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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord
The above passage underscores the absolute importance of holiness.
We are told that without it-we have no hope of one day spending eternity with the Lord.
Sadly, many in today's churches (and pulpits) have come to scorn the word holiness as if it were a profane term.
Isaiah pronounced a "woe" on those who would "call evil good, and good evil"
(Isa 5:20).
Those who strive and preach a message of holiness are often dubbed with derogatory terms such as "holy-roller", "holier-than-thou", or the favorite of "legalist." Now granted there are some who take the holiness message to an illogical extreme and who make their own pet doctrines.

The conclusion that some draw is that since we are free from the Mosaic law we are therefore free to do anything we want.
Nothing could be further from the truth. When the bible speaks of the freedom that we have in Christ, it isn't speaking about anti-nomial, lascivious freedom, but rather freedom to serve God.
We abandoned the bondage and slavery of sin, so that we could be servants of Jesus Christ.
Remember the word of God declares "you have been bought with a are not your own." So this newfound freedom in Christ is not a freedom to follow sinful desires, but a freedom to love God and to love our brethren...and in so doing-we fulfill the law.

Ephesians 5:3-6 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
5:4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
5:5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience

To be Holy is to be set apart for a special use.
Holiness is that condition of human nature wherein the love of God rules.
To be holy is to be distinct, separate, in a class by oneself.
To be holy is to be morally pure.
When things are made holy, when they are consecrated, they are set apart unto purity.

3 Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD?and who may stand in His holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood, And has not sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive a blessing from the LORD And righteousness from the God of his salvation (Psalms 24:3-5).

How do I apply the biblical view of holieness to my life?
What is the difference between holieness and legalism?
How does holieness affect my relationship with others?

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Holiness starts with a desire to set ourselves apart for God's special purposes. We become clay in the Potters hand's.

“The Lord says, "Get away (GK; escape, come out, come forth, depart ) from unbelievers. Separate ( GK; divide, separate, sever ) yourselves from them. Have nothing to do with anything unclean. Then I will welcome you." ( 2 Corinthians 6:17 GWT )

“We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat.
For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy place by the high priest as an offering for sin, are burned outside the camp.
Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people through His own blood, suffered outside the gate.
So, let us go out ( GK; come forth, depart, escape, get out ) to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach.” ( Hebrews 13:10-13 NAS )

"I have been crucified ( in Him I have shared His crucifixion ) with Christ; ( outside the gate ) and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith ( by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in ) in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” ( Galatians 2:20 )

Yes God is calling us as crucified with Christ Christians to come outside the gate with Jesus. This is where we are to live our lives in reliance and complete trust in the Son Of God.

We are not part of the world anymore, there is nothing there that we need or want anymore. We have exchanged our old sinful lives for a new life, a life of faith and complete reliance and complete trust, so we can never live our lives like we did before. We gladly bare the reproach of Christ bearing the contempt, abuse and shame with Him.

We are called to bring others outside the camp, by going into the world and preaching the gospel inviting others to come outside the gate and find salvation through the sacrifice of the Son Of God. ( see Matthew 28;19, Mark 16:15 )

We can never live inside the gate of the world again.

Peter wrote;“Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.” ( 1Peter 2:11 )

Paul also wrote; “Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” ( Galatians 5:24 )

John wrote; “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” ( 1 John 2:15 )

We are in the World, but not of this world anymore. We are ambassadors, and pilgrims who belong to another kingdom that is not of this world.

Jesus prayed for us;
“I'm not asking you to take them out of the world but to protect them from the evil one. They don't belong to the world any more than I belong to the world. Use the truth to make them holy. Your words are truth. I have sent them into the world the same way you sent me into the world. I'm dedicating myself to this holy work I'm doing for them so that they, too, will use the truth to be holy.” ( John 17:15-19 GWT )

Father God thank you for helping us to come out of the world, outside of the gate and find salvation through the Christ Jesus sacrifice upon the cross. Help us to use the truth revealed in your Word to make us holy and set apart for your special purpose. We are truly aliens herein this world as we are endeavoring to bring others outside the gate and show them the way of salvation. Thank you Jesus for your prayer for us while we are here. We gladly bare your reproach and desire to be salt and light to the world showing others the way to life and life eternal. In Jesus name amen.

