Nancy I have found happiness eluesive (and spelling even worse). At times it seems like that someone else always experience's it, & I don't. I have and I do, though I don't always recognise it until it has passed.
When you said in one of your other comments about your pray rock, I have similar places where I don't always pray but contemplate, even now as I have turned around my chair so I can watch the birds feed in the garden and the sun break through the frosty morning, I will drift off into my thoughts and contemplate on my difficulties and woes, I will feel sorry for myself and then think about resolving issues and then the thoughts will leave and I can drift into peace. I will have a drink of coffee and just stare at the garden and gently drift into happiness and gratitude,t though I wont really notice it until I say to my self I am quite happy doing this. Its taken me many years to recognise I have happiness happening to me all the time, every day, and the smallest amount of appreciation when recognised turns into a massive amount of happiness, its sometime recognising this. Victor Frankle said that even when people where sufferring in the concentration camps they would stop and appreciate the rising of ther sun, the setting of the sun, the sound of a bird or a past memory and would really appreciate and find happiness in it. It is hard, I understand that we all have difficulties, and it can be so dark and overwhelming, but sometimes there is a spark that is always shining for all that can bring happiness.
If that makes sense?
God bless you Nancy.
God created man to Abad in it's meaning to serve --others -and most important serve self.
a command from our Father
As I ponder the question of “happiness or joy,” at this point of the discussion I am seeing them the same. Two people stand and watch the sunrise. One looks and sees, a new day. The other looks and see one less day to live. The cliques are clear. All things depend on who we look at them. Many people love sweets. Yet, to much of them, effects our health, teeth, weight, etc.. We know that to much of anything, can and for the most part, lessens our appreciation for them. So, more times then not, what brought us happiness or joy changes. The more we experience new things, can broaden our likes and dislikes. Now if we are selfish people, the more we keep the better we are. If, we are giving people, the more we give then that desire is satisfied. However, what happen when we want or need to change? The selfish person begins to see, they have to much, and are no longer happy. The giving person finds out they have nothing left, and needs to learn how to hold on to a few things. This is where we often have problems. Whenever we are in the process of change, for whatever the reason, finding happiness or joy can be difficult. From toothaches to holding on to a little of our things. As we go through change, how the need to satisfy our desire of happiness or joy, changes. That is why, it can seem so illusive. This is true for christians and non-christians, this is human nature. Now as christians, we have a distinct advantage. We have Jesus, He does not change the problem, just the solution. Whenever it comes down to human nature, we are to humble ourselves before the Lord. Now remember, there is No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Like everything else, there is a process. I am Not saying, just because you are a christian, you must be joyful, if you are not then you must not be a christain. That would be a lie of the enemy. What I am saying is, because we have Jesus, our joy is found in His Strength, in our Salvation through Him. When we no longer, seek to fill a human desire, but to serve Him and others, then True Joy and Happiness is found. As I said, it is a process, one that may take a lifetime, yet reap the benefits for a eternity.
the idea of happiness always eluded me. Even though I felt at peace had a joy I knew in my heart I wasn't sure if I was actually happy.
One year 18 days ago I was shown the answer. Jan. 31 2011 I had what was thought to be a mild heart attack Feb. 2 2011 I lay on an examination being told I had had a massive heart attack and should not be there breathing I should have been dead. Feb. 15 2011 I had a triple bypass.
Did I learn what it means to be happy. Oh yes!!!!! Am I happy? Oh yes!!!! Why what gives me happiness? The Father will never forsake us and even in the darkest of times He is there to carry us through. Oh Yes!!!!! That makes me very happy.!!!!!
Thankyou Abba Daddy who art in Heaven.
I think happiness is as individual to the individual. I think the problem comes when someone says you should be happy because you have this in your life, or you should be happy because someone has done this for you, you should be happy because someone suffered for you etc, etc. You should be grateful for this, that etc etc. The skill of the marketing money people the controllers of the world make us believe we willbe happy if we have this, that, we will be happy if we are perfect, we will be happy if we do this etc, etc. How often have we doen these things and have not been happy, so confusion starts. We usually become unhappy. When we have those little fleeting bouts of joy and happiness some one comes along and wants to make money off it.
Those brief glimpse of you children smiling those sounds of honest laughter of children, those days of pure love, those innocent questions of a child, that first kiss, that first true "I love you" from your lover, that first sunrise of every day, those days, these things are happiness because they are free, they are real, they are brief but last for ever.
The Joy Jesus saw before Him, was not the pain and anguish of the cross, it was not all the pain He was about to suffer. As we see in Like He was sweating blood. This happens when people experience extreme levels of stress. No, the Joy was not in the pain, the Joy was the day you asked Him in your heart. The Joy will be when we are with Him in Heaven. The Joy we speak of is, in the knowledge that we are not bound to death, sin, and all the other benefits we gain by what Jesus did for us. Acts 16 :25 Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God. This was after the crowd, beat them. Then the guards beat them with sticks to just this side of death. Then thrown into jail, which was a deep dark hole. Acts 5:40-41... They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. 41The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. James 1:2-4 Dear brothers and sisters,a when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. The Joy we find is in the Trust and Truth of the Lord. God knows how hard all of these things are. Jesus has shared in all that we go through. My Joy is knowing that I do not go through any of my struggles alone, He is with me at all times. I will share more on this soon. Just felt the need to share this much as soon as I was able. Love you All.
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