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What are the dangers of correcting an unbeliever, and does it really bring them into the family of God by doing this? Did Jesus Ever Condemn A Unbeliever? Lastly, what does the Bible say about how we are to approach an unbeliever?

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Winter, I can’t speak for Tammy, but a part of your writing caught my attention, It was this:

A lot of people cannot imagine this kind of pain but believe me the unsaved are watching and they are wanting to know how you will handle bad situations no matter how big or small. They don't live by the Bible but they certainly will make sure you are.

And that is why we must show them the error of such thinking and show them that we need a Savior and they need one just as much as we do. Only Jesus lived a perfect life. We don't have our own righteousness but we don't want our own. We want His. We NEED His.

Philippians 3:
7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

Just the other night I was feeling very discouraged by the way I was being treated -- in unloving ways (yeah, go figure … I am treated that way but possibly earn it) -- and I told someone “Sometimes the only Jesus we can see is the One in others.” The answer I got made a lot of sense: “Ah, but the secret is to find the one "in you" (Col. 1:27)”

That’s what we should tell born again believers who have their eyes on people instead of on Jesus and if they are not born again and are looking at others, then maybe they will see how much they really need Christ in them. He is our only hope. We can't give up on the lost. We don't have the right to give up on them. As long as there is breath in the body, there is hope for the soul. We have to point them to Christ and to the Truth. That is love.


Its interesting that you mentioned born again believers having their eyes on people instead of on Jesus. I know it wasn't the main point, but I felt like that little piece spoke to me. See I have struggled in this area several times. I wish I could say that wasn't the case, but I can't. I have been hurt so much as I am sure others have, so I don't want to sound like I'm having a pity party... but it cuts so deep when all you have is the church for family.  I have also gone the complete opposite direction and kept to myself and stayed in my house a lot. I've thought  because people either love me or hate me that I am so different from everyone else.  I went to a church where they said that bi-polar, depression, and panic attacks were from the devil. They even said PTSD was a demon oppressing the mind and giving me a spirit of fear. You don't know how many times I was so scared to death and just couldn't do anything about it. No matter how hard I prayed I just couldn't make my mind listen. I would blame myself and sometimes go to bed crying myself to sleep. I was never a crier so it was very weird for me to do so. Its much easier to get angry because you can mask the pain better that way, and not show people they have hurt you, so they can hurt you again. I still cannot talk about things to this day. I wonder if it would even make it better to talk about it anyways...I know I'm jumping around here but my main point is that I have a long long long ways to go, and have been working really hard to do my very best. Even though I know my very best will never get me into  heaven. Its hard to wrap my mind around not having to do something or work hard for my salvation. I'm not a sharer so the past couple days have been also very weird doing this. I'm not sure why I am as I do not know any of you and you could use it against me. That is sad in itself to think. Oh, well. I'll get over it. Just wanted to say thanks for the post above.


Dear, sister I just have to say something. I sadly haven't kept my eyes on Jesus as much as I should and have done it with people. He's helping me with that though. I can relate as well when the only people that can be talked to is a church family (for me on here and online with a few/some others) when it comes to certain issues.


Sister, I don't want to carry any judgement opon you. Forgive me if I will (accidently of course). From experience I know that talking about things, even with individual people (which I've done on here through messages) helps and putting it out on blogs. I can now be more open because I know I can trust those on AAG more than when I 1st came here (like someone said it's "testing the waters"). If someone would be really mean and judgemental I probably would have hardened and would be afraid to tell those on here. But, thankfully that's not the case.


 From the time I first started opening up to now on AAG, well it has helped me out so much! Thank you all who's helped. I know if I don't talk about things and "clam up" my heart will grow harder.


Your sister in Christ,


Aww thanks feetbreeze,  I need the encouragement sometimes too I guess. I didn't mean it in a bad way but I guess it is a trust thing, which makes no sense. I said "oh well" because if it helps even one that's what it will be good for. I know I sometimes wonder if people are going thru the same hell as me. It helps to hear about things even though sometimes I don't admit it.


Trust issues? It makes perfect sence! Sister, I, especially back in 8th grade, (that's when alot of my problems got to a breaking point/begun-alot of them I still have today) have had a very hard time trusting people. I shut myself out from the majority of people (expect pretty much online) and played my video games. The good Lord has made it to where He's let my heart soften and He's helping me trust (atleast more than in 8th grade).


I know it wasn't right but someone who wanted to help me asked if I just wanted to be away from home or school. I lied and said school but truthfully I didn't want to be anywhere on earth. That shows I didn't trust that person too well.


If you would have known me back in like the year 06/07 (even probably after than) something you may have found out (or I may have just hid it within my heart) was I had a horrible time trusting people. Actually, I know if I didn't have those few friends I did online to talk to, I think it would have killed me. And, what I mean is I would have been just another bullycide statistic, if you get what I mean. I still don't trust people completly on certain issues, I admit that. Jesus is helping me heal, but it's a progress.


And, Tammy is right. You sharing your heart with us is a huge step. Praise God! :) I've learned that it's ok not to say everything at once. Even just opening up a little at a time helps.





Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. That is a huge step. My mother use to say that Christians are the only soldiers that kick their own when they're down. I don't know if it makes us feel more righteous to dig for others' faults or what but before we do rebuke others, we truly need to take a long hard look in the mirror. I can say that I am the worse. 1 Timothy 1:15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst. I think our expectations on others needs to be our expectations of ourselves first. But for whatever reason, it's not.


You are right:)


Winter, I'm glad I didn't give up. If your shell is anything like mine, then it takes awhile to crack it enough for some light to start getting in. One thing I can be grateful about is that it is OK to say the "F" word here on AAG--the F word called "Feeling" that is.

I’ve had some pretty good days in my life and I’ve also had some very bad days, and I think everyone has ... not to minimize what you've been through but just to say I empathize even while knowing your experience is not my experience.

I remember a devotion I read awhile back: If God Never Does Anything Else For Me, He’s Done Enough. This is something that a lot of believers say, but what does it really mean? If we’ve already had all of our best days and if today is a bad day and we have yet to experience our worst day ever, can we really accept things the way they are if God decides not to do anything else for us?

Would you still trust God and stay in His Word?

I like Habakkuk in the Old Testament (well I like them all but I have some favorites, too). He feels pretty sick of all of it. He’s sick of sin, death, and suffering. He’s sick and tired and he goes to God and he basically asks God if God is sick and tired of it, too. I’m not kidding. He does. I like him.

Habakkuk spends some time with God and complains a little bit ... well a lo t... and he expresses his confusion but then he obeys God and after he has spent time with God, something happens … he writes a prayer … a song. Go read it. It’s worth reading. It’s a song of worship.

In the Bible, God shows up in amazing ways for others. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It’s OK to take our frustrations to God and, like Habakkuk, ask God to remember mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and love and then we need to listen to God and I have been and somehow my faith is growing so that I am able to trust God and I think it is awesome for those people, who, even on a day that could be their worst day ever…they praise Him for the good things that He has done … the good days that they have seen and that’s what Habakkuk decides to do … rejoice … and so should I … even if God never shows up again and never does another thing for me … and even if I’ve already had my best day ever …

... I will still praise Him. You will, too.


Thanks for that:)


We want His. We NEED His. - Hallelujah

What would we do without Jesus?

Amen. What is sad is the "Christians" look even harder at our lives waiting on us to fail. The unbelievers watch our pettiness & don't want any of that. I always loved the story of Normal McCorvey (Roe vs Wade). She talked about Christians picketing & stuff & how she detested them. Then, one little 12 year old child that was her neighbor was what brought her to Christ. The child told her truths but with such innocence & love. I have such a long way to go but as long as I'm taking another breathe, I know He still is working on me. Thank You Lord for still giving me another chance to change someone's life.


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