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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I just read this in another forum .

The beauty of Christianity to me is how we can have peace while things are falling apart, Joy through it all and no fear even through the valley
of death.

I'm wondering if any of you were not to have this peace and joy. And the fear followed you
continually, would you still follow the Lord and if so what would you
do different if anything without this behore mentioned?  Seriously? If
you weren't ever able to feel an anointing  the presence of God
would you stay following Him? I know folks aren't suppose to go by
feelings but come on really think .. in church no peace joy no presence
no nothing anywhere??? How would you follow God then? Please I hope my questions
are taking seriously and not thought to be unimportant. Normally I don't care if my post get comments or not but this post is very important to me. I hope for sincere honesty too. thank you if anyone replies.

the quote above is Dv's plus the quote above is what I used to have but no longer do.

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Thank you yall for your replies. I've read them and will be thinking aboiut them. Thank you David for nposting these videos. I have heard the name before but never kne anything about him. Im not a crier and I understood this mans anger and hate toward his dad and God but this last tape was touching. thank yopu for posting it.
Hello Sunny Pai,

I realize you are speaking from your personal experience... and I'm sorry it is that way for you..
Here's my personal experience....
I have been through a tremendously challenging year, and many on here (AAG) know the details of what I have gone through.. Let me just say, God is faithful to hold and keep us, and draw us closer to Him during our trials.. He has done that for me.. When we build the foundation of our faith on solid Rock.. (Jesus Christ Himself) We will not be moved!

My trials did in fact bring me closer to the Lord...and strengthened my relationships with the people in my life. I am now through that particuar period of trials and testing..and I am looking to move forward giving all Glory to God..

I am not merely being positive.. I am stating a living active tell you of my faithful God who strengthens me to be an overcomer, and HE IS FAITHFUL.. Live a life surrendered to Him and you will know this to be true.

In His Love, Carla

What you have stated is a reality for many who are Christians but have not built a solid foundation upon the Lord, or have one, but their lack of faith and/or abiding in the word, prayer and worship has weaken them to the point where trials get the best of them. A baby Christian can also go through the ordeal you described because they are growing in their faith. The problem we encounter among Christians is that some have been in Christ for 40 years and are still but babes in Christ. They ought to be teachers, but still need to be taught, because they never study the word of God.

We all go through times when we have to remind ourselves who it is that we serve and who we are in Him. That is a normal part of being in Christ.

There is another set of Christians who built solid foundations upon the rock as well and disciplined their lives to abiding in the word. They have a life of worship and they pray about everything. These to encounter sad days and hurt. This group of Christians though has learned to take thoughts captive immediately as they come into our mind and their hope is entirely in God. These Christians by exercising their faith and understanding truth/principals that keep us joyful and at peace through it all have even come to a place where they find joy in the trial.

James 1

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

God was not just saying that thru James. He meant it. It can be a reality in our lives. The word of God has many conditions which a lot of Christians are not even aware of because they do not abide in the word and hence they live defeated lives. But it should not be so.

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

When I am abiding in Christ as I should and trials come, I have over and over again rejoiced. I even smile and ask my Lord. OK what do you want me to learn now Father. What do I have to let go off and what Godly quality do you want me to acquire through this and I rejoice at the fact that here is another opportunity to shine for Him. Here is another opportunity for me to grow and that makes me joyful.

Thanks for yall taking time to comment on my question. My question wasn't "If when you are going through trials and you don't sense the peace and joy would you still serve God" my question was if you never felt this joy peace and non fear EVER . I meant anytime everywhere in GOOD and bad. Most every testimony I ever hear this peace and joy is mentioned. Yes I know through trials people may not feel the embrace of God that joy and peace but never feeling that ever would seemingly make it difficult for people to follow God. Even though what yall say is true that the Christians should follow him whether you feel Him or not . The next time yall are praying or worshiping or even washing dishes and you feel that heavenly joy and peace ,think about how that right there is drawing you closer to God. And if it wasnt there ever would you be as close. Im invious this is why I brought this subject up. You already answered me and thank you. I just wanted to try to explain a little better what I meant.
I also want to add that I asked this question because I am trying to draw closer to God and I was hoping that some one would have this miracle anwser .

I posted this scripture earlier but you may have missed it.. Here is your miracle answer:

Phl 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Phl 4:7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Blessings and Love to you,
Thank you Carla, I read then I forget I read then I forget. Comprehension has always been slow for me. I will try to work on this not worrying verses. Thank you blessings back to you.

I truly appreciate you asking some excellent questions and we know God knows your heart and mind. You share these concerns with us and it's obvious that God is very aware of them, but I wonder if you go to Him and express these things to Him. See God already knows what we need, want and desire, but He wants a relationship with us, so I wonder if you approach Him about this things. Do you fall to your knees and ask Him why He does not manifest His presence to you? Have you cried out to Him? When I went back to doing worldly things I remember the first time I cried out to Him to forgive me, I immediately felt comforted, but after falling again right after that experience and seeking His forgiveness a again bit later, I did not feel Him at all.

It was His way of telling me (I believe); son I am not playing with you and you will not play with me. I will allow you to serve me simply by your conviction that I am the truth. Well after a couple of months of not feeling Him, I broke down in my room and cried out to Him and this is what I said. I will serve you whether I feel you or not, I know I brought this upon myself, you know I love you for I love you with the Love you yourself have given me, but please Daddy, I need to feel your love. I need you. And once again I felt His presence in my life.

I know this does not pertain exactly to your question, but I felt like sharing it with you.

Love you.

This reply from you DV didnt show up in my e-mail showing it was posted.

David you are absolutely right. I havent gotten on my knees I have not and can not "cry" . I get a tear or two sometimes but not cry. I dont have anywhere private to go. " No prayer closet" . I do pray and in my thoughts I cry out to God . I have not given him my full self. The fears stop me. I am depