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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I'm really struggling and need some answers. My husband left me and our three girls over 3 years ago to pursue a relationship with another man. It has been horrible, espicially since I believed this man was such an amazing man of God. He introduced my children to the other person days after moving in with him. He has since moved out and lives alone in his own apartment, but still has contact with him (although I don't know how much or what the relationship is now). He asks me to go out to eat with him and the girls a lot and because my oldest daughter doesn't trust him to not bring the other, I go so she and he will have some semblance of a relationship. He only sees them a few times a week, and never overnight. We still go to his family's for Thanksgiving (I go because it isn't fair to take that away from my children and I will not be away from them on a holiday). His family (other than three people)do not know, but the ones that do believe he is wrong too.

All this to say, I believe with all of my heart God has told me He would bring him home. I love my husband (we are not divorced, nor are we legally separated by the way), but I hate him too (or at least this new person he has become). I am willing to work through this with him, but he has to repent first. He sees nothing wrong in what he has done, except he never should have married me. I have trusted in the Word of God; I have claimed the verses; I have waited; I have prayed; I have never once let the wave of depression completely overtake me. But I'm tired...I'm weary...I'm discouraged...and I do not want to have to wait 40 years or 99 years to see Him move. When do I just say I was wrong. I didn't hear him? He doesn't want this marriage to survive and just go ahead and file the papers and be done with it.

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my dear sister im sorry to hear about your ordeal,my heart is sore of what i have read, its not fair at all towards you and your family,sister believe me when i say this don't give up hope ,for at the end of the dark tunnel there is light,i dont know why but i get this feeling in me to tell you not to give up on our lord and savour jesus christ,your maricle is there just believe and trust in our lord god almighty,he is not slow in keeping his promise he wants everyone to come to a place of repentance,your husband needs to seek god first and go to a place of repentance then only he can home to you and your kids,for with god all things are possible but not with men, mathew ch 6 says "SEEK YE THE KINGDOM OF GOD FIRST AND ALL HIS RIGHTEOUSSNESS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU " what a powerfull verse.Sister remember when moses lead the isrealites out of egypt there in the desert for 40 years cos their hearts were hardened ,if you have not forgive your husband already ,please do so and aks god for his promise for your marriage and for a complete restoration of your marriage believe me god will move the mountains of trouble thats in front of you,jesus is the only answer to a marriage restoration,remember that we are not up against flesh and blood but up against the spiritual darkness of this world and that is satan and his armies,dont give up hope my dear sister, will be standing in agreement with you in jesus mighty name amen

god bless
I have been married for 26 yrs. My husband has not always if very rarely been in the Will of God. He has been abusive and has alcohol problems. I was so busy being a mom and working that I never really paid attention but the pain and emotional abuse and problems are very real. I have left a couple of times to get away. I believe I should have had a separation for him to get help. I am strongly seeking God's will for my marriage right now. My children who are now 20 and 16 have had provisions but never a father. They do not respect him.
I wanted to seek God most of all in what I should do. I have prayed many many prayers for 26 yrs, but in my heart never really gave it all to him, which I have done now. I want to honor God most of all in this long suffering trial and give him total control. I think the first step is giving total control of the situation to God. I have prayed for God to give me wisdom to deal with this situation in the future. I have asked for counseling from God through a person who can be confirmed through scripture. It is very tough when you want a loving spouse and never had it , but Jesus is my love now and he is the only one who can help me in this storm. God bless you

"I do not want to have to wait 40 years or 99 years to see Him move."

God's way are not our ways, plain & simple. Time is in HIS hands. KNOW that this struggle has a greater purpose than what we can see & continue to reach out to God for strength, endurance, & HOPE! Know that you are being prayed for RIGHT NOW!



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