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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Christy Gabriel's Gifts (504)

At 8:10am on March 01, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
I will never leave you or forsake you in Christ Jesus! for He Comforts us for His glory Amen!!!
At 2:55am on March 01, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
God Bless you Let us walk in the spirit then we will not gratify the Lusts of the Flesh
At 3:40am on February 28, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
Let us walk in Love towards Christ for God is Love
At 10:02pm on February 27, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
May God Bless you Let your light so shine before all men that they will see your good works and gloryfy God in Heven Lovingkindness Your faithfull Brother Let's keep in touch Amen!
At 8:52am on February 26, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
You are fearfully and wonderfully made God new all about you your past and future for your furture is hidden in Christ with all Lovingkindness your Brother Chris.
At 2:39am on February 25, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
Let us bear fruit for the building up as iron sharpens iron so another sharpens his friend. "Lovingkindness" Your Bro chris.
At 5:13am on February 24, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
May God Bless you in all that you do WE WILL KEEP IN TOUCH!!!
At 5:26am on February 23, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
May the Lord Bless you! As iron sharpens iron so a friend sharpens a friend...
At 12:02pm on February 18, 2010, RAJESWAR YARLAGADDA gave Christy Gabriel a gift
At 8:16pm on February 12, 2010, joan panter gave Christy Gabriel a gift
thank you Christy, may you be a real blessing to all who meet and know you, you are one or God's little rays of sunshine, bless you my sister in Christ

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