What are the dangers of correcting an unbeliever, and does it really bring them into the family of God by doing this? Did Jesus Ever Condemn A Unbeliever? Lastly, what does the Bible say about how we are to approach an unbeliever?
I think if you feel that way then yes you should delete it, but if you know your not doing it then repost it. Or go in your prayer closet and get yourself straightened out..just do some butt kicks lol..jk. There is an illustration in the Bible about talents, but I know you already know what I'm referring to.
Actually, I do feel that way. I am not sure what you mean about "butt kicks" but I think I beat myself up enough as it is and I also think in my life others have, too. What do you think the parable of the talents means?
Exercise butt kicks. Something I have to do in P90x for warm up. I always say I beat up on myself way more than anyone else ever could. Please don't ever take anything I say offensive. Trust me you would have no question if I really was being carnal. I was kinda also trying to make her laugh on something that should have probably been taken more seriously. I only said that because I thought maybe she was just being modest... sorry. I think, answering your question....The parable is speaking of money, but this can also be applied to the gifts and skills that God has entrusted us with. If I refuse to step out in a gift or skill that God has given me because I am afraid or lazy (and No I'm not saying your lazy), I may be behaving the same way as the steward with one talent.
Luke 12:48
“…From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.”
At least you are real enough to admit that you can be carnal sometimes.
The talents. There is a lot of truth in that parable. I guess people have interpreted it in different ways.
What I think: We have gifts given to us by God, or loaned to us but they are not really ours. I think God gives us gifts based on our personalities among other things. We are to use them to bring people into the Kingdom. Some people think once they have made their decision to receive Jesus as Savior they can sit back and relax. But Jesus gave us the Great Commission. Holy Spirit hands out gifts so that we can fulfill our mission, our part in it anyway.
Everything we have belongs to God.
"And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else" Acts 17:25, NIV.
God doesn't need us but God wants us. God wants us to help others and to share the Good News and to use our talents to do this.
There is much more truth in it but that is as far as I want to go. Like the one who buried his talent was punished. He was lost. "And throw that worthless slave into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Not really saved.
In my life I have done this. I have used all my talents, all my gifts for God. I have used the gift of mercy to take care of the sick, elderly, and dying.
I have had poems published and devotions in the Upper Room devotional and articles in newspapers. I was never one to hide my talents. Until now.
It's about being faithful.
Do you see my reply a little weird? It looks like 1,2, and 3 word sentences. What in the world?? I did not do that on purpose:)
Anyways, yes I have read about gnashing of teeth, but I figured that didn't apply to you because you are saved. Hey where's your picture?
Winter's reply is a sideways (vertical) quote. How did you do that? If I did that no one would read my replies at all because they are so long. Then I would stay out of trouble completely. I can't even spell right now, let alone use a talent. All replies should be at right angles. Can we make that a rule?
Amanda is right. I'm still trying to read it. Takes too much skill.
Char, it's squished to the right. Are you taking the right dosage?
You don't have to delete it. I was just going to delete all of mine.
Here's my stupid poem. I was a teen-ager when I wrote it. It was published in Decision in April 1987 by permission and I still have the copyright ... and I got paid ... hahaha ... They had to get my permission to use it.
Reaching down for a leaf
of owl's clover -- a soft
rose-purple shade --
I discover that
in my hand it is like
a tear-shaped drop of red.
I think of Gethsemane
and Thee ... Calvary ...
the early morning
resurrection ... the glory.
And I long for God's country
where it is eternal spring,
where all life has no ending.
-- ME
That's the whole gospel.
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