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Separated, Divorced, or loss of a spouse support net.


Separated, Divorced, or loss of a spouse support net.

Those Christians who are facing separation, divorce, or loss of a spouse need love and care from their brothers and sister in Christ during this time of crisis in there lives. If one part of the body is hurt we all are hurt.

Members: 189
Latest Activity: Sep 11, 2019


I wanted to put a comment here that I left for a young man who had just separated and was in real anguish. When I looked at his picture on his page and looked into his eyes, I saw the same pain there that I saw in my own eyes when I faced separation after 25 years of marriage. I hope to make this group a real source of support for those who are in this position that most of us never dreamed of being in, and then found our selves there anyway.
This is the post.
I do know the place where you are at right now, because I have been there. Without going through all the details of my experience I want you to know that because you have come to this net. You are not alone in your suffering anymore. I know how hard it is to allow others to help you when you have been so wounded. You do not need me or any one to fix this problem right now, all you need to know is that someone cares about you. I remember the day my Pastor came to my house, just set with me half a day, and cried with me. I kept listening to this song by Keri Jobe that helped me make it through my pain.

It didn’t turn out the way I thought it would after almost 4 years now.
Am I back in my marriage? No. The divorce will be final this week.

Is there life after separation, divorce or the loss of a spouse? Yes!
But you can’t deal with it alone. You need some one to help you find a way through the maze of grief, and sorrow that some one goes through with any loss. Stand no more alone and find some support for yourself that you need so desperately.

Know that I will, and others here will pray that God will lead you to those who will help. God can handle your anger and disappointment and your grief. He is a very present help in time of need.

Maybe you are reading this and your heart is broken, you are feeling lost, and have lost your hope.

I pray that you might just share your story here and allow God to minister to you though others who love the Lord and have a compassionate heart. I realize through my own experience that I needed the members of the Body of Christ to help me in this journey.
My motto has become: STAND NO MORE ALONE.

Discussion Forum

Living in fear and trying to do God's will

Started by Jay David Sims. Last reply by Jay David Sims Jul 10, 2013. 2 Replies

I am recently separated as well. I was a heavy drinker. In may, I put myself into a treatment center. I had reached a level of deep shame. I was verbally abusive and a very angry drunk. I often was…Continue

I'd be drowning by now if it wasn't for God picking me up and carrying me.

Started by James Saldana. Last reply by Ruel Z Chavez May 7, 2011. 4 Replies

My wife said she wants a divorce. I know that i have failed to show her how much she has meant to me after 17 years of marriage a lot of the times. i know that i have not been the husband to her and…Continue

God Will... Bring you Thru.

Started by Gayla Mar 6, 2011. 0 Replies

As someone who has gone thru many struggles in life, oftentimes longing for the end of a certain situation that I was experiencing at the moment, I can say of a surety that "God... will bring you…Continue

Tags: Gayla, Stahl, thru, you, will

Going through Divorced :-(

Started by Vicky Emperatriz Diaz. Last reply by Vicky Emperatriz Diaz Feb 9, 2011. 4 Replies

My husband of 18 1/2 years walked out on me and my girls. It has been very painful to me as his wife but also as the mother of our children because I get to see the pain and rebellion they are going…Continue

Now what?

Started by Stephen Sadousky. Last reply by Soldier Feb 9, 2011. 1 Reply

I'll put this out there to see what is what.Not really sure what happens now,but ,I guess that sometimes things have to end so new beginnings can start.I find myself facing divorce,and have been…Continue

Been about 4 months since my wife filed for separation/divorce

Started by Leo. Last reply by Leo Oct 20, 2010. 3 Replies

We have had our rough times and had some good times. We have three of the biggest blessings God can betstow on us, three beautiful boys. We got married young but decided we'd tackle life together and…Continue

Need your prayers. I'm just so angry.

Started by Leo. Last reply by Soldier Oct 4, 2010. 4 Replies

Yesterday, I had to take my boys back to their moms and I won't get to see them for like 5 or 6 months. I am not an angry person but this has just done it to me. I am so angry at my wife for doing…Continue

Help when you experience loss

Started by Gayla. Last reply by marcoe corpuz Sep 28, 2010. 4 Replies

Loss can touch our lives at any time, and sometimes it can be devastating. We can be assured that God is right there with us, in whatever pain we are currently experiencing, helping us to cope with…Continue

Tags: loss, experience, you, when, help

Newly Divorced

Started by Teresa. Last reply by Soldier Aug 23, 2010. 2 Replies

I'm newly divorced and it sucks.   My husband wanted the divorce, said he wasnt happy, that I was mean to him and had a bad attitude.  There were some other issues as well.  We moved to Hawaii last…Continue

Dealing with loss and grief

Started by Pastor Bob B. Last reply by Pastor Bob B May 6, 2010. 16 Replies

To One in SorrowLet me come in where you are weeping, friend,And let me take your hand.I, who have known a sorrow such as yours, can understand.Let me come in--I would be very still beside you in…Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Separated, Divorced, or loss of a spouse support net. to add comments!

Comment by Diana L Spence on August 15, 2012 at 2:57pm

Divorced..........but NOT by choice!  After more than 12 years, I still haven't gotten past the devastation. 

Comment by Soldier on July 22, 2012 at 10:05pm

Say Pastor Bob! How have you been?

