All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

From my daily reading by Mrs. Charles Cowman –
Streams in the Desert

He worketh (Psalm 37: 5)

The translation that we find in Young of “Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass,” reads: “Roll upon Jehovah thy way, trust upon Him and He worketh.”
It calls our attention to the immediate action of God when we truly commit, or roll out of our hands into His, the burden of whatever kind it may be; a way of sorrow, of difficulty, of physical need, or of anxiety for the conversion of some dear one.
He worketh”: when? Now. We are so in danger of postponing our expectation of His acceptance of the trust, and His undertaking to accomplish what we ask Him to do, instead of saying as we commit, “He worketh” even now, and praise Him that it is so.
The very expectancy enables the Holy Spirit to do the very thing we have rolled upon Him. It is out of our reach. We are not trying to do it anymore. “He worketh!”
Let us take the comfort out of it and not put our hands on it again. Oh, what a relief it brings! He is really working on the difficulty.
But someone may say, “I see not results.” Never mind. “He worketh,” if you have rolled it over and are looking to Jesus to do it. Faith may be tested, but “He worketh”; the Word is sure!

I will cry unto God most high, unto God that performeth all things for me
(Psalm 57: 2)

The beautiful old translation says, ‘He shall perform the cause which I have in hand.” Does not that make it very real to us today? Just the very thing that “I have in hand” – my own particular bit of work today, this cause that I cannot manage, this thing that I undertook in miscalculation of my own powers – that is what I may ask Him to do “for me,” and rest assured that He will perform it. “The wise and their works are in the hands of God.”

The Lord will go through His covenant engagements. Whatever He takes in hand He will accomplish, hence past mercies are guarantees for the future and admirable reasons for continuing to call unto Him.
C H. Spurgeon.

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Thanks for allowing God to speak in my life.You have really changed my focus.God bless
Praise the Lord!
Keep your focus on JESUS for He only is perfect and you will never go astray!
Jesus loved you and died for you & is coming back for you so be ready!
Jesus said to you FOLLOW ME and to do that you need to continue following HIM daily!
Remember these truths -
God IS in control no matter what - just believe it!
God IS at work whether you understand or not - just trust Him!
God bless you always and complete the work He has begun in you, Bro. Steve Wasike
Margaret Wright
I quite believed you enjoyed the weekend. I really want to confess that you are doing a good job and more strongly you are indeed a channel of blessings to many within and without the shores of your reach. Just keep the good works in spite all odds. One key is CONTINUITY in service. Paul said 'I am pressing on... to reach the mark... lest I be a cast off'.

I will like to use this medium creaving your indulgence to send me the CDs that will help benefit me and others through me also. On a serious note I need someone to help me growth if I must confessed. In case you can send it via this address below:

Gabriel Ogunniranye
D 15 Danwaire street,
Barnawa, Kaduna South,
Kaduna, Nigeria,
West Africa.

I am so passionate in serving the Lord but along the line while serving others my life is becoming lukewarm in my own personal christian life, a walk with the Lord. I can pray with others while I find it hard to pray for myself in developing my personal devotion. I tend to raised teenagers for Christ with my passion and influence without me growing into maturity with the Lord. I can keep on writing my experiences now both emotion wise, moral wise, spiritual wise etc, but time will fail me to do so, since I am restricted by time. If there can be any convenient way, you can be aid to me.

I believe in God and people God is using to help the feebles in the ship of fellows. Remain blessed.

Gabriel O.
Praise the Lord!
I'm sorry I'm unable to send the CDs for none reach their destination. Please go this website and get free CDs - That is where I got mine from.
Since you talk about growth in the Lord pay attention in the church you attend to the Word of God and also you have lots of teachings on this website to help you progress in the Lord.
You need to spend time in prayer with the Lord and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit.
Jesus Christ is alive and He is in His Word for it is His Voice to His children.
God bless you
Margaret Wright


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