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April 22, 2009 We, my whole family went to a youth camp… Our church joined the Christian YOUTH CONVERGENCE of JLWWC.. the first joined churches in region 3 of JLWWWC with CCWIC… It’s a privilege for us, Aldea Family to be part of that ministry and so excited for my three teens who are campers in that ministry!!! Before the youth camp, I pray hard to our Lord Jesus Christ to show His marvelous works to us especially to all the youth who will participate in the camp… All things work together for good…. for purposes.. From the first day up to the third day…Everything happened in Botolan Zambales will be a history in our part and I really wanna share it to the whole world… yes.. later I will also share all the events en activities happened in the camp… but first let me be the one to make my testimony to all friends and brethren in Christ… about my 3 teens…
When we received Christ as our Lord and Savior and became born- again Christian.. My 3 teens namely Aecy Mohleen, Marchie Elleen, and Japhet Moel are all been part of CCWIC Youth Ministry… but only my eldest Aecy continue to serve the Lord.. Marchie en Japhet prefer to be lax and enjoy their teenage activities such having friends, always in computer, gigs and what’s worst learned how to stay outside with friends drinking!.. My teens used to answer back me every time I scolded them ( well that’s the consequences I had now… for I used to do it to my mom also when I was teenager ! But thank God for giving the wisdom and knowledge that What We Sow Is What We Reap, and its never too late to have a right path in life and make things better in God’s Hands...) I know my teens are under construction same as we , parents!
When I made a true relationship with God .. I always say: Take all of me… I give u all my life including my family… Let your will be done, Oh Lord..
So when my teens joined the camp … I know God will do His miracles to them …. But God always prepare beautiful things for all of us.. so beyond my expectation.. He pours out Holy Spirit not only to my teens , to all the youth in that camp but also to us ,as parent… Elmo, my husband was being bless to witness the outpouring of Holy Spirit to the youth , happened in the 2nd day… When the baptism of the spirit receives by all youth almost 97% of the youth speak in tongues! And that include my 3 teens.. Praise the Lord.. Hallelujah!!!! And I know God answers my prayers… Now, I know as a parent its our responsibility to bring our children to God … Our first ministry must be our own Jerusalem.. our family… because we can not shine in the world if God can not see in our lives…. That Christ must be with us and in us…
To God be all the glory..

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Amen and Halleluiah just continue to stay srong and God will see your family through all your circumstances the goods and the bads......just keep the faith....
Praise the lord!! Thats a great testimony. thanks for sharing.
WE Are in a process...
The word conversion is heard often in religious circles.People commonly speak of their conversion or how they came to be converted.What do these words mean?
Conversion,in a religious context,generally refers to a change from one belief to another,or the addition of a new religious belief.But is that all there is to conversion?Some use the word conversion to mean almost any dramatic change for the better that people choose to make by their own efforts,sometimes erroneously giving the impression that all such self induced changes are from God,however,is simply not true.People can and do change without God's intervention-but not in the same way that conversion is described in the bible....
If a person is converted-changed-what is he changed from?and what is he changed to?
This wonderful,miraculous process usually begins when the individuals God is calling, hear,or read the truth of God accurately explained from His true servants.Our Creator begins to open their minds at the time top comprehend the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
God's Word now begins to make sense to them...Just as a picture emerges when the pieces of a puzzle are fitted together,so can those whom God is inviting to be converted begin to understand the Holy Scriptures...and this is the miracle of God's calling...What follows depends on the choices they make when they hear or read God's truth..they can respond to God and ask for His help to implement what they learn or they can turn their back on the understanding of the truth they hev received..
Although He clearly encourages human beings to "Choose Life"
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live-----Deut.30:19
God doesn't force us to make the right choice..but as we shall soon see, the consequences of our choices are enormous!
Contrary to what many think,it is not just a one -time event....the Scriptures reveal that it is a" process"......
I will rejoice with you as well for the simple fact it is always a pleasure to see God at his work and doing what he thrives to do for all of our lives no matter what. I praise God that the same experience you felt that it falls on all households first and then overflows into the schools throughout the world and that it penetrate into the depths of their souls. Truly we know that Satan wants the youth and will use them until he can not use them no more..... We as believer's of God's son we have to take a stance, pray and fight. This is the time for all parents to fight like we never have fought before. So I am rededicating all 4 of my children and every friend and their mates that God has chosen for them and every boy or girl child that enters our family eternally and earthly into God's wonderful and powerful hands. This is a must and very neccessary indeed and satan knows this and this is how he attacks when I child or person has not been covered by the precious Holy Ghost and as well as the blood. I am letting him know right now he can not have them because they our God's children and not mines, yours , satan and nor of his demonic forces. All things where designed by God and are wonderfully designed by him and this is sealed and this is God's word. We have to get back to the things that work and that is God's words and promises. So for now on when we look at our children we need to say to them God you wonderfully designed them and you created them to serve you... I give to you all my children and I surrender over into your hands that can pierce the soul of man and that can saved them by your son powerful blood and filled with them the Holy Ghost... Rember the battle is not yours and we do not fight against flesh and blood but with demonic spirits. We can not say to these spirits with just having a half and half Chrisitan mentality we must have the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus to fight these spirits. The reason why I feel like this is so importatnt that I mention it because I dealt with so much and I did not realize why I could not take control over my walk with God because I did not totally surrender all to God and I struggle deeply with sexual sins, cursing, bitterness and etc. I love Jesus and God and so desired the Holy Spirit to come in take completely control but it could not enter into a unclean temple and I mean I do not care what you struggle with it is nothing he can not heal and forgive you from. Until oneday I totally surrender and I asked God to come in and he did and he released me from all my hurt and pain fron the age of 19 to 37 of age. I did not know how I allowed so much to come into my life and again I loved God from a very young age... So again we must recognize the attacks and pray in Jesus name and fight... Watch the hands of God that is powerful deliver back to you everything that you allowed satan to do to you and all the things he stolen from you but you can not react on your on you need the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus. With the 3 Trinity you will win and you will put up a hedge of protection all around you and your family. Family matters to God and he wants all of his children he created to be blessed and highly on fire for his kingdom to come.

Love your Sister in Christ!



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