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letting go the past


letting go the past

getting healing and guidiace to let go the past and learning to move forward

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Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2019

Discussion Forum

Having trouble with forgiveness.

Started by empress. Last reply by Stephen Piersall Jan 12, 2013. 1 Reply

The past belongs to the past ... or is it

Started by Cathy. Last reply by Lydia A Loved Child of God Nov 13, 2011. 8 Replies

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Comment by Marilyn Palmer on October 31, 2011 at 8:16am
So very true Chris!
Comment by a servant (Chris) on October 30, 2011 at 9:25pm
The past is what we allow it to be.  We can take Wisdom from it.  We can take burdens from it.  The past is what we have learned from.  Today is the place where we grow.
Comment by Jen Williams on October 30, 2011 at 1:46pm
It's always really easy to simply say pray about it & trust God, but when push comes to shove, it's harder to do as far as giving forgiveness to someone who doesn't deserve it. It's a daily challenge but we are called & expected to forgive. It's not about if they repented or not. It's not about if they deserve it because more than likely - they don't. But Christians are commanded to forgive. It frees you from the anger, hatred, bondage & allows God to have His own vengeance.
Comment by Ruth McD on October 28, 2011 at 8:26am
Pray to God in faith, and He will show you the way. The past is always there, but He will guide you forward.
Comment by daniel bryan curry on October 28, 2011 at 2:00am
letting go of the past isnt impossible,but its hard.its still a part of a persons life even though we cant change what has happened as were in the present and future at least for a little while anyway.
Comment by Neil Harold Rex-Marillier on October 26, 2011 at 2:03am
Decided to put a short note in this morning to say that as difficult as things are God is really helping me through this.Why Im saying this is because there are many people out there punishing themselves for wrong doings which they dont have to do.  
Comment by Neil Harold Rex-Marillier on October 19, 2011 at 11:16pm

Thankyou for that, all advise prays and kind thoughts are well received.The whole situation is in Gods hands and its up to Him where we are going,I do ask Him regularly to Bless us both and help us to get through the diificult situations thay we are to face,and that that both us may come out as better persons in Him, as after all we are both His creation.

Once again thankyou for all the input it as all appreciated and it is so comforting to know that there are people out there that dont even know us and are adding value to our lives,may God bless you all for this.


Comment by Texanbrit on October 19, 2011 at 9:23pm
I don't know if this will be of any use to you Neil, but when I have been through times of tremendous pain, that although they have been of a different nature, I can tell you that the most wonderful thing was/is to life up someone else, to be there for another person because in that God truly blessed me, I gave of myself in His name and I received His blessing. What greater gift could I receive?

I have been through some weird situations in my life, things that were entirely out of my control, I still don't fully understand why I went through those things, I 'm not going to look for those answers anymore, however tempting it is to do so... I believe that doing so would be mute because I may never know on this side of Heaven.

I pray for your comfort, that God would direct you and open doors for you to be fully healed "nothing is impossible with God" Mark 10:27.
Comment by Neil Harold Rex-Marillier on October 19, 2011 at 7:11am

You are all wonderful people and the kind thoughts and support is awsome,thank you and may God continue to do the good work, He is doing for each of us.It really feels at times the whole world is falling to pieces then we invite Him back into our lives and wonderful things start happening,when this happens we must not forget where it comes from and give praize and thanks for that.

May you all have a Blessed day further   

Comment by MYu on October 19, 2011 at 6:51am


Hi Neil,

I hope my friend will not mind that I use him as an example...but I know of a very Godly man who has gone through a very similar situation you went through. I've known him straight from the same heartache, trying to keep his marriage together. But God had other plans for him, He was restored and got enlightened about an option that opened up for him an opportunity that he thought would lead to a better and happier life than staying married to his wife, who has hurt him and betrayed him.


As an observer, I saw him get restored, oh yes... God's miraculous healing was spelled out all over what eventually happened to him. ..I witnessed it... from a withered, pulped up guy trying to hold what was broken all together transformed into someone who exudes God's joy, the picture of physical health, someone so alive and full of life and really looking good too... all happened in less than a year. With God, nothing is impossible. It took me ages to get hauled from my own heartache... it took me some time to realize what I needed to do and how I needed to be so I can be opened up to God's powerful healing and restoration. This man I know, whom I spoke about, was blessed to have been graced by Godly advice right away and as he followed  and draw himself closer to the Lord, God draw near him too and revealed to him  the Divine plan of deliverance from his heartache. I went through the same thing but the dark period of confusion was longer... almost two years, until I began to seek the truth through God's word again so as to understand what was happening to my life. And voila!...God is faithful, true to His promise,... try to delight in Him and surrendering to His will even if it means denying your own will, then HE will reveal to you what true joy and authentic peace is.


To all people in the same heartache mode... there is that promise of deliverance from God. It happened to my friend, it happened to me... it can happen to you... The promise of  deliverance that is complete, perfect, and forever. God bless you all!


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