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letting go the past


letting go the past

getting healing and guidiace to let go the past and learning to move forward

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Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2019

Discussion Forum

Having trouble with forgiveness.

Started by empress. Last reply by Stephen Piersall Jan 12, 2013. 1 Reply

The past belongs to the past ... or is it

Started by Cathy. Last reply by Lydia A Loved Child of God Nov 13, 2011. 8 Replies

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Comment by Dawn M on February 5, 2010 at 4:50am
Sometimes letting go of the past is a hard thing to do. The first thing we all must do is FORGIVE all that have hurt us. I would also like to recommend a book "HEALED WITHOUT SCARS BY DAVID EVANS. This is an excellent book. You can move on. Don't get stuck in the life the LORD has given you by not forgiving or repenting. God loves all of us.
Comment by CAROLINE ESNATH HWASHAYA on November 6, 2009 at 6:52am
it was good to find this group. I hope to let go of the past and look forward to the future.
Comment by Amy on October 24, 2009 at 9:42am
Thank you Sandra for the prayer and kind words. You put a smile in my heart this morning. For the longest time God was my only friend that I could tell my secrets to and lately my past has been catching up to me and again God is carrying me thought it. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes because this is the first time I have talked about this with another person. Thank you :-)
Comment by Amy on October 23, 2009 at 9:06am
Hi everyone. Thanks for having me in the group. I have been privately dealing with issues from my childhood. I have never sought out any kind of help or healing before and the wounds are just as raw today as they were then. I have been trying desperately to let go and God is the only one that has kept me going.
Comment by tshepi on October 2, 2009 at 4:43am
thanks Sandra may the Lord our God richly bless you.
Comment by tshepi on September 29, 2009 at 5:02am
am also struggling to let go of my painful past, i thought i was done with it until recently at a church conference. i could feel the pain rising up within me and it felt like it happened yesterday. i didnt deal with the pain i just ran away from it pretended like it has never happened by so doing i bottled everything within me and now i cant stop crying, its really upsetting me. the thing is i am unable to pray about it without breaking down into tears and i become so emotional about little things.
i really need divine healing.
Comment by Kerwyn on March 10, 2009 at 2:51am
hi guys im kerwyn, it took me over 30 years to let go of my past, iw ent for councelling, and it actually helpd me alot, if there is situation, i always hand it over to the lord, i count 1 to 10, and i take a walk whereby i could cool off a bit, Jesus said forgive those that persecute u, we need to be an example, pray for the people that will always do harm to u! 2day i can boldly say im a child of God, im a king of the lord, its important to pray,a nd ask the lord to remove all ur anger, Jesus paid the price for us on calvary!
Comment by QOROYA JOHNNY on March 4, 2009 at 5:17pm
Wow! I am amazed at the good thots contributed by some great and healthy minds.It tells me that we all hate the old sinful nature,yea that old man that bugs us once in awhile.Yea the past is not bad,it serves as a reminder,you know we learn from history,so we don't have to go back and travel that same road.PAULsays in Phil 3:12-14,one thing I do ,I forget the past and i press on...
YOU know the past will always to show up it's ugly face and try to fling and invite us for ur date but you have to tell her," NO,NO BABY,WE HAVE BEEN DIVORCED, IAM MOVING FORWARD WITH MY NEW LIFE. To be honest it's hard at times,but we have to make strong CHOICES in life.It is a FORGETTING and a RENEWING FORWARD VISIONING JOURNEY.It is what you focus on that will get hold of you.As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.You see Jesus came to change things and that is the message of the Bible,from an old position to a new position,an old perspective to a new one,from old wine skin to a new wine skin.We cannot be staying in EGYPT and expect to get the blessings of Caanan( milk and honey).He died and he rose again with new life and power,you immersed yourself inthat truth by his grace and keep renewing your thinking ,realigning it with the power of the scriptures (PS 1: JOSHUA 1:8; DEUTERONOMY 6:1-9).Yes the past are scars that reminds us of the pains but you don't have to reopen it,it helps to learn and make right and wise choices to move forward,yes it should be a catalyst to propel you forward,the choice is yours,to live in the past and be in bondage or move forward and enjoy the grace and blessings of God in the newness of life.GODBLESS!!
Comment by DEE Lighted on February 22, 2009 at 11:37pm
I had to learn that true healing only comes from God. Sure we make an attempt, but it is not complete. We call it 'FORGIVE and FORGET". It carries us for a while, but it does not carry us high enough to reach our potential in the Lord. We refrain from the evil thoughts. We stop wanting revenge and we stop wondering 'why', but it is not gone. We no longer keep the pain at the forefront of our minds, but we never forget. If it was painful enough, it cannot be forgotten. That deep seated pain has buried itself in the depths of our spirits. Our heart may not feel it anymore. The crying and lamenting may have subsided, and even the mind has focused on other things. But I tell you - unless you go before God and ask for a healing in the spirit, the pain sits there waiting to be stirred again. You know - something happens similar to the old pain which causes you to rehash every single detail that you thought had been forgiven and forgotten. Or perhaps you are operating on past experiences. Reacting 'automatically' to new occurrences out of old experiences. We even hold on to the cliche 'time heals all wounds'. THAT'S A LIE! Time has moved on while the spirit stood still. Trapped in the past. Forgiving, forgetting and time are only band-Aids. Temporary fixes, if you will. Band-Aids are just that - aids. When you cover a wound with a band-aid - you have just that; a wound with a band-aid on it.
Take all of the past pain, disappointments, regrets, sin and sorrow before the Lord and ask Him for a healing - an INSIDE OUT HEALING. Give it to Him... Your heart, your mind, your body, your soul and your spirit. Then... The peace of God which passes all understanding... will fill you like never before!
Throw those band-aids out!

DEE Lighted in HIS WILL
Comment by Childlikefaith on February 2, 2009 at 4:16pm
Kristin, While I can't offer any advice I can offer understanding and sympathy. I have "inherited" anger too. My dad's father is an angry person and consequently so are all of his children and now I have struggled my whole life with it. I pray we can break free from this curse.

Luke 6:37-38, "If you forgive others, you will be forgiven. If you give, you will receive.”

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