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Health and Healing

Explore and talk about the connection between the Christian faith and health & healing. Ask questions. Tell us about the miracles in your life.

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Latest Activity: Jul 24, 2019

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Started by Elizabeth. Last reply by Elizabeth Feb 9, 2012. 2 Replies


Started by amanda. Last reply by janet walker Mar 1, 2011. 1 Reply

HOPEWORKS- Overcoming Bi-polar Disorder

Started by ransomedbyjesus Feb 23, 2011. 0 Replies

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Comment by mario apalit on March 21, 2009 at 7:30pm
Health and healing is the group that has a big space to share our testimonies. Please don't hesitate to write what God has done to you, and share some tips on how to have a healthy body. Let's make our group page a loading station of faith and inspiration. don't need to teach how, just tell what and who heals. remember, not all disciples are teachers or preachers but they are all WITNESSES, and so are WE.
Comment by felixpadua on March 16, 2009 at 12:58am
thank you mario and kweku for your prayers. i am doing better now, with your prayers and with the healing touch of the heavenly Father.
Comment by mario apalit on March 12, 2009 at 7:02am
May this net page be our contact point to reach out for the hands of GOD and together we ask for His mercy to free you of chest pain. and for everyone in our brethren touch and pray for our brother felix. piliin ka nawang maging saksi sa mga himala ng Diyos. (Rev.12:11) Be an overcomer.........Get well my friend
Comment by Kweku on March 12, 2009 at 6:35am
Comment by felixpadua on March 12, 2009 at 5:47am
please help me pray for the chest pains to move away from me. please help me pray i'll be able to locate the effective medicines for my illnesses. thank you so much, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
Comment by Kweku on March 11, 2009 at 6:48am
Comment by mario apalit on March 2, 2009 at 8:31pm
Faith in GOD meanning: NO MORE WORRIES, ( I Peter 5:7) Wait and see the wonderful works of GOD.. Its owesone! Because HE is.!!!..My prayer is for you to see the hands of GOD in every sittuation. HE makes all thing works, Yes!! AMEN.. GOD bless chryle keep the faith burning.
Comment by mario apalit on March 1, 2009 at 5:15am
So many times the Lord showed the power of healing in Thine Name, which me and my family and friends witnessed and experience. Me from a heart attact, my wife from a bloody red eye cause of a busted vain (instantly disappear after hearring the Gospel reading of the bleeding woman, My eldest daugther from a growing hump over her rigth fist, and one of my daugther in law from her rigth ear. All of us experienced and witnessed the power of healing .All I can say is dont loose the faith in GOD..healing is just one of all in the pacage of Faith. there's a lot more to see and experience, Just keep the eyes open to the works of GOD and be cousious and appreciative in all HiS doing in your life..I will share those story one by one soon as I can. GOD bless as all. Lets pray for everyone in this group.
Comment by cheryle on February 28, 2009 at 12:32pm
Hi, my name is Cheryle, really I need alot of prayer. My granddaughter Kealee is 4. She has staph infection pretty bad right now. She got it from her mom when she was being born, see, her mom had a emergency c-section and then got after that. She has been thru sooo much for a little girl! Her mom left her with the family when she was 2, and has chosen a real bad path in life, her mom is my daughter Jessica. She is doing alot of drugs, and the lifestyle that goes with it. I have alot of pain, and so does Kaelee, she doesnt understand why mommy is not with her! Anyway, I have alot of faith in God, and putting my trust in Him. Can someone out there relate? please pray for Kaelees healing, Bless yur hearts
Comment by Ps Rajendra Nhisutu on January 22, 2009 at 10:46am
Praise the Lord! from Mt.Everest, Nepal
I have very pleasure to know and take part to this Health and Healing groups. Please do pray to Nepal and Nepalese and to our Mt.Everest Prayer Tower 24 HOURS services groups which is very recently launched in the beneath of the world highest peak Mt.EVEREST, Nepal. And let Mt.Everest also pray to you and to your every belongs! Just freely anyone can send prayer requests...

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