All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I got the idea for this discussion from brother Winston's discussion name 'THE HOLY BIBLE"

We are all "theologians" in some sense! Even those of u that just read this groups posts and Forum discussions, but dont post urself! So i just thought it would be interesting to hear some of the differing ways we all interact with theology and the subjects it offers. I have tried to give some starter question, but i want to hear from ur personal experience and practice. I think it is good for us to see the similarities and differences, not only in our views, but even how we come to conclusions about our differing, or similar, views. I think it will also be interesting for the silent readers to know how we vocal and opinionated folks (hehe!) study theology.

Anyway, jump on in. No wrong or right answers on this one!!! ! Just asking for ur practices and experience here, so really, all answers receive an A+!!! And dont forget to comment and interact with other peoples experinces and practices!

What are u currently studying, or are u busy in other activities in this season of life? How do you decide what subjects to study? Haphazard, do u have a strict schedule, do topics just come up as u face life and the bible, etc.? Whats ur motivation? Just curious, feel responsible as a teacher in the body, etc.? What method do you employ in studying? Do consult lexicons alot, have friends u discuss with, search commentaries, etc.? What are your favorite subjects, and why? What about ur least favorite, and why? What topic do u feel weak in? Which are ur strong points?

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What are u currently studying, or are u busy in other activities in this season of life?
Don't know if it constitutes studying, but currently reading a book by Elbert Willis, 'conquest of the mind'
How do you decide what subjects to study?
Spirit leading/life challenges..pick up a book..if it bores me to death, then not a topic for now..if it has me enthrawled..I hardly put it down.
Haphazard, do u have a strict schedule, do topics just come up as u face life and the bible, etc.?
Topics come up through life that require answers and things 'pop up' in my curious mind through reading also that require extra study. I read/study as often as I can pick up the book. Daily.All of my books are scripturally based so require much to and fro in the word.
Whats ur motivation?
Desperate thrist and hunger for the closeness and knowing of my Father.
Just curious, feel responsible as a teacher in the body, etc.?
Sometimes, if someone is going through something I have just had a break through on.
What method do you employ in studying?
Read, digest, research or look up in bible, talk about it, write about it, and all of the afformentioned until I am satisfied I have learned what I need.
Do consult lexicons alot, have friends u discuss with, search commentaries, etc.?
lexicon??? don't know what that is...I talk with freinds and discuss and search on the subjects, often purchasing multiple books on the subject and reading as spirit leads.
What are your favorite subjects, and why?
Anything on relationship with Father and on getting my head on straight.
Because I love Father and it's allll about him! And getting my head on straight helps me to deal with life and eliminate the devils stratigies..who primarily works in the mind to tear us down.
What about ur least favorite, and why?

..anything that ends up in an argument of religious right and wrong.. I hate anything not motivated and done in absolute love and with the motivation for comming together. I hate a deviding attitude.
What topic do u feel weak in?
spiritual warefare
Which are ur strong points?

..I have no idea lol.
Sis Maggie-

I am glad there is a process to your madness hahaha

I'm working on spiritual discipline with Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Here and Now and Lifesigns by Henri Nouwen, for starters.  If we're supposed to come to the Lord's Table in the right frame of mind, I think we need to do the same before we begin to pray.

Before i got saved, i loved reading novels of all kinds. i could read a book a nite. When i got saved, i started reading the bible as a novel and grew alot day by day. Then i was eager to grow some more, i went to the guy who led me to Christ and asked him how to grow, his answer, read, read as many books on God as you can, whatever you can get your hands on, just read. That was very easy for me, i turned my love for novels to reading books on God and i have never stopped. Usually i read boooks on subjects that are of interest to me at the time. I like to read books that help me in various points in my walk with Christ. Like right now i am trying to uinderstand some dreams i have been having, so first i pray for God's revelation on the dreams. then i read the bible on the subject and then i look for all material i can get on the subject and read that. Also in this quest i have been led to the subject of worship so i am getting the "The Unquenchable Worshipper: Coming Back to the Heart of Worship"
There are times i dont have much going on in my life and i will just get on the internet and search for books on various subjects. If i like the sypnosis and the reviews, then i read that.

Reading the following now;

Banned Questions about the Bible by Christian Piatt

Forgotten Truth by Huston Smith

Grace Walk by Steve McVey

So, as far as "topics" well these three books cover alot.


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