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Health and Healing

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Comment by tokey on November 19, 2008 at 5:42pm
Hello to everyone, I will keep my story short. I have several illnesses, believe me there are too many to mention. I have been suffering with them for over 14 years. All I can say is Thank God he as carried me through it all. Without him I really do not know what I would have done. I pray for his strength everyday and somehow he gives it to me, do I really deserve it? He seems to think so. However, I need help with prayer because the beast is really getting me down. The beast meaning the disease and devil. I ask for your prayers. Thank you and may God bless you all.
Comment by mario apalit on November 8, 2008 at 3:55am
I would like to tell a short story about the healing of a sick widow who was told by her doctor to just go home and wait for a miracle. she has a canser and in a terminal stage. she was given one week to live. it was summer of 1988. I was invited by one of Bible study leader to share a topic for that nigth at the residence of the said widow. my two dougther was with me. before the topic begin, testimonies follow after an openning prayer. My two dougther testified from their Moms experienced of a busted vain on the left eye. With red on her eye we went to our sunday church to attend the service. After the reading of the gospel about the bleeding lady, their Moms eye suddenly cleared of redness. After that testimony the sick widow reach the hands of my dougthers and put it on her neck to where the canser locate and whisper to pray for her, so we pray. after that meeting, just a about 50 meters away, the widow bomit a stinky red and cream color liquid. Her doctors was surprised when they meet her a year after for a hello. Praise the Lord.
Comment by mario apalit on November 2, 2008 at 7:33pm
Comment by Dale Fletcher on October 31, 2008 at 11:12am

It certainly is true.. crisis of any nature can draw us closer to the Lord. My prayers are that this is happening to all of us!

Comment by mario apalit on October 26, 2008 at 8:47am
It maybe funny but sometimes its good to have a (financial) crisis in our life, people come to God when there is no one to turn to. where can you go but Lord! People always depend on their money for everything they need, but money cant do miracle thing. (Psalm 33:18,19)
Comment by Dale Fletcher on October 13, 2008 at 3:37pm
Hey Everyone,

During these stressful times, due to the economy and stock market, let's remember to put our total trust in the Lord. Excessive worrying and anxiety will ultimately cause us health problems.

And remember, we are a witness for others who do not know the Lord.

Have an awesome day!
Comment by mario apalit on October 6, 2008 at 5:16am
Shalom Dale and to everyone on this Health and Healing group, Wish I could join the group.
Comment by Ms. Tyras Humphrey on September 22, 2008 at 7:07pm
Well hello everyone i just joined the network a few days ago and i am truly getting some spiritual feedback thats helping me in my christian walk .Well last year i wemt to Dr. Kahn here in buffalo and wanted me to take a sonogram and they found a cysc on my ovaries and tehy schedule me for surgery February 22,2008 to have my ovaries removed.God had already did the ssurgery in one of my Sunday at one of my church services he was preaching about someone here inhere is in alignment to be a birthing postion at that time i felt something on my left side move at that time ididnt know what had happen because i never felt nothign like that before. The sunday before my surgery the pastor and my church familt prayed for me.The day of my surgery two of my sister in christ went me to the hospital and the doctor came and was taking me to the surgery room and he ask me what can i do for you Ms. Humphrey i replied you and jesus can do what you have to do .So when i woke up inthe recovery room they said Tyras the surgery went well and we did not have to remove your ovaries i said what did you do then he said tyras i had to take your intestines apart because they was stuck together and your food was going every which way thats why my stomach was so big.God allowed the doctor to take care of another problem before it became a problem but he had alreadyhealed me before the surgery date.
Comment by MandyJ on August 31, 2008 at 11:59am
Hello everyone. I pray your day is filled to overflowing with hope and love. Please pray for my very sick friend, Tricia. She may have MS and now has a kidney infection too. She is in so much pain. Please pray for her healing.

Also, please pray for both my moms. They both have arthritis and need healing and financial help as well. Thanks so much and God bless all of you! <>/body>
Comment by melanny manuputty on August 2, 2008 at 1:22pm
Hi Dale i believe that Jesus already heal our sickness 200 years ago in the cross , everytime i have some problem in my stomach i confess & pray that iam already heal & iam heal ....
God still make miracle but we must to confess His Living word to our condition & situation
Like Isaiah 53 : 5 But because of our sins he was wounded , beaten because of the evil we did.
We are healed by the punishment he suffered,made whole by the blows he received.
Jesus Bless you

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