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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Addicts Redeemed

12 Step Recovery Group Growing in The One and Only HIgher Power - Jesus Christ

Location: Folsom, CA
Members: 49
Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2019

Discussion Forum


Started by Carmen Truly Blessed Etienne. Last reply by Carmen Truly Blessed Etienne Aug 10, 2016. 4 Replies

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Started by Tom Aug 9, 2016. 0 Replies

Losing the Battle for Righteousness?

Started by Nate. Last reply by Leslie Dianne Moore Mar 18, 2012. 3 Replies

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Comment by Pastor Bob B on March 22, 2010 at 4:49am
Comment by Heather on March 20, 2010 at 1:50pm
it is so great to belong to God. He makes our journey sweet and all are the nectar... blessings to you all today.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on March 20, 2010 at 10:51am
Comment by Leslie Dianne Moore on March 20, 2010 at 8:30am
Yes that is a prayer to be remembered;for all aspects of life.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on February 24, 2010 at 9:36pm
Thank you gmarilov for sharing your intimate heart felt prayer with us.

This is one of the greatest way for us to share our faith with others by sharing our relationship that we are having with the Lord with others.

So Father, touch every heart in this group, show us that through the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through our lives that we can walk free from addictions.

For this purpose was the Son OF God manifested to destroy all the works of the enemy in our lives. We thank you Lord for the grace that you give us each day like you provided the manna for the Children Of Israel in the wilderness. You only allowed them to receive what they needed for the day.

Father God we thank you that we have all that we need in us to live above oppression, to live above addiction, to live above fear, and we are more than conquerors through the power which is working in us.

In Jesus name amen.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on February 24, 2010 at 11:58am
Comment by DaughterOfGod on February 24, 2010 at 11:09am
Bob; I want to tell you that I too, struggle with weight. Some years ago before I started having knee problems, I was always working out and watching what I was eating. I like many, can eat ONE donut, and gain 5lbs. I think you know what I'm saying. It IS A STRUGGLE. I love to eat, and eat all the wrong things. The actual excersizing was easy for me; it was the EATING that was difficult. Everyday was a battle on what I could NOT eat. Many times I would binge, then feel terrible guilt afterwards. What I want to say to is, DONT GIVE UP just because you fell down one day. Pick yourself up and get back on your regiment the next day. Don't let one day spoil all of what you have worked hard to gain. It sounds like you have done very well; that you have been successful...CONGRATULATIONS brother! Yes, you felt guilty; now it's in the past. It's over, and you can't undo it. It's ok, don't beat yourself up. Just like in our walk w/the Lord, we sometimes fall. He tells me often, "What's done is done. Now go on; I am here for you. I will continue to catch you when you fall." You cannot change yesterday, but you CAN CHANGE today. You CAN continue in strength; and when you feel weak, call upon the name of the Lord...He WILL pull you through. He is ALWAYS faithful. Dear Lord, I hold Bob up to you right now; Father, I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, that you will continue to provide STRENGTH in overcoming his food addiction. Father, release his guilt, and in its place give him peace over this situation. Give him the guidance he needs, the courage to fight and your love that tells him he is yours; always and forever; even when he falls. AMEN. God Bless you Brother Bob.
Comment by DaughterOfGod on February 24, 2010 at 10:54am
Thank you Heather for your thoughtful comments. I am grateful to the Lord for putting strong Christians into my life, my marriage and my family. I am also thankful for people like yourselves that take the time on sites like these, to be there for other brothers and sisters. Bless you.
Comment by Pastor Bob B on February 23, 2010 at 4:22pm
Thanks Heather for your support and advise. I am in a really good men's group dealing with addictions. I know i will have to come clean with them tomorrow at our weekly meeting. I know alone I don't have a chance to live in victory over food addiction, but with the help of the Holy Spirit and with the family of God I can as some one once said; "Live as a supper overcomer'!

The 12 steps are a great resource, I have gone to Allanon for a period of time and it was very helpful. Ongoing support is a key to keeping victory. I have a friend who was a drug attic, and alcoholic and has been clean for years, but still attends AA and is in my men's group.

We will be being set free throughout our lives, and one day we will completely shed all the shackles this life tries to relentlessly place upon us when we see Him Face to face.
Comment by Heather on February 23, 2010 at 9:35am
HI Bob - I so understand the place you are in. Here is a thought for you...addicts are physiologically wired different than others...people who can leave half a glass of wine on the table are different from me... In my addicition, Ill drink all of mine, all of yours, and then some... Food is the same. We deny the appropriate threshhold for our weight, but really...anything over the healthy body mass index (BMI) is obese. There are many heavy religious people who look down on us because of our confessed addiction... so, having said that, there are trigger foods...for me, trigger foods are sugar and flour. For me to be successful in weight management, it is to avoid trigger foods. Get a sponsor. Work the 12 Steps in Food Addicts. Get ot the heart issues around emotional eating. Be a testimony that you could not fix yourself, but God could and would fix us if we asked.

I am praying for you Bob. Sending you spiritual hugs and appreciation.

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