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What comes to mind when you read that title XXXChurch? Well do you think of something good or bad? Let me tell you what it means to the people who run it. " In 2002, we showed up at a porn show. Not outside with signs and megaphones. We showed up inside because we care. Ten years later, we are still showing up in your world because we still care about you" - Unknown XXXChurch is a ministry to help those who both look at it and work in the industry. They have helped many woman get out of the industry and with God's help become born-again Christians and never look back. They go into the events industry events where people from the industry walk around talking and walking and giving out prizes and dressed not so nice and the people from XXXChurch so love, grace, and mercy to the people in the conventions and just want to be there friends. They just want to show them the love of Christ. They even go so far as to hand out bibles that say on the covers "Jesus Loves Porn Stars." Also they will pray with people if they want prayer. So what do you think of this? The people who run this say that they do this because they feel that they are going into places that Jesus would go.

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Because God is love He cannot treat anyone outside of that love, which is who He is. His justice operates in harmony with His love and with His holiness and righteousness.


In John 3:16 the Word says "God so loved the world" it does not say God so loved the repentant and does not love the "unrepentant." How He loves and what that love will do for the individual is another story, but love all He does.


Lord Bless,


For along time I have believed God hates sin and sinners. I should have waited before commenting until I had completed my reply.

There are many verses in the Bible that indicate that God's wrath is against the sinner for their sin and not just against the sin itself. God has no pleasure in destroying the wicked, but the wicked who do not ever agree with God about their sin and become born again will spend all of eternity trying to pay the full penalty for those sins and the debt will never get paid. This ought to break our hearts for the lost.

The world is going to act like the world. We can't expect the world to act like the Body of Christ. We are saved by grace through faith.

Until people are able to see sin as sin, they aren't going to change their lifestyles. As long as sin is justified and legalized and rationalized, people are not going to agree with God about their sin. Deeds of darkness need to be exposed.

18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander (Matthew 15). And my understanding is that people are born in a lost condition.

The problem is the unchanged heart. I point to Ephesians 5:13-14:
But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:
“Wake up, sleeper,
    rise from the dead,
    and Christ will shine on you.”
Once the heart is changed, what comes from it will begin changing, too, yes or no? We also have to remember that those born again start out as mere babies spiritually. 

We are to expose sin.

PS This is from comments I made in the Starbucks CEO discussion and I had to edit them to fit here. Sorry.

God's wrath and hate against the sinner doesn't nullify God's love for the sinner. John 3:16 is still very true. This is my POV. It's why the other discussion was so close to my heart -- I want to believe that all people have a genuine chance to be saved. Can anyone understand what I'm saying? Help people see their sin and expose it and be a light. God uses us to help awaken sleepers.

I think some of the confusion exists when we try to understand a particular ministry such as XXXChurch or Scarlet Hope instead of actually discussing the kind of ministry that would be acceptable in these situations. That confusion is why I try to address the kind of ministry and ignore the stated ministry.


A secondary problem develops when we try to research some of these ministries we can find info that is several years old. They may have once acted in a certain way, learned from it and changed, but we often miss the change, whether it be a change for the better or for the worse.


Lord Bless,


I also disagree with the T-shirt and the Bible cover you just mentioned. Because Jesus does not love strippers or porn stars as such. He loves the person who is stripping and desires they strip no more. He loves the person who is performing in the porn industry but desires they perform no more. The action they are involved in is sin and God requires they come out of that life style.



Each response below corresponds with your each paragraph above in order 1 thru 4.


1) My view on this includes all.

2) We are called to reach people in our area of influence and some are called to be missionaries to certain people groups or lands.


3) The "kudos" part is subjective and I will leave it at that.


4) Absolutely we know that no one comes to Christ unless the Holy Spirit is at work in them. We also know that God has given a design for the distribution of the gospel as seen in Romans 10. It requires the Holy Spirit, but God has chosen to send men and women with the message.

Grace not everyone can do everything. There has to be someone reaching out to them. There human. I guess you don't see it that way. LT the bible cover is to show them that Jesus loves them where there at but not keep them there. There just trying to show that Jesus loves them as well as church goers who are already Christians.

We will disagree on the value and appropriateness of that one.

This is so true because I know that Scarlet Hope is a growing ministry and has made changes in their methods and practices. They have a lot of new info on their main site but also a lot of old info and links that don't work anymore, because of the changes they have made. They also just finished an outreach training from July 17 thru July 19 for Christians in other cities who feel called into ministering to people who are in the adult entertainment industry. It bothered me to discuss them specifically without them being here to speak for themselves and I think it would be much better to not discuss specific ministries but just the ministry in general.

Amanda used this basic concept in the other forum. Do we send missionaries, at least in the past, to tribes that are cannibals? Do we send missionaries to tribes who openly worship idols or demons? Do we send missionaries to work in lands were false religion rules the area? If we say we must wait for people to exit the strip club or porn convention before we witness why wouldn't we say that we need to wait unto the cannibal leaves his tribe, or wait until the village gives up its idols and demon worship, or wait until people leave the country where false religion has its stronghold? No, our missionaries enter these strongholds at great risk to their very lives. Over the years many have lost their lives for the sake of the gospel.


We can do ministry in the dark by bringing the light to the dark without becoming one with the dark.


These types of ministries are not for everyone.

Lord Bless,


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