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If so? How do we break them?

There are years of addiction and poverty and mental illness in our family.

Help please?

I am doing the123 plan now. Hopefully I will come to believe Creator can love me.

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My honest opinion from what I have been reading is that GOD loves us.
He has a plan for our lives and wants us to be happy.
I am only 45 years old and have never heard of generational curses.
I feel blessed to have a relationship with my Lord and know that I will be with Him in heaven
because I am a follower, even if I mess up, He allows me to turn to him in forgiveness and He
will accept me back into the fold.

I pray that these curses do not harm anyone, especially a follower of GOD.

This is not of God, but of Satan.


Well said!

hi, My family and i are the same way, and there is hope, the cycle can be broken, but only by God Himself. talk to Him about it, and pray and trust and believe!! it is working in my family, no kidding!! Nothing is impossible with God! God bless you and your family, cheryle
Question: "What does the Bible say about breaking generational curses?"

Answer: The Bible mentions “generational curses” in several places (Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9). It sounds unfair for God to punish children for the sins of their fathers. However, this is looking at it from an earthly perspective. God knows that the effects of sin are passed down from one generation to the next. When a father has a sinful lifestyle, his children are likely to have the same sinful lifestyle as well. That is why it is not unjust for God to punish sin to the third or fourth generation – because they are committing the same sins their ancestors did. But they are being punished for their own sins, not the sins of their ancestors. The Bible specifically tells us that God does not hold children accountable for the sins of their parents (Deuteronomy 24:16).

There is a trend in the church today to try and blame every sin and problem on some sort of generational curse. This is not biblical. The cure for generational curses is salvation through Jesus Christ. When we become Christians, we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). How can a child of God still be under God’s curse (Romans 8:1)? The cure, then, for a “generational curse” is faith in Christ and a life consecrated to Him (Romans 12:1-2).

Yes, there are generational curses. Deuteronomy lists some of the curses.

From personal experience, it used to be in every generation in my family one person would practice spiritualism. to me a curse is caused by a pattern of sin.

You don't have to stay under any curse. Jesus Christ took all of our sins when he died for us. They were nailed to his cross.

The curse in my family was broken with me. i confessed my occult sins and claimed deliverance by the blood of Jesus Christ. The blood is for the remission of sins. I told God I was sorry. Deliverance requires a complete turnaround. You must purge everything that might cause you to revert back to what you used to do. The things you missed will surface. You must be strong and firm and get rid of them. You must stop doing whatever it is you're doing that continues the curse. If you mess up, do not condemn yourself. Tell God you're sorry and ask for help to be stronger and sharper in this area.

Whatever you are delivered from, think of all the people you can help in this area.

Think about Psalm 103. He forgives us as far as the east is to the west. How far has he removed our transgressions from us? God has never stopped loving you. Romans 8 is a great place to read. Nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. I know because that's what I read and it helps me. :-)

God bless!
Mary O.
Yes there are generational curses. However, they can be broken by fasting and praying and by placing our trust and belief in God our Creator.

How do you fast if you're hypoglycemic?  What is a fast?

The following link will take you to my blog that I put up in response to your question that gives a basic Biblical outline regarding fasting and also has a link to an audio message on fasting.

Biblical Fasting

If you have hypoglycemia, which I can relate to, you have to be very careful. You may not employ a long term fast, but select a much shorter version due to the physical limitations.

Hope this is of some help.

Lord Bless,


have you found the answer you have been looking for? I has been four years and I curious to know what you have learned     

I've also had addictions in my family.  Once you are saved, ask Jesus to break that cycle of sinful behaviors and He will.  We must cooperate also.  The best advice I can tell you is to read Neil Anderson's book called "The Bondage Breaker".  You can find it at or Freedom In Christ Ministries.  Authors and pastors from all over the U.S. highly recommend this book for anyone that struggles with life-controlling habits or sins.  God bless you and keep you.  Meka

Please share the title of this book with anyone who needs healing and/or deliverance.  Also, anyone interested in knowing about "Spiritual Warfare"  this is one of the  best books ever written on the subject.  Again the title is "The Bondage Breaker" by Neil Anderson.  Also you can the find book at or Freedom In Christ Ministries.


is the 123plan? I am new at this site and there is so much where do I start I already joined in, so where?


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