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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I awoke this morning at 2:30 AM and could not get back to sleep. Seems like forever long ago at times like that I would just get up, turn my computer on and just write or chat on line with the Christian Internet family that God had blessed me with,Praise Jesus and pray together until sleep came.

So much has happened in such a few short months that it seems like eons ago.
A subject was brought up a few days ago and being on limited time to reply, my answer was short and incomplete. I pray it did not get misconstrued and that I did not come off sounding insensitive but if I did, I apologize to the parties concerned.

As a result of this particular subject coming up, the Lord has been putting on my heart what I am about to write.
I am DEEPLY THANKFUL to God for all that He has carried me through in the past five years and the subject of this note is "HEALING."

I am overjoyed that God drew me close enough almost three years ago to finally hear and respond to Him and open the door of my heart so that Jesus could walk through the threshold.
Through the preceeding years, I was a "Hoarder" and did not even realize it. I was not a "hoarder" of "THINGS" but a hoarder of every hurt, every disappointment and every broken dream and the bad fruit those things produce. There was no amount of "Worldly Psychology" that ever could have sorted out the mess my mind, body, soul and spirit were in. Only Jesus could know where to even begin.
God has placed many loving and kind people in my life along this healing path and I thank God every day for their lives. So many have taken the time to care about this ordinary, small town waitress and helped to restore my faith in the goodness that God created us for.
Not for a moment did God let me give up and neither did all those He placed in my path.Although at times the journey seemed impossibly tough with many rough waters,God showed me that nothing is impossible and He would never let go of His childs hand. If anyone were to let go of a hand it would be us letting go of HIs but He would always take it lovingly into His again. Never giving up on us, always merciful and always there to carry us back into calm waters again, prayerfully with a little more of His wisdom than we had before the storm and better equipped for the next one.
You see, God never promised us life would be easy. Even having a New Life in Christ, we will have storms and trials but He will help us through them all without holding,onto bitterness, hurt and pain. "Hoarding" those things becomes a thing of the past with Him who strengthens us.

We can only pray and do our best through Jesus Christ, that we can give back to a hurting world,what He has healed and restored in us, in any way, shape or form that we can.

To a very special friend who brought up this subject a few days ago, that inspired this letter: Keep praying and keep being the light and kindness of Christ to all around you who are "HOARDERS."
It is not the material things we hoard that are a problem so much as the emotional "STUFF" we are hoarding that is behind it all.
Only Jesus can heal when the mess gets too big for us but we can all help someone along that path even in the smallest kindness shown along the way.


To every one of my many blessings,
With MUCHLY LOVE and appreciation.

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Replies to This Discussion

lovely what you wrone and it brought new thoughts to me as i also am what you call a hoarder, i get lots of ideas here on how to get rid of unwanted baggage, it does weigh one down, ur right, psychology doesnt work, God does, as soon as God comes into ones life, their problems seem to be not so much problems anymore, God definitely gives one the strength to cope. no problems matter when God is around, i pity and pray for all those without God as i believe they are the ones who are in more need of our help and prayers
@ "somebody". No! It means that most times things have to be torn down in order for God to start rebuilding. He has a better plan! Even though it doesn't appear so right now. This is how much He DOES love you. Just you watch him work. You are going to be amazed!
God,x plan does matter. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. You will see someday why so much is falling and you are going through so much pain right now. I truly wish I were there to hug you, my friend. Jesus is holding you. Let yourself resyt in his arms. You are loved and cared for and we are all here for you too! :)
God GIVES new life ! God GIVES new beginnings! God GIVES restoration. It is the world that tries to TAKE all that is good away from you. Don' let it! Be aware and watch the path God opens up before you. Eyes open ,ears to hear His voice and keepo praying. His mercies are new every morning. I am praying right there along with you!

Your discussion has brought back to me my own issues with "hoarding" an it is the exact same thing that I have often referred to as the "baggage" in my life. When I went through the process several years ago of being treated by psychologist to help me sort out my problems, I won't say that the ways in which they helped me to understand myself were not needed. But until I feel down at the feet of Jesus and gave it all to Him, it was only then that I was truly healed. But even then because of my infancy in my new life with God, months would go by and I would find myself in tears over things that had happened, crying over regret and hurt and anger. I had already been to God for forgiveness and I know He forgave me. I was watching a DVD bible study by Beth Moore and she gave an example of how when we ask God for forgiveness, it is like we hand him a piece of paper with our sin written upon it, we ask Him to forgiveness us for the things written there and God forgives us, wads up that paper with that sin and tosses it behind Him and it ceases to exist. Yet, here I was returning to Him over and over for sins that He had already forgiven me for. Finally through prayer and a new understanding of what forgiveness really means to God, I was able to forgive myself and accept the forgiveness that God offers. All of the emotions and things I was hoarding in my heart and mind have been thrown into this pit of "forgotten", if you will, and I praise my Heavenly Father every day for loving me enough to take these things away from me and for continuing to forgive me when I mess up. I love your post and it made so much sense to me. I also thank Him daily for this site and for each of you who provide so many inspiring words, who praise God for things that sometimes I forget to, and for having this new Godly family that I missed out on for so long. God bless you and all of us who are striving to carry out Gods will. Thank you God for every day you give us and help us to always walk in the paths that you are directing. 

My dear Sister Nancy

What insight the Holy Ghost has given you.  This is no small understanding, as I believe you know.  To see "Hoarding" in such a way is very Powerful and Strong.  To understand this, as you have is liberating.  By seeing this, in this manner, is path to freedom from the bondage and imprisonment.  To be able to disengage from the attachment of, these feeling and experiences in many ways defines freedom.  In doing so, you allow Jesus to Heal those things that haunt so many.  My Sister this is by no means a little revelation.  The Spirit of God has shown you, a very dynamic and persuasive tool that if used can be used to set many free from the things that bind them. 


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