I have had folks say that pain comes with #1 so that #2 is cherished so much more. I wont doubt that. As of now, the prospect of #2 is absolutely incredible!!!!!!!

God Bless!

Comment by Pastor Bob B on July 19, 2012 at 8:24am

Comment by Pastor Bob B on October 28, 2011 at 3:25pm

God has given a Christian such power that he can turn afflictions into mercies, can turn darkness into light. If a man had the power that Christ had, when the water pots were filled, he could by a word turn the water into wine. If you who have nothing but water to drink had the power to turn it into wine, then you might be contented; certainly a Christian has received this power from God, to work thus miraculously. It is the nature of grace to turn water into wine, that is, to turn the water of your affliction, into the wine of heavenly consolation.

Jeremiah Burroughs


Soldier You have blessed my heart today by what you shared with Daniel. Separation, divorce, or loss of a spouse through death have to be one of the toughest things anyone can face in life. For me I had to draw near to God to get through the heart ache and pain of separation and divorce. Then I had to deal with my ex- wife getting maried to a woman.

I never thought the pain of betrayal would ever end, but God has been with me. I know by expearence that God cares and love us and is a very present help in our time of need.

Comment by Soldier on October 28, 2011 at 1:55pm

Oh my brother Daniel, I feel lead to write some things here for you but Im struggling for the right things to say. As Ive found when I "realized God never left my side", He does things for His purpose. Therefore, I'll simply hit the keys and let Him speak.

I became a recent divorcee this last summer. Friend, the seperation occurred 3 mons shy of what would have been our 21st anniversary. My world CRASHED!

Yeah, it was all the typical stuff, weight loss, depression, lack of sleep, overall loss of health. Matter of fact, it was the night of the seperation that God sent me to this site. As I was bawling my eyes out, shaking as I tried to type from my phone, I was blessed with immediate responces from many members here.

The first "person" that I addressed with a cry for help was my chaplain. The words he told me burned so deep. He remined me that when God demonstrated HIs infinite love, pain was always associated with it. Look at Job. How about Moses who was denied the ability to enter the Promised Land? The largest, greatest act of love that man can NEVER compare to, the crucifixtion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Yet, out of the pain, look at what glory, richness, hapiness God provides.

1Peter 5 tells us of Gods Promise that if we endure our sufferings, He, not a wife, not the lottery, not a vacation at a 5 start hotel, He, the Creater Himself, will come and minister to us.

I know that you are a member of another group. I hope sharing these words with you will give you and other peace to in knowing that God knows of your pain. James 4:8, draw close to Him, He will draw close to you.  I have other to share with you at the other group.  God Bless you.


Comment by daniel bryan curry on October 28, 2011 at 4:06am
yes after 5 yrs of marriage,im single again,its rough i wont lie.but i hope to find a new partner down the road.
Comment by Soldier on September 10, 2011 at 7:39pm
God Bless you all! God says to "draw close to Him and He will draw close to us". Dont try to find comfort in your "flesh". It aint there. The awesome comfort that we all are looking for at various stages/at various times is only found in Him.
Comment by Soldier on July 18, 2011 at 10:34pm

Hello MS Fontenot. As I began reading your post, my heart hurt for you. As I write this, I will have a final divorce hearing on the 21st.  As I was getting ready allow my fingers to be guided to the right keys, I caught a very crucial  sentence you added. Ma'am, I cant write here and make a statement that you are healed. Not for me to say, only you can mke that evaluation. However, what I can say is that you have found the majic key. " was right in my own heart the whole time...the love and grace of Jesus Christ".

As I have come through my own journy, 21 yr marriage ending, her giving birth to the man's child last week, when we look for the answers in teh flesh, they wont be there. ONce we admit that and turn to God and let Him drive, I stand amazed at what He can and will do.

Ive learned that, although there are still things to learn, that time of my life was simply Gods way of preparing me for a new life that He has blessed with by allowing me to meet a spectacular, Godly woman, in this site, that neither of us came here looking for a new earthly relationship.

You keep your head high and your eyes fixated on His Holiness and you will then begin to see with the "eyes" He wants you to see with.  God Bless you.

Comment by autumn stacey fontenot on July 4, 2011 at 3:50pm
I have suffered through the anguish of divorce twice. I have tried to figure out for years where I was going wrong. Then I finally realized that because of my relationship with my father, I was always searching for something that was missing in my life, and through the ideas of this world, thought I could get that fullfilment in a relationship with another human being. I still hurt sometimes when I think about the past and the choices I made, but I have learned so much through my journey. I finally realized that I don't have to have a man in my life to be happy, and that no human being can ever fill the emptiness in my heart, for that is the place for God. I am still recovering from the last divorce.....that one through me for a loop. I delt with abuse and mistreatment on every level, but finally found my way out. I know many here are hurting and I wish i did have some good advice. All I know is that trust in the Lord and time heals all wounds. and if you have been divorced for some time, I have learned to never become involved with anyone whom doesn't love the Lord as i do. All the searching I have done to find happiness and it was right in my own heart the whole time...the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
Comment by Soldier on June 23, 2011 at 10:40am
Folks, I havent been here in awhile. However, I wanted to leave this for all to see. Wherever you are, God is with you.

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