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Forgiveness is defined as;
Forgiveness is, choosing to pardon, remit, or overlook the mistake, fault, offense, hurt or injury of the offender without demanding, a penalty, punishment or retribution.
It is giving up your right to take vengeance on someone else by refusing to love them.

Forgiveness is "never free," though it can and should be freely given to others.

When a person is forgiven, the one who extends the forgiveness chooses to accept the pain of the offense and foregoes the right of retribution or retaliation.

Mat 6:12 says "Forgive us the wrongs that we have done, as we forgive the wrongs others have done us.

Eph. 4:32 says and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you."

We need to be forgiven first from God and we have if we have been born again.

When we deal with forgiveness in our own lives;
1. We need to forgive ourselves, for a lot of us this is more difficult than anything else.

2. Forgive others is a miracle and is evidence of the Spirit in your life.

3. Forgive God, God doesn’t do wrong, but some times we misunderstand what he is doing and enter into unforgiveness.

Forgiveness is not avoidance
Forgiveness is not making light of something we find hurtful.
Forgiveness is not excusing
Forgiveness is not denying that the one who has caused the hurt is responsible for their actions.
Forgiveness may lead to reconciliation or it may not, but they are not the same"

Unforgiveness will hurt no one more than myself
Unforgiveness will often hurt others

Unforgiveness is readily exploited by the Evil One
One of Satan's strategies to hinder our personal growth and undermine the growth of God's kingdom is to encourage and exploit the lack of forgiveness among God's people

Forgiveness demonstrates Christ's presence
Jesus said that people would recognize us as his disciples by the way we love one another (John 13:35). One of the ways love is expressed is in forgiveness.

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Our biggest temptation in life is to become bitter because of things that happen in life, in our relationships, etc. A pastor once told me that life can make you BITTER OR BETTER, THE DIFFERENCE IS I.
It is our choice to respond with forgiveness ( which is a miracle in itself ) or to become bitter which is the pathway to destruction.

One sure way to deal with a situation like yours is t to exercise your conscience to be free of offences. (Acts 24:16) This takes place by continually praying for the offender. Pray the Word of God over them.

I had to continue to pray for some one who betrayed and hurt me for over a years every time I drove by their home until I had built up the spiritual muscle to forgive.

Also remember that memories can re-injure us so we have to continue to forgive them so we do not re-infect the wound that took place.

This video will help to remind us of the forgiveness that we have received and that forgiveness is the evidence that we are followers of Jesus who cried out, "forgive them for they don't know what they are doing.

How can we not forgive, when He has forgiving us of so much.
Check out the video I left as a response to Nancy's comment. Pain of offense is such a road block for us to forgive. Jeremy expresses the heart we all need to have for others that we will forgive just as we have been forgiven.

No where does it say that forgiveness is an easy thing to do. We must not diminish the fact of the pain that the offended person is suffering from and we must help each other find healing through prayer and care.

Jeremy Camp's song, I'll take u one of my favorite songs.
Jesus Christ's presence in our hearts will set us free from emotional pains and sufferings.
Thank you Nancy for contributing to the group, I love it when the groups are flooded with comments that just add so much to the subject.

You are so right Cesar, it is being with the Lord, building up our relationship with Him that helps us to then trust Him to heal our wounded hearts and lives. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness, not only our unrighteousness, but the unrighteousness that was done to us that wounded us.

In the embrace of a forgiving God we too can forgive ourselves, others, and even God because we mis-understood Him.

Helena what a wonderful testimonial to the grace of God working in your life to forgive. It is a miracle of the power of God working in your life. I was quickened to the story of the man who had been forgiven so much, but himself refused to forgive another, then he was turned over to the tormentors. Unforgiveness in a heart brings torment into the soul and it hurts the person who holds the unforgiveness the most.
Amen! What a wonderful message, Nancy.
I really like that analogy that forgiveness is like breathing, and un-forgiveness is like being under water slowly drowning.
I agree that forgiveness is very important , and uprooting bitterness and rejection, and those daily hurts and wounds are equally important. We need to forgive, because we too have been forgiven. As we pray for others, who have hurt us, that healing will come in our lives too. If we ask God to forgive them with His cleansing blood, we will see that we too have been cleansed. We are all precious in His sight. If we look at others, with Gods eyes, we will see their true value to Him. We all need help in this, and healing. God bless.


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