There has been an unfortunate tendency to downplay the importance of the intellect in the Christian life. However, to neglect the role of the intellect in the Christian life is to deny the command to love the Lord God with all of our mind. Sproul
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Latest Activity: Mar 24, 2019
In essentials unity, in nonessentials liberty, and in all things charity.
“Why do apologetics? Isn’t just having faith enough?” This response is typical of many Christians who believe apologetics is simply unnecessary. What is the purpose of apologetics?
The first reason why we need apologetics is that the Bible says we do. Contrary to some of the teachers in the church today who literally mock apologetics, Scripture commands us to be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks us about our beliefs and to earnestly contend for the faith (1 Pet. 3:15 and Jude 3). In 1 Peter 3:15 we actually find the Greek work Apologia, which just happens to be where we get the word apologetics from in the first place.
The Bible provides us with numerous role models when it comes to apologetics. The Apostle Paul was an apologist when he gave reasons for the faith to both the Jews and Greeks (Acts 17:15-34; 18:4). Apollos is another great example. In Achaia, he earnestly contended for the faith, publicly refuting the Jews in public debate and proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ (Acts 18:27-28). Christ himself demonstrated the significance of apologetics when he defended his divinity in discussions with the skeptical leaders of His day (Matt. 22).
Not only that, but apologetics provides empirical proof to the nonbeliever as to why he ought to choose Christianity rather than any other religion. According to apologist John Warwick Montgomery, in our pluralistic age, the unbeliever is faced with many religious options. If he went through an alphabetical list of religions, he would have already experienced Atheism, Baha’i, Buddhism and many other choices before arriving at Christianity. And by then, his mind would be so “jaded” that he wouldn’t be able to know the truth if it was standing directly in front of him!
You see, apologetics serves as a defense against false teachings. Whether we’re talking about cults, world religions, secular humanism, or even a misguided Christian, apologetics not only keeps the gospel messages pure, but demonstrates why we believe what we believe. One final thought. Apologetics provides not only a defense for the faith, but provides security to weaker Christians who need to be sure that their faith is not a blind leap into a dark chasm, but rather, faith founded on fact.
See, apologetics does not replace faith, but it does remove the mental roadblocks which prevent nonbelievers from responding to the gospel. In fact, apologetics can rightly be called the very handmaiden for evangelism. Truly the heart cannot rejoice in what the mind does not comprehend. CRI Perspective.
These discussions can become quite personal as you are probably awared and probably have already experience in the past, so let us remember THAT IT DOESN’T MATTER IF WE HAVE THE CORRECT ANSWER ABOUT A PARTICULAR TOPIC as much as EXERCISING LOVE AMONG EACH OTHER. Let us be prudent as well. This forum will not be use to find people among us that think differently, so we can persecute them, but for constructive edification to happen. This is an excellent place to learned how to debate our belifts Gods' way. I will remind you brothers also that you may not be called to debate, but that does not mean that God does not raised up man to do so. We are a living organism. "The Church" with many different members - united by the head - Jesus - Just because you don’t “Think” a topic or subject is worthy of discussion, it doesn’t mean that it is not for others. Let us be prudent and loving.
These discussions can get heated, lets not give Satan a foothold, we are not ignorant of his ways.
Started by Amber. Last reply by Amber Mar 8, 2013. 3 Replies 0 Likes
I recently lost someone that I knew half of my life. He grew up Catholic, wanted to be a priest when he was in tween years. He was a verbally abusive person who gradually became addicted to all…Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by David Velasquez Aug 14, 2012. 18 Replies 0 Likes
Has the Bible been changed and altered over time? Is the Bible full of contradictions and discrepancies?Muslims have long asserted that the Christian Bible is swarming with errors and contradictions.…Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by feet breath Jun 5, 2012. 5 Replies 0 Likes
Jehovah's Witness' Beliefs by Matt SlickThere is one God in one person, Make Sure of All Things, p 188.There is no Trinity, Let God be…Continue
Started by Evangeline. Last reply by Chip Fitzpatrick Jun 4, 2012. 16 Replies 0 Likes
How do I refute the statement that the book of John states that the crucifixion of Jesus occurred on a different day than the other gospels state.After looking at all the info I could find, I can't…Continue
Started by Liam Burrell. Last reply by Evangeline Sep 23, 2011. 14 Replies 0 Likes
I'm a statistican. I have always struggled with the validity of my discipline. What is probability? How can I forecast things? Isn't God in complete control? How can I justify my job? Shouldn't I…Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by David Velasquez Aug 3, 2011. 19 Replies 1 Like
PHILOSOPHERS and SCIENTIST use this word "CHANCE" AS IT HAS SUBTANANCE, ESSENCE AND WEIGHT when describing the origin of the Universe. Come on thinkers what is chance?
Started by Colin Bleakney. Last reply by Larry M. Jul 6, 2011. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Is there a need to De-Church, as it were, in order to reach people for Christ?Has the Church created a sub-culture that is so far removed from the culture we live in daily, so as to be considered…Continue
Started by David Velasquez. Last reply by Matteo Masiello Jul 6, 2011. 30 Replies 0 Likes
How do we refute the Claim of the homosexual community that they are born with such tendencies That it has to do with genetics? Romans 121For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as…Continue
Started by Star Pratt. Last reply by Matteo Masiello Jun 1, 2011. 4 Replies 0 Likes
Hello there, Re: Masons, etc. A fellow associate of mine has taken on a new interest of Masonery. He is quite aware that I am a firmbeliever in Christ and I am constantly rejecting this idea but he…Continue
I didn't even know this club existed. This seems like a really neat club.
The thought that we are hearing only 1/2 of the gospel is a bit puzzling to me. Growing up I observed my parents living out the gospel by helping out those in need. As an adult, I observed my mother-in-law doing the same thing. It didn't involve only money; it was their actions. It was the love they showed to others. I learned early in life that the horizontal crossbar on the cross represented our relationship to others, which can only be all it was meant to be by the correct vertical relationship with Christ. Observing both the horizontal and vertical in the lives other Christians has had a major positive impact on my faith in God.
Is there a need to De-Church, as it were, in order to reach people for Christ?
Has the Church created a sub-culture that is so far removed from the culture we live in daily, so as to unrealistic, out of touch and even irrelevant?
Have we adapted the invitation to our institution syndrome at the expense of not going out to where people are, or even opening our homes to them?
Is our Church culture now alien to the World?
If so, what needs to change, and how?
really happy for being as a member..
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