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Does an unusually percieved threat define anxiety? Is anxiety a psychiatric disorder or a physiological disease? Let's look at the following definition gathered from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, but then please keep reading!


Anxiety- 1 a : painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill b : fearful concern or interest c : a cause of anxiety 2 : an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with it (2010)


Now, while I generally admire this esteemed site for its good information, I have to say that this particular definition does a grave disservice to the persons who suffer from this tragic disease. Anxiety is not a psychiatric illness, and I repeat not. I have read many upon many articles on this subject and have found contradictories among different sources that attempt to define anxiety. The contradition is that some make the illness into a mental disorder while others define it as a physical response mechanism. So, which is it? I cannot refer back to all the articles I once read, because I did not save them, but I did look the word up just minutes ago in what is viewed above, the Merriam-Webster, and I performed a general search of the term with regard to it's physiological definition. The following is what I found concerning its physiological basis:


What is Anxiety:


All organisms have been given a fight or flight response mechanism that protects and preserves them. It is an adaptive function placed in us for the sole purpose of self-preservation. Anxiety, in a sense is an ally. When we experience a danger or a threat, the fight or flight response kicks in, adrenaline and other chemicals are activated and physical symptoms occur, rapid heart rate, palpitations, increase in blood pressure, etc. For most people these debilitating symptoms taper off and the body is restored back to it’s normal state. However, for some individuals, the adrenaline is not metabolized as easily and it may linger in the body longer. Hence, we need to look at anxiety as a physiological condition that needs behavioral adjusting, as opposed to a psychiatric illness.


What happens to the body during a panic attack?
When the brain perceives a threat or danger, messages are sent to a section of your nerves called the autonomic nervous system (ANS) [definition of ANS--"the 
part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands." (Miller, 2009)] which then activates the adrenal glands in the kidneys to secrete chemicals, such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, which key up the body for fight or flight. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two sub-sections called the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is the actual system that releases energy and prepares the body for action. The body then typically restores itself back to normal after a period of time by the parasympathetic nervous system, which acts as a kind of stabilizer.


For people who are prone to anxiety and panic attacks, their parasympathetic nervous system, or their ability to restore their body back to normal after experiencing a stressor, does not seem to function properly. Hence, people who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks have a faulty parasympathetic nervous system, which for some unknown reason mal-functions in its ability to restore the body back to a normal state. The sufferer then remains keyed up simply because there are high levels of free-floating adrenaline in the body that have not burned off yet. For some it lasts for hours, for others it can last for days.


What is the purpose of anxiety?
As mentioned earlier, anxiety is an adaptive function that has evolved through time [i disagree with the statement about evolution, of course]. The symptoms that anxiety or panic attacks produce have remarkably important purposes in protecting the organism from danger. We must look at the function of anxiety as a primal defense that goes as far back as the caveman.


The cardiovascular activation by the sympathetic nervous system produces an increase in heart rate and strength of the heartbeat. This is crucial in preparation for fight or flight because it pumps blood more rapidly to the needed areas of the body. The vital areas blood is immediately sent to are, the thighs, biceps and other muscles, which assist in preparing for action. Blood is taken away from areas like the fingers and toes because if the organism is gravely injured, it is less likely to bleed to death. This is the reason why individuals experiencing a panic attack often report having cold, clammy hands and tingling sensations in their feet and toes.


The respiratory effect produced by the sympathetic nervous system also has a pertinent function. The deep, accelerated breathing helps in the preparation for fight or flight by getting the tissues of the human body more needed oxygen. The side effects of this action are of course, choking sensations, smothering, tightness in the chest and most importantly, because the blood to the head is decreased by heavy breathing, feelings of dizziness or lightheadedness. It can also cause what was described earlier as a sense of derealization –a feeling of unreality and confusion.


The fight or flight response mechanism also produces a much needed increase in sweating so that the body does not over heat while in action. Another adaptive function an increase in sweat provides is that it helps make the skin more slippery and harder to grab if caught by a predator.


The mental system is also effected by the activation of the fight or flight response mechanism. The chief function is of course to reliably alert the organism to a threat or danger in the area. The mind immediately shifts attention and focuses on its immediate surroundings for danger. Because of this effect, individuals experiencing a panic attack often relate that during an attack, they have difficulty with their memory, they have trouble concentrating and are distracted from chores and responsibilities. Subsequently, what typically happens to individuals suffering from recurring attacks is that when they can’t find identifiable stressors to rationalize their anxiety, they begin to turn it inward –the brain invents the explanation that they must be going crazy. (Anxiety & Panic Disorder Center, 2007)


Please, let me reassure all those out there reading this message and who suffer from anxiety....YOU ARE NOT CRAZY...and don't let anyone convince you otherwise, because many will try--even including the Merriam-Webster Dictionary! Anxiety "disorders" are a physiological condition dealing with the nervous and the endocrine (hormonal) systems. Anxiety is not under our psychological control. Although, that's not to say we shouldn't do all we can to defeat our fears, because we should..especially those who suffer with abnormal physical reactions to those stressors, such as anxiety prone subjects. However, fear, its self, is an ordinary attribute of all human beings, it's the uncontrolable exaggerated physical response to a fear that characterizes an anxious condition.


Lord Bless!




anxiety. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved February 9, 2010, from


Anxiety & Panic Disorder Center of Los Angeles. (2007). What is Anxiety? Retrieved February 9, 2010, from


Miller, George A. (2009). Autonomic nervous system. Retrieved from WordNet, by Princeton University, at

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Replies to This Discussion

That was some very good information Ginny,. I am glad that you took the time to gather it and post it here. I have an example that goes right along with what you said about not being crazy. At least they haven't proven me crazy yet. LOL\
Let me say that I do suffer from anxiety, and I hate it. For me it started sometime in 2000 shortly after I was diagnosed with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. It is a very rare neurological disorder that will eventually have me in a wheel chair. It does this by causing my muscles to be spastic, causing a lot of aches, stiff legs and muscle astrophy.
I said that to be able to back up the point of not being crazy. Before the diagnosis, I really didn't have any problems with anxiety. But it started to bother me, getting a little worse as time passed. Now, ten year later, both the disease and the anxiety have progressed in unison. I know that the "HSP" s going to get worse, it is a progressive disease with no cure. But that doesn't worry me half as bad as knowing what I will be dealing with concerning the anxiety.
Hi Rodney,

Yes, anxiety, itself, is an object for concern. I really believe that what happens to individuals is that once they discover they have an anxiety disorder, the anxiety becomes their newfound fear factor. Fear triggers anxiety and anxiety creates added fear. Uncontrollable anxiety causes fear because the afflicted individual recognizes the unpleasantness of the condition and dreads ever experiencing it again. Thus, one finds their self in a real predicament.

I feel your distress (or your anxiety, hehe), Rodney. I suffer with anxiety, too. But mine comes from a condition known as Lyme Disease. It is my belief that many who suffer from anxiety disorder comprise underlying physiological conditions usually unbeknown to them. It's sad that many are led by their physicians to believe anxiety represents nothing other than the patients' psychotic tendency to be unusually fearful. The patient goes about thinking he/she should be able to control their schizophrenic allusion of scary events and that in so doing the anxiety should disappear. However, it doesn't work that way.

I thank you for your testimony, and I will keep you in my prayers. There is one other thing, you stated, “I know that the "HSP" s going to get worse, it is a progressive disease with no cure.”

I’d like to remind you, brother, that God can do all things and He is a personal God. He knows your name. He is not a fairy tale character in a children storybook. We do ourselves much good to keep the faith. Without faith, we are completely defeated. So please find within yourself to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. God tells us--whatever is good, think on those things. Love U Rodney! I stand with you in agreement for the Will of God to manifest in your life, and just to remind you…Healing is what God is all about ;)

Lord Bless,
Thanks Glenda,
It is great to know that there are others out there that understand how frustrating this condition can be. And I completely agree with you as you stated that once someone realizes that they do suffer from this, a major fear comes from anticipation of the next occurrence. And I will be honest with you. I wake up every day waiting for that dreaded foot to fall. Today was a great example. I went to work with my brother today knowing that I had to put new brakes on the van because we have a six hour round trip drive tomorrow . Plus I had to take care of another errand before the place closed. And to make it worse, its snowing and its supposed to be in the low twenties tomorrow so we have to worry about icy conditions. I think that a person that does not have to deal with this condition would think that what I have mentioned would seem trivial at best. But for me, if I had to only deal with them one at a time with no pressure, I would be fine. But add the pressure and the anxiety hits me like a ton of bricks. I hope that me writing that helps those that don't understand, that they might understand a little better. So I have been praying for healing in that area. It stresses me out more than the possible future with HSP.
And you are right, God can do anything, even heal me concerning the HSP if he chooses. But I am okay with it if he chooses not to. I have been reading "Living a Purpose Driven Life" and it has helped me to accept that God does everything for a reason. And it may be that God wants to use me and the HSP for His good. And if that is the case, I will gladly accept it.
Thanks for listening
God Bless
Hi Rodney, My time is currently limited..but I wanted to at least let you know that I recognize your message and that I plan to respond. thx for your patience.


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