From The Net moderator of this group: I wanted to let you all know that not only do I know of this disease from a clinical standpoint; but also from a personnal one as well. There is history of mental illness in my family. My mother has what is termed Paranoind shizaphrenia disorder. This is similar to shizaphrenia; however the person does not suffer from Grand Illusions or halucinations. She exhibts paranoia in all people; including her family members, co-workers and anyone. It is a very sad and lonley disease. She says hurtful things to her own family and children because of her deep fears. Her doors of her house are bolted up with about 7 locks plus boards. It nearly takes her 30 min. to leave the house and lock up. If something goes wrong; she questions other intentions and motives. Which of course pushes that person away.
Growing up in such an environment was extremly dysfunctional. All of my siblings, including myself suffer from depression. When I first was diagnosed with depression. I didn't even recognize it in myself. It was my friends and co-workers who recognized it. My work was suffering, I lacked ability to concentrate. I was easily frustrated by mundane obstacles in my work day. The only thing I really noticed was my lack of sleep; which I chalked that up to the stress of work and dealing with the burdens of my relationship with mother.
After seeking medical care I found out that I had depression. It took a couple of years to get the right combonation of anti-depressants to treat me.
After a while I decided I didn't need this medication and just stop taking it. Well in a matter of 3 - 4 weeks I was again exhibiting the same symptoms. My close friend Julie said: you need to go back on your anti-depressants. And I realized she was right. This was something I had that was not going to go away.
Today I love the Lord more than anything. He is number one in my life. I read the Bible and try to meditate on his word daily. I listen to my favorite Christian music. Having Jesus Christ consume my heart has brought me great peace. But yes I still have my disease.
I would like for each of us to tell our stories to each other regarding when we first was diagnosed, the triggering point. And the path of depression we took. Let us work as Christians to lift each other up. And to continue to work throough our illness while we praise our Great Lord and Saviour. Some of the best things that helped me was being able to pour out my feelings and my story to a therapist. Before I had done this I lived in feelings of guilt and remorse and believed I was this terrible person. Depression and mental health issues can really bring us down and make us feel lowly. But despite my continued depression, my Lord hears my anguish and pains, he knows my fears. But his love for me is exuberant, unconditional and complete. I have truned myself over to him.
Let us begin here to help each other understand that we do not carry demons in us, but merely a disease that hurts our pshycie. I love you all and look forward to coming together to help each other and grow in Christ. Your friend in Jesus, Tammy