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Dealing With Depression As A Christian


Dealing With Depression As A Christian

Christian who have or currently deal with issues of depression or have friends and family members dealing with depression. A place were we can talk and express our feelings. A place to lean on each other for support and guidance.

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Latest Activity: Sep 11, 2019

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and I thought the depression was bad.....

Started by autumn stacey fontenot. Last reply by Gayla Jul 13, 2013. 2 Replies


Started by janet davie. Last reply by Brenda Asiedu Jan 28, 2012. 4 Replies

Do you need encouragement or support?

Started by Debbie. Last reply by Brenda Asiedu Jan 26, 2012. 10 Replies

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Comment by Mandy on May 14, 2008 at 8:35am
Dear Candice; I am sorry to hear of your time of illness. What helps me when i have my periods of anxiety and depression. Is to spend time with just the Lord. It can be difficult to do if you have children. But I recently had some strife going on at work that created me to feel really down and it seems like I always carry these feelings of guilt with me. Last Saturday, my kids went to a party for end of season Soccer. I spent some time talking it over with the Lord; praying and worshiping him. I got an overwhelming sense of reasurrance and Love from the Lord, that things would be good. The more time I can spend with the Lord in prayer, the better I feel his presence in my life. I think some of us may spend to much time trying to find all the answers in the Bible; or at least I did. But without spending time with the Lord as well; the Bible can only give us so much. To me I think of it this way: Say you have a best friend who has a bibliography about his life. Your friend is over and sitting on the couch. You go over and sit down next to your friend; but you never speak to him; instead you pick up the book and read about him; instead of spending some quality time with him. It is really tough to find the time in our fast paced world that we live in. But it always gives me a different perspective.
So I will be praying for all of us here in this group; for we have our moments of debilitating sickness that can strike for no reason. It is so frustrating. Things seem to be going along so well and then next minute; we feel depressed or anxious and we don't even know why or where it came from. When this occurs with me it seems to have a snowball effect. I get frustrated over it and that makes it worse. Everyone is different in their illness, and reacts and deals differently.
Maybe we can offer some advise to each other on how to get well faster. What remedies do you have that help?
Sometime when I write in my journal it helps. Or if I have a trusted friend. Another thing is the blessings I have of all of you. When I think about all my friend here in this group; it brightens me up as well. God bless all of us here. In Christian Love,
Comment by rix on May 10, 2008 at 12:58am
What is the possibility of some sort of hotline so that when we are in crisis we can connect with someone human at any time? I have felt that this is a ministry I am supposed to be involved in. Maybe I was just psychotic at the time. If you call secular crisis centers you might be locked up in a mental ward as I have had happen to me in the past. No help there and even one female psychiatrist told me I needed to go have sex. I am glad that this group exists and will make myself available to listen and comfort those who need to get it out now. Any ideas?
Comment by Mandy on May 8, 2008 at 8:43pm
Dear Blankkkk; no one here at this site will ever tell you that you are making excuses! You are a women of faith and that is what led you here. I am sorry that I havn't been here sooner. I usually come to the group once a day. I am currently working on the Bibl Study group: Foundation for Christian freedom. Your friend in Jesus Christ.
Comment by Moomins on May 4, 2008 at 6:47am
Lilycoy, Jesus already has His arms around you honey.
Not so long ago I felt like you did, I wondered where He was, I wanted Him to reach down and hug me too. What I didnt realize is, gentle Jesus already had me....
Comment by lilycoy on May 2, 2008 at 11:49am
Sometimes as a Christian I'm in denial of depression, thinking of it as a weakness or thinking that my faith is not strong enough. That's why I've joined this group. I'm sure there must be others out there that feel like I do. Thank you to my brother who introduced me to this site and to this group in particular. He's the only one (besides God) that knows what I've been going through. I always have to be strong for my children and for everyone else. I'm NOT strong anymore and I'm no longer in control of my life. I guess I never was...God must have a better plan for me, some doors waiting to open. I wish sometimes that Jesus could just reach down and give me a big hug.
Comment by Paige Robertson on April 30, 2008 at 8:34pm
Thank you all ladies for sharing. It is such a relief to know that Im not the only one on the planet that suffers, You tend to think you are the only one from time to time,dont we? My friend Candice below is very special to me. You all will love her. She has been through alot and so have I. We have been through alot together and we have grown in our faith and trust ion the Lord together.I have been through soo much crap,some self inflicted, and some was from other people. But through it all God was there. he looked upon me with love no matter what. I praise Him for His wonderous ways and all his miracle works. I have to learn to trust him more, but I know what He has done in my life and He has been faithful to move me from glory to glory.
Thank you Candice for joining us. I love you soo much and I will never forget all you have done for me as I have walked with HIm. Thank you sister!!!
Comment by Mandy on April 29, 2008 at 6:19pm
Dear Carla; Your situation is really sad; when I read how unsupportive your family is about your mental health, I wondered, are they Christians? This is an awful place for you to be in; because you have to rely on them to get you around and help you. Unless you have someone else who can get you around. I hope you have others who do help. My mother is the same way about depression or other mental illness. She sees it as that person being "weak". It is really sad, because she doesn't even recognize her own illness.
For you it is no wonder you are depressed. You are trying to manage a serious health issue, dealing with a handicap and having a family that is not supportive. I bet part of the reason why your family is not supportive of your depression is because it is an "inconvience" to them. They don't know how to handle it or understand it so they hate it. Instead of being able to lift you up, they let you down. Bless you for you endure so much. I am so glad that you do have the Lord in your heart, for he loves you unconditionally and cares for your troubles and problems. I do pray that your Blood pressure will be easily controlled and you will not have to face dialysis. Most people I take care of with chronic illnesses have depression and for good reason, they are dealing with so much burden that comes with their health problems. Between: financial, to work and other responsibilities it is hard to get through each day normally. I pray for you my dear and lift you to the Lord who loves you above all. May the Lord sustain you and carry through the tough times. May he ease your suffering and pain. May he soften the hearts of your family. May he bring you a dear a close friend near to be a helper. In Jesus name; Amen.
Comment by Carla Starks on April 28, 2008 at 10:43am
Dear Jen: Thank you for starting this group. Even though we have different situtations of dealing with depression, at least we can just talk about it to all and just be there to listen, that is just what people need.
Ok, let me get started about me. I was born with Cerebral Palsy and right after high school, I started to lose my balance. So, I used a cane to help a little, but it did for a while, until again, I got unstable. Then I used a walker for a period of time, but my foot kept dragging and I kept falling. So, I ended up in a wheelchair in 1990. I thought "humm...This is ok, at least I steal can get around." Ten years later I will never forget. It was right before Thanksgiving, I had to have a kidney biospy. The reason was, I kept having UTI (Urineary Tract Infections) The doctor would give me medicine to clear it up and then it would clear, but came back again, but this time with a lot of protein. So, after I had the biospy, The doctor said to come back after Christmas and I will let you know what the biospy was. Well on January 12, 2002 I found out I had a kidney disease. Oh, my goodness! All I can say, "What is the treatment for this?" The doctor said, from my stand point,it is mild. I just have to manage my blood pressure. But with this type of Kidney disease, It can progress rapidily, but thank goodness, so far in your case it is very slow. What I mean by rapidly, it means dialysis and kidney failure to insited of having to replace a kidney. So, I just have to manage my blood pressure. I said "Ok, I can deal with this." Gee was I wrong! I developed alot of protein in my system, that caused my feet to swell, so I have to use a lot of durectics, to try to keep the fluid off my feet and that has been hard. The pain has been so bad. But throught it all, I know I have God on my side. About 2 years ago, I was severly depressed and just though that I can't live this. I went in the hospital and got some help coping and some more medication. It has been 2 years since I have been in the hospital next month. It seems like I am getting to that point, but I know God is helping me in any way possible. My Mom can't stand me talking about pain and depression, so I just keep it in. She is mad because I have Cerebral Palsy on top of a kidney disease. I just wish I had some one to love me for who I am. It is not my fault for all of this, but my family has put the blame on me. So, here I am trying to support myself mentally. It has been one of the hardest things I have to do, but I have to do it in order to survive. I just need to learn to love myself and to remeber God is in control of my life. That is sure hard for me to believe for what I have been going through. I know there is a reason.
Comment by Mandy on April 26, 2008 at 9:34pm
Dear Jen; Bless you for what suffering you had to endure. Allot of the things that happened to me, occured in the past. When I was finally married to a wonderful loving man and had graduated from college and had a career, plus blessed with two daughters; I was struck with my depression. And I just didn't get it, why now! Weird, no sense. But one thing that I have realized is that when we are going through those horrible times; Our minds are in a different mode, survival mode, with all the endorphins pumping to keep us alive. It is when we finally think tht we can sit back and have a happy life; that: bam. It hits us. We relax, but the damage had already taken the tole on the mind. And the triggering event had occured. After I went through counseling and worked through allot of the issues. It took some time also before I really started the healing process and I am still working it out. But I do know that the doctors have finally found the right medications for me. Once I went off my meds: thinking this is crazy, I surely don't need to be taking these pills. But guess what; after 2 months i was having anxiety episodes again. I finally went back on the meds and my anxiety is gone.
You are very brave and couragous for what you have been through. I know the Lord has made you stronger in so many ways for what you endured. And I know how much the Lord has blessed us, for he has given us to each other here. I pray that each day is another step towards healing for you. You where dealt some terrible blows that would bring down many people and yet you stayed so strong for your children. God was with you. I believe that he will heal you. I also believe that things happened to us for a reason. This may not sound that great; but I would have never married my husband, had I not endured the suffering I did. Not that we didn't fall in love; we did, it just will take some explaining to do. But right now I just want to think about what you had to go through. And I think you are awseome, you came out with the Lord. Despite all. And I believe that if you have been to hell and back and have come out of it with the Love and faith of the Lord, that you are truly his child and a gift to others. May the Holy Spirit continue to work in our hearts and guide us. Love Tammy
Comment by Moomins on April 26, 2008 at 12:49pm
Jen and Paige, I am so glad you guys have shared your stories and are willing to accept help and to give help to others. I hope more women will share thier experiences in this group and find comfort and healing from one another.
Love to you all girls

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