unless it is by FAITH! [Eph 2:8] And just as salvation is received thru faith - so are ALL of the other blessings and promises - including the ability to rule and reign over our lives. As with salvation - one must first believe that the promise is true and available for the taking - and then receive it by faith How To Rule And Reign In Life Like A King:Wouldn't you prefer to rule over the circumstances instead of having them rule over you? Wouldn't you prefer to rule over your finances instead of having them rule your life - dictating what you can, and cannot afford? Wouldn't you prefer to rule over your body (and any sickness) instead of having your body tell you what your day is going to be like - how you are going to feel - and whether or not you are strong and healthy enough to do what you want to do? God says We can! The key is knowing HOW! I encourage you to "READ" this powerful teaching OVER, Over, Over, Over and discover for yourself what the Bible says about the incredible promises of God that pertain to the power and authority that God has given us to rule over every circumstance that life throws our way! Don't spend another day sick, broke, oppressed, depressed or defeated! Remember You Was Created to have Dominion and to REIGN in life .. YOU are a Born Winner |
TO THEIR NEEDS '' .......Ephesan 4:29
If you ever doubt God's love, ask yourself this question: Who do I love enough to give up my only child for? Who would I die for so that he or she might live?
Are you beginning to get a sense of the greatness of God's love for you?
When Life Throws You a Curve
“Play ball!” Nothing says spring like robins and crocus…and baseball. The smell of grass, the crack of the bat, the fun of rooting for your favorite team. Baseball, like all sports, is based on a set of rules. And as long as everyone follows the rules, the game is fun and fair.
Life, however, has a way of not “playing by the rules.” Things aren’t always fair or fun. Problems arrive with disconcerting regularity. Here are four things to remember when life “throws a curve” your way:
Problems help you grow. Just as children develop only by constant use of their muscles, so you grow mentally and spiritually by shouldering each load that comes your way. Fortunately, you don’t have to do this alone. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Problems help you learn. Even the Son of God “learned…obedience by the things which he suffered” (Hebrews 5:8).
Problems help you become Christlike. “Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11).
Problems bring out the best in you. “God knows the way that I take,” said Job. “When he has tested me, I will come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). The Apostle Paul adds that we are tested “that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7).
So, no matter what comes, face life with confidence—God is on your team!
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