In the book of Numbers 11:1-3 a situation arose when the people of Israel began complaining out loud to the Lord about all the troubles they were facing living in the wilderness. The Lord became angry and the fire of the Lord began to burn among them. The burning was so awful that some people on the outskirts of the camp died. The people cried out for Moses to talk to God, and when he did the fire died down. The place was called, “ Taberah Fire” because the Lord burned among them there.

The image of the fire of God burning among the people of Israel is a terrifying site to imagine.

What does all this mean to us as Christians?

John the Baptist prophesied that the one who would come after him that he would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and with fire. (Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16, Mark 1:8 NASV)

The baptism with the Holy Spirit, and fire, is to produce a change in us also as it did the children of Israel. This fire will consume that which is in opposition to the Lord, just as the murmuring was consume from the children of Israel.

In Acts chapter two when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place, we see tongues of fire resting on the one hundred and twenty who in the upper room . Not much is said about this specific experience that took place, but I feel it relates to what took place in the wilderness with the children of Israel.

The upper room could have been called “ Taberah Fire” because the Lord burned among them there.
This Taberath fire from the Lord that burned among them produced change, and power in the lives of the believers.

We see this most evident in Peter's life, the man who had denied Jesus because of fear now began to preach one of the greatest messages in the history of the Church. Three thousand souls were saved that day and the Taberath fire continued to burn among them and spread to the Gentile world also.

This promise of a baptism of fire is for every one of us today, when some one talks about us, or our churches may they say, “God burns among them there.”

It is amazing when the Taberath fire from the Holy Spirit touches a life and in a moment the addictions are broken, in a moment they receive the grace to forgive the unforgivable, those who are tormented with fears are st free, communities are changed, nations are brought to their knees.

Peter answered them, "All of you must turn to God and change the way you think and act, and each of you must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will receive the Holy Spirit as a gift. This promise belongs to you and to your children and to everyone who is far away. It belongs to everyone who worships the Lord our God." ( Acts 2;38-39 )

What happened that day at Pentecost can also be our experience today. “This promise belongs to you and to your children and to everyone who is far away. It belongs to everyone who worships the Lord our God.”
“And to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire,” ( 2 Thessalonian s 1:7 )
"I kept looking Until thrones were set up, And the Ancient of Days took His seat; His vesture was like white snow And the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was ablaze with flames, Its wheels were a burning fire.” ( Daniel 7:9 )

Hebrews 12:29 says, “For our God is a consuming fire.”
Father God you are a consuming fire among your people, you are Jehovah Taberah Fire, The Lord who burns among us and consumes all that is unholy in us, and burns up all those things that bind us up. We are under a baptism of fire by the Holy Spirit who lives in us. Father not only consume the unholy things in our lives, but help us to allow that fire in us to consume those around us, releasing them from all that binds them also. Thank you for this awesome work of love you have done, are doing, and will do in our hearts and lives. In the name of Jesus amen
That is the desire of my heart, that God's fire would consume not only all that is unholy in us, but that we will in turn be consumed with the fire of God and be used to deliver others. Thank God, that because of the blood of Jesus, we are not consumed with the fire, but purified.
One more thing, I forgot to mention, I believe God always has had a holy remanent, that He wants separated from the world. We are to be vessels that bring others to Christ, doing the work of an evangelist. But we are to be set apart, consecrated to God. Thankyou for this message, I love to read about holiness and consecration.
Charles thank you for sharing your wisdom and incites on what holiness is about. I especially loved how you answered the question; What is the difference between holiness and legalism? "

