Group for those who have children and are seeking tips and advice on how to raise them in the admonition of the Lord!
Members: 39
Latest Activity: Nov 19, 2015
Started by Stacey Osana Arquines. Last reply by Amber Jan 6, 2013. 2 Replies 0 Likes
People people people believe in the kids and teach them who Jesus isand tell them not to conform to the norm of society. Tell them they canbe whoever they want to be as long as they obey God and…Continue
Started by Odewande samuel ayodele May 30, 2011. 0 Replies 0 Likes
In every nation of the world the daily pursuit for survial makes it difficult for adults to give total concentration to their kids moral and spiritual development. While some leave it in the hand of…Continue
Started by Odewande samuel ayodele May 24, 2011. 0 Replies 0 Likes
I recently visited a new friend whose child is physically challenged and saw how hard it could be to cope, especially in this part of the world where government does not make provision for their…Continue
Started by Kathy Boone. Last reply by Kathy Boone May 11, 2011. 2 Replies 0 Likes
When I was young, my mother insisted that we go to church every Sunday morning and every Sunday night and also made sure that we attended a youth group once a week, so of course I did and as a result…Continue
The Holy PrizeThe gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 Mothers and fathers who build close relationships with their adult children experience one of the great satisfactions in life. As a son, I (JCD) have many fond memories of special moments with my parents during my adult years, and as a father, I cherish more than ever the times I’m with Danae and Ryan now that they’re grown. Yet there is an even greater reward for parents. Our days on this earth will eventually end—perhaps much sooner than we think. The real goal for moms and dads, then, is to enjoy their children not just in this temporary existence, but also in the eternal life to come. It is the nature of God’s loving design for families that parents and children be separated for a time, then permanently reunited in heaven. When the Lord calls me across the threshold, I know that my father and mother will be waiting with open arms to welcome me. And one day not so long after (if probabilities prove accurate), I will be doing the same for my own kids. What glorious moments those will be! This is the reward that surpasses all others—a joyous family reunion that lasts forever. I pray that you will continually nurture your children’s relationship with Jesus so that your family achieves the “crown of righ-teousness” (2 Timothy 4:8) promised to the faithful. Before you say good night…Do you and your children look forward to eternity together in heaven? Do you agree that achieving eternal life through Jesus is the most important objective for us and our children? Fill our hearts, O Lord, with this wondrous vision…forever with You, forever with each other in the place You have prepared for us. Whatever else this life may hold for us—wealth or honor, trials or suffering—nothing compares with the thought of a family reunion in heaven. May it be so for all of us, we pray. Amen.
Hello Rev JKelly. I'm so sorry to hear about these struggles with your son. There are many online resources that may help addition to lots of prayer. Here are some resources:
two books:
1) The New Strong-Willed Child. (Birth through adolescence) Dr. James Dobson
2) Bringing up boys. Dr James Dobson
I don't know if you can order to the Philippines, but if not at this website, then somewhere else. I hope this helps... Blessings, Carla
We need help. Our son who is only one year and seven months has a violent temper. He will even bite out of anger. He will beat his head against the wall or the floor which is cement. He doesn't need to be spanked because if you speak to him in a firm voice he will start to cry. Anyway spanking is against the law here in the Philippines. I believe that there is more creative ways to discipline a child without spanking. We tell our children it is wrong to hit and then we hit children to teach them it is wrong to hit. I feel this is really messed up.
"You are already clean because of the word(BIBLE) which i have spoken to you. john 15:3
my brothers and sisters you are already clean when you hear bible, what a simple way to cleane, this only need for us to take paradise by Him, so if any one of you did't get salvation, READ BIBLE EVERY DAY AND GO SPRITUAL CHURCH TO HEAR LORD'S WORDS and get clean, we will be in paradise one day and will meet each other VERY sure., because that is the promise for Us from lord. we praise our loving lord for precious sanctification without money or something. golry to our loving lord, amen
your younger brother
rosary plasius
Hello everyone, My name is Travis and I am new to the group. I have two children a 3 year old and a 9 month old. They are so much fun and I think that this group will be able to help answer some questions I might have on raising children into the Lord. Thank you for being here
God bless,
Travis Lee
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