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Ella's Gifts (34)

At 8:06am on June 06, 2012, Christopher Kendall gave Ella a gift
Pro 3:1-6 In the way of believing obedience to God's commandments health and peace may commonly be enjoyed; and though our days may not be long upon earth, we shall live for ever in heaven.
At 4:00pm on April 15, 2012, sandra v villamero gave Ella a gift
HOE SRE YOU DEAR SIS.............
At 9:44am on February 06, 2012, Elaine Tencza PrayerRmModerator gave Ella a gift
Youbare very welcome Ella, I have read you comments, and you ate most welcome into my garden of flowers, Blessing's to you dear child of God
At 12:26am on February 04, 2012, sandra v villamero gave Ella a gift
GOD BLESS you more abundantly today...
At 3:44am on January 31, 2012, sandra v villamero gave Ella a gift
At 1:18am on January 27, 2012, Christopher Kendall gave Ella a gift
Greetings and may Goid Bless Psa 19:8 The precepts of the LORD are upright, making the heart rejoice. The commandment of the LORD is pure, giving light to the eyes.The fear of the LORD is clean,
At 5:28pm on January 23, 2012, robin bird gave Ella a gift
Thanks for your friendship - ive had a bad cold for a few days -- it certainly makes you review your Christian priorities when you have time on your hands. Have a great week -- Robin
At 4:53am on January 20, 2012, Christopher Kendall gave Ella a gift
I Miss you all I hope you had a wonderfull holiday and God Bless you through 2012
At 9:04am on December 14, 2011, Simply Nancy gave Ella a gift
Thankyou Ella, my friend for the post you left on my page and just for being the kind ,sweet you that God made you to be. :)
At 8:06am on December 12, 2011, martyp gave Ella a gift
Thank you my Dear Friend and sister for the kind thought!! God Bless!!

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