HOPE does'nt have any substance. But FAITH gives substance to it. HOPE says, I'll have it sometimes. FAITH says, I have it now.
Rom. 10:10
Agreeing with your mind (mental assent) is a substitute for believing with your heart. (faith)
Mark 11: 23
Mental assent says, I know God's word is true. I know HE promises to heal me, etc., but for some reason, I can't get it and I can't understand it.
Faith says, If GOD's WORD says it's so, then it's so. It's mine. I have it now.
But if I can't see it, it hasn't come to pass yet, right?
If you already had it with you wouldn't have to believe it, you would know it, You have to take the first step of believing before you can come to the place of knowing.
Mar 11:24
Notice that the having comes after the believing.
Too many are like thomas. John 20:24-29...Thomas believed because he saw him with his physical eyes.
" Well, I believe in divine healing because I saw so and so healed...." NO ! believe it because the WORD of GOD says it.
ABRAHAM, Rom 4:17-21
Note the difference between Abraham's faith and Thomas's faith, Thomas was a natural human faith, Abraham believed God 's Word. If HE didn't consider his own body, he didn't consider physical sight or physical feelings.
what does he consider then ? THE WOR OF GOD.
We get out attentiobns on the wrong thing to many times. We are considering the symptoms when it comes to healing etc., and that's what were thinking about and looking at. and the more we look at it the worse we get.
We need to understand what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Cor 5:7, 1 cor 3:3
We don't deny that the circumstances are real but we don't consider them, we consider JESUS, we get our attention and minds centered on what HE has done for us and what HE is now doing for us. Heb.4: 14
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