"I believe that ' holiness' is a God established standard of conduct that will lead us into a deeper walk with Him. And legalism is a man made standard that he ( man) believes he may attain to gain the favor of God."
Hi Bob! I did not know quite where to put this but I deeply respect your input on this subject and have come to you as a brother in Christ to ask you this question.I have prayed about it and feel no conviction . I just dont want to be in the wrong about this and maybe fooled into feeling no conviction only because of how much Christmas and the warmth and comfort of that time of year has always meant to me before I became Born Again.
Anyway , here is my question.I do put up a Christmas tree at Christmas but in my mind,heart and soul there is NOTHING BUT JESUS. Was the meaning behind the Christmas tree not created by the pagans who did not know Jesus but let our enemy rule their minds? Is it really the tree itself or what satan put in the minds of the pagans who gave the tree its meaning that is evil? God does look at the heart and if one puts up a Christmas tree with only Jesus in their minds,hearts and souls and places a list of blessings that the Lord has blessed them with throughout the year rather than material worldly things, is it really wrong? I do pray you recieve this so that I can have some input on this answer I have been seeking on this. I struggle with this and the last thing I want to do is disappoint or grieve our God. God bless you brother.
In His Grace,
Nancy I think we as Christians all come to a point in our lives where we question our customs and traditions. I love the Christmas tree. I told my children that it is like our lives, and the lights and decorations are like the life and fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives that makes us spectacular. I always told them that we pretend about Santa because Santa was a giver like Jesus.

You see we just need to redirect all of our traditions to Jesus, then we don't come off as being legalistic. We are to be innocent at evil and excellent at what is good.

This does not go for Halloween that is blatantly evil. There is not much of anything in it that can be redirected to Jesus. I like the alternatives that many churches are doing, but I try to avoid it.

Our biggest temptation is to get caught up in the all that we can't do as Christians. We are to be caught up in all the things we are free to do in Christ. But we are not to push the envelope to see how close we can get before we go over the line either. It is walking close with the Lord and He will show you what he wants you to do.

I have come to realize that God does not get bent out of shape about things like Christmas trees. We are to think on good and beautiful things and the Christmas tree warms your heart, so why would God want you to not have one if it stirs these good things in us? I use to go to a tree farm that this old man and woman owned when my kids were young. We would hike to get the fresh tree, and my kids loved it. We called the couple Mr and Mrs Christmas.

So I hope my thoughts have helped you.

In the love of Jesus
Thankyou , your statement about "I have come to realize that God does not get bent out of shape about hings like Christmas tree.We are to think on good and beautiful things ,so why would God want you to not have one if it stirs these good things in us?" is exactly what I have stated to others when asked.I have also been reminded this night of this particular scripture

Finally, brothers, whatever is true,
whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -
think about these things.

Phil 4:8 NIV

I guess I am just going through a certain phase of Spiritual growth lately and there seem to be some growing pains that seem different than the growing pains I have experienced thus far in my journey with our Jesus.
Thankyou Bob, I so appreciate this, and by the way, the way you have lived your Christmas's and spoken to your children about Jesus,Christmas and Santa are absolutely beautiful ,my friend.
God richly bless you and your family!
Love in Christ,
I just wanted to add that when I look at the Christmas tree, I think of it as celebrating Jesus's birth. The lights of the tree and outside the house, give a festive atmosphere, which is reflective of our joy, in Christ's birth. I told my children about Saint Nicolas when they were young. That he used to give gifts to the poor and needy, and that is where Santa Klaus came from. Though if you switch the letters around in Santa, it comes out Satan. But I also told them that Santa was not real and that we gave the gifts. The reason I did this, is so that they would think of Jesus on Christmas, and think of the presents coming from Him, rather than Santa. Just thought I would share this. God bless.
well the thing is to me, never a thought enters my mind of bowing down before the tree and offering it up sacrifices. I neither worship the tree nor do I bow down and pray to it. Man reads a book about pagans and puts darkness on a wonderful creation of God. A TREE!!! I am sorry but to me that is not the work of God , thats the work of the enemy to put darkness on something our Lord created. Never a thought enters my mind that it is evil until a human who "labels it pagan" says so. I still feel no conviction at all. Every time I pray about this issue I keep getting the same answer and there is peace with this answer. I guess I am just getting a bit frustrated with legalism and the evil shroud it tries to put over something where there really is no evil intent or thought..Thankyou Jacqueline for your input. Love you in Christ. Nancy
Nancy your comment reminded me of the issue of music. In the 1970's when I got saved many Christians thought that the only music that was acceptable was a certain style, and all other music was of the devil. This is ridiculous because music is a gift from God, but the enemy wants to pervert everything and also make us become enslaved with legalism. To the pure all things are pure. This does not mean that I like sinful lyrics.


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