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Addicts Redeemed

12 Step Recovery Group Growing in The One and Only HIgher Power - Jesus Christ

Location: Folsom, CA
Members: 49
Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2019

Discussion Forum


Started by Carmen Truly Blessed Etienne. Last reply by Carmen Truly Blessed Etienne Aug 10, 2016. 4 Replies

Discussion Post lost

Started by Tom Aug 9, 2016. 0 Replies

Losing the Battle for Righteousness?

Started by Nate. Last reply by Leslie Dianne Moore Mar 18, 2012. 3 Replies

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Comment by Donna Stansfield on July 30, 2009 at 8:01am
Afternoon, I've decided enough is enough and will turn my life over to God, as only he can save me from my drug addiction. Pray for me
Comment by Heather on July 13, 2009 at 9:20am
Hi there... My advice for the day: In everything you do, know that God is most definitely, absolutely, without a single doubt God - then

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. He who comes to Him must know that He is and that He is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him.Heb 11:6.

With Joy, Heather
Comment by Gary on July 13, 2009 at 7:03am
Good Morning Donna and everyone who resides here! Heres to hoping all accept and understand His will for their lives this day! For me that is sometimes tricky. I have been living on my own will for most of my life. I am understanding more each day about aligning my will with that of His instead of just convincing myself mine is not His unless it is pleasing to Him. Have a great Day!
Comment by Heather on July 11, 2009 at 9:41am
Good morning... I am thanking God for His Holiness and His love for me. I have been working in a book called Don't Waste Your Life and I am loving the passion and vision of the author. His focus is the Cross. We could never know freedom from our sin, power over our addiction, hope for healing in our families, the promise of a future so different that our past - with Jesus and His Cross.

There is so much counterfeit out there. The movement of this age - spirituality - is attractive and tickles our ears. But any spirituality that is not grounded in the fundamental truth of Jesus on the Cross, raised from the dead and today alive sitting at the right hand of the Father, will draw us away from the truth. This is our anchor. We grow from here. New Age thinkers say all path lead to God. They are correct. But only one leads to eternal life and it is the one that Jesus walked.

Rejoice - for the Lord of all Creation loves you and knows your name. Reach out to someone in need, get to a meeting, share the Gospel not so much by what you say - but by how you live.
Comment by Heather on July 10, 2009 at 11:13pm
Donna - this is my favorite song... Yeay! There is a line in the verse I just love... I get on my knees...I get on my knees...there I am before the Love that changes me... How amazing is it Love that changes us. If you are thinking of drinking or using right now... just sit still for a second, close your eyes, and feel the gentle touch of the Shepherd as he holds you close. Surrender to His care and the craving will pass. Praying for our Addicts Redeemed... Heather
Comment by Gary on July 10, 2009 at 11:48am
Hey Best Friend Donna!!!! Glad you joined this group. I think Heather is Spirit led and going to be a blessing with her works. Let's pray for her!
Comment by Heather on July 10, 2009 at 11:01am
HI Donna - I sent you a note in your post above... but basically... no one really knows us like we do! It is a blessing to be here with you all. More to come. : ) Heather
Comment by Gary on July 6, 2009 at 10:15am
Thank you Heather. I am very interested in your study group.
Comment by Heather on July 6, 2009 at 10:13am
Hi Gary... this is such an important question... I believe God wants us to be critical thinkers - spiritual decerners... So necessary to authentic Christian growth. I am a disciple of Jesus of the Cross...without Him... I have nothing...

The Bible I am recommending her is the New King James version. This means it is the same as the old King James Version - a centuries old accepted version of Scripture. The "New" means they have translated the words "thou" "spaketh" to contemporary terms: "you" "speak" ... the Spirit Filled portion is commentary written with an emphasis of the Holy Spirit's role in our spiritual growth. For us "Higher Powered" people, this seems to be a critical piece of our sobriety. We can't stay sober - but the Holy Spirit can cause it to be so. We rely solely on Him.

This Bible is a teaching Bible so you can do a lot of work in it yourself. And you can ask God to show you what he wants you to know... Our meetings will be for discussion and insight only - it will be up to you to see how it fits into what you need to know to life a Spirit Powered life.

Please let me know if there are any other questions out there... May you know God's mercy, grace and joy today...

Comment by Gary on July 6, 2009 at 9:57am
Hello Heather, Your idea sounds like a very good one. I do not know what the NKJV Spirit Filled Life Bible is or what it contains. Is it the true word of God or is it a re-written version of an interpretaion by man? Please do not take that statement wrong. I need help as does any addict I simply want to know that what I study and learn is what He wants me to. In Christ....Gary

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