May the Lord Bless you for He is our provision and loves you Psa 138:8 The LORD will perfect that which concerns you; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
May the Lord Bless you with all Lovingkindness and Grace you are wit me in spirit as I am with you in spirit I will never leave you or forsake you I thank God for you for you are such a blessing to me
May God Bless you in all you do and put your hand to may you prosper for in Christ as Christ sees you so I see you as the apple of my eye and fearfuly created for His purpose Lovingkindness Chris!!!
I deeply thank you for accepting me in Christ For this Good work Christ has begun in you He will complete He sees you as the apple of His eye with Lovingkindness over you. Christopher!!!