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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Christy Gabriel's Gifts (504)

At 9:17pm on October 21, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
Hello Precious I will praise God if I get the job if I do not get the job I will still praise His Name for He will open a door that no man can shut and close a door that no man can open God Bless.
At 4:04am on October 19, 2010, Sathish Kumar ( Dan) gave Christy Gabriel a gift
Thanks for the warm welcome sis god bless u and be with u always :)
At 4:26am on October 18, 2010, Sathish Kumar ( Dan) gave Christy Gabriel a gift
And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hands --- 1 Samuel 17:47
At 5:44am on October 15, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
God Bless you for you are cdreated in His image Lovingkindness
At 4:34am on October 14, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
how are you precious be of good cheer for He has overcome and you can do all things in Christ who gives you the strengh!!! by His spirit
At 3:33am on October 13, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
I give you lovingkindness and grace God Bless you precious!!!
At 3:32am on October 13, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
I jgive you my Love!!!
At 3:29am on October 13, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
Yes I shall always serve here on AAG with you
At 9:17pm on October 12, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
May the Lord Bless you and I thank you (Prov 18:24 NASB) A man of many friends comes to ruin, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. that is you precious
At 11:59pm on October 11, 2010, Christopher Kendall gave Christy Gabriel a gift
I thank you for thinking of me and for caring for looking out for me I love you precious

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