Recently my wife and I found out we were pregnant. This was a miracle and an answer to many prayers. Even more, we found out it is a boy. Yet
again, the Lord had answered prayers and ever so lovingly our
desires. As being able to become pregnant was somewhat of a question, everything
from the point of conception became a miracle. A gift from God.
Amniotic band syndrome is a rare condition caused by strands of the amniotic sac that separate and entangle digits, limbs, or other parts of the fetus. This
constriction can cause a variety of problems depending on where strands are
located and how tightly they are wrapped.
This can result in amputations of the fingers or toes, or syndactyly of the fingers or toes. Syndactyly is a condition where the fingers or toes become fused
together, or webbed, which can be treated surgically after birth. Amniotic bands
attached to the face or neck can sometimes cause deformities such as cleft lip
and palate
When we were at the ultrasound we found out we were going to have a boy. Shortly after the ultrasound was finished we were informed of a
potentially hazardous situation for Gabriel (our baby). It is called
amniotic band syndrome. As you can see from the pictures above and the
definition this could be very serious for our child. Immediately after our
appointment we had to go to a specialist for a better look at what was going on
and how bad the situation was. Praise Jesus for the miracles and answered
So, we arrive at the doctors office and wait... and pray.
Soon we are in the ultrasound room looking at this tiny fragile baby on the screen again. As the technician moves around for different views of the baby I was so
confident everything was going to be fine. Even as I think about it now I am
amazed at how calm I was. There are times that we can feel the Lord's
presence so strongly and for me this was one of those moments. I truly felt
him giving me strength I could never have had on my own.
Then the doctor began to speak with us about the baby and the amniotic band and all I can say is "PRAISE GOD!!" You see, in example A (the picture above) is depicted the danger that this syndrome can pose to the baby.
BUT the reality was that we were looking at example
B. The difference is (paraphrasing the doctor) that a band typically hangs loose
and can become entangled with parts of the baby's body causing any number of
defects (as are listed in red above). Basically he explained this
band was more like a bubble. Further explaining that it really isn't a
danger to the baby because it was attached on both sides.
Now, after he stated that it was holding at both ends I immediately thought of Col 1:17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Truly, this was a Goliath defeated by God. I cannot
put into words what a faith builder this ordeal has been for me. That even
though we fail Him so often, He always takes care of His children. As
this child was thrown into this lion's den, the Lord God All Mighty, the Creator
of the universe... The great I AM would be mindful of us and hold their mouth
I thank God for every miracle that this baby has been. For granting us this child even down to our desire of a boy. For answering the many prayers for this baby's
health. I thank God for the very personal message of his love through this
condition that He (through His will alone) rendered powerless! What
an amazing God we serve!!
Thank you for reading this testimony and my prayer is that it will bless you as much as it has blessed my wife and I. Praise be to our King and Savior, Jesus
Philipp 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Matthew 21:22 "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."
1 Samuel 17:37 37 And David said, "The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." And Saul said to David, "Go, and may the LORD
be with you."
Daniel 6:26 "I make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men are to fear and tremble before the God of Daniel; For He is the living God and enduring forever, And His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed, And His
dominion will be forever. 27 "He delivers and rescues and performs signs and
wonders In heaven and on earth, Who has also delivered Daniel from the power of
the lions."
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