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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

 Hi! I'm new here and I wanted to begin by sharing an encouraging story. I was diagnosed wit bi-polar disorder 5 years ago. I've had it all my life,but a severe manic episode  got me hospitalized and brought me to the diagnosis. Ihad an implant in my chest and I tried to cut it out one night. Praise the Lord, He was protecting me so I did not do any severe damage. and this  event changed my life forever.After I was diagnosed ,my husband and I looked for a support group but we found nonne.  So we decided to start our own group .Shortly thereafter, we chartered with the DBSA (Depessionand Bi-polar Support Alliance.). At our first meeting we had 25 people and over 100 suicide attempts. People were hurting and even cried that night. We met every 2 weeks iwhen we started ,but eventually met every week. People have shared their pain and some shared their triumps. It was a safe place to talk about how mental illnes has affectected our lives. We became a family. We had different speakers that were somehow affected by or involved in the reform and education omental illness. Eventually we became a non-profit agency and got involved in metal health advocacy and suicide awareness training (Q.P.R.) We've been meeting now for 4 years.  Today we are involved statewide in mental health advocacy and reform. My husband writes a mental health blog on our website , Hopeworks Community..The address is There you will find more details of how God has been with me through this journey in the artcle The Elephant in the Room.  By the grace of God I am doing well today. I haven't had a manic episode or prolonged depression in a very long time. Praise the Lord.

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 ransomedbyjesus & for this Group,

This is a very encouraging story. You have proved that some people do overcome severe bi-polar depression & other depressions. Sometimes we have to tell our story to someone that understands.


In Job's situation his friends & wife were blaming him, not listening, not empathizing & not loving him. Even if your friends & family don't understand you God is still listening with wisdom. If you still love Him, he brings you out to the other side, either now or in the next life. Some depressions are chemical imbalances, some chemical imbalances caused by negative or God-less thinking, past traumas & sins that enslave us. Sometimes we are not realizing that we are the children of God. The causes are many. There are many solutions. Jesus said knock & the door will be opened for you. The New Testament says to confess your sins (weaknesses, addictions, failures, rebellion against God, etc.) & the more you do it the better, that's why support groups can reduce stress in your life. Thank people & God for all the good in your life-constantly, praise God even when you think He's punishing you & know that one day the sun will shine.


Life is a rhythmic movement of dark & light, tears & laughter, abandonment & security.


"What goes down, must go up!!"


"All bad things come to an end."


As Christians we must support, love & strengthen other Christians as well as the people of the world, who also help to heal us. God's mysterious mercies, are everywhere--even the unbelievers are helping us! Just as when the Egyptians gave their treasures to the Jews fleeing Egypt, there are many free groups that could enrich us. Support, coaching, education, drama, & 12 Step groups are ministering to the needs of others regardless of spiritual or religious affiliation. Church groups often puts us side-by-side with sinful pleasure-seekers, agnostics, unbelievers & also young & mature Christians.


Being ourselves with all our weakness, disabilities & abilities we find the help we need & help others who need our help. This is the dance of life.


We also will be in Heaven.

How many will we personally invite to go with us?


Life is very challenging & very rewarding. When we plow through the hardness, dig out the rocks and roots, fertilize the ground in our hearts, plant the clean, dry, healthy seeds, pray for just enough rain we will see the harvest that Jesus promised us. Find a loving support family or several.


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