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Fruit of The Spirit


Fruit of The Spirit

How does your garden grow. How do we keep fertile our souls for the seeds that are planted to take root and produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives? Are we distributing the fruit rightfully to others?

Members: 101
Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2019

Are these all? If not, where can we find evidence of others.

love (agape);
joy (chara);
peace (eirene);
patience (makrothumia);
kindness (chrestotes);
goodness (agathosune);
faithfulness (pistis);
gentleness (prautes);
self-control (enkrateia).

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Comment by mary jamieson on July 4, 2008 at 3:41pm
to love as the Lord Jesus would have you love, some are really in deep waters and are not ready for prayer others are and some you can water evryday, to see the heart and not the oinon skins, but to know they ar there so you dont get conned or hurt to be able to take no notice when a oinion skin talks, and bless
Comment by Aunt Atchie on May 28, 2008 at 8:06pm
Hey Jack, In responce to your Question above - How do we keep fertile our souls... -I think we really need to embrace Jesus, The Word, and other belivers. These three things work like 10-10-10 for me. Thanks for the invite, great site! Blessings!
Comment by zenith makwan on May 12, 2008 at 3:48am
hi jack,
thanks for the invite. this is really very nice site. thanks once again.
god bless
Comment by Kerwyn on May 7, 2008 at 5:05am
hi jack, thanks for the invite, the only thing i struggle with is patience and selfcontrol, pls keep me in ur prayers about these two issues in my life. God bless
Comment by Nienie on May 7, 2008 at 12:46am
Thanks for the invite my friend.
This reminds me off a lesson I had a few years ago in sundayschool.
So how about a lesson taught to the kids:
GRapes - take each grape and toss it in the salad, one by one not the whole bunch, just the way you have to give love , a bit everyday (love)
Litchi - the joy you felt after you peel it and taste the sweet taste (joy)
Grenadilla - although the leaves and twigs is weaved through a fence where it normally grows they carried their fruit (peacefully)
Pineapple - You need patience to get the skin of the pineapple for the little thorns can hurt your fingers (patience)
Plum - Let them taste the plum, it is sour and we must not be like that but we must be kind (kindness)
Peach - this fruit is soft and full of goodness (goodness)
Apple - fruit that grows all year - (faithfull)
Mango - after you peel it is is soft -(gentleness)
Banana - ever see a monkey eat a banana? puts his mouth full of that banana we must not be like a monkey we must have (self control).
Then I let them have of the fruit salad so they can taste the sweet tastes of all the fruit.
We are the tree and we must carry all these fruits!
Be sweet fruit to everyone!
Enjoy the salad!!

Blessings to all
Comment by Pastor Bob B on May 6, 2008 at 7:50am

I notice right off that the word for faith and faithfulness are the same in the greek.
So what does that tell us about faith in our lives? I believe it has to do with works resulting from faith.
So we could say those who have the fruit of faithfulness are those who have faith in Christ which is the sorce of all the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Comment by Yuri on May 2, 2008 at 3:03am
Loving gardens as I do, seeding a flowery garden with Jesus is a fantastic idea. I just love picturing it !!!! Thanks for inviting me to join the group.
Comment by Samuel Francis on May 1, 2008 at 8:18pm
Bro Jack,
Thanks for the note on the Fruit of the spirit. The changed Identity of ours on the cross makes us righteous and I have everything that christ has. I have died with him and he lives in me. The just shall live by faith. Thanks once again for reminding me that I have all the characters in me of the spirit. Loves Samuel Francis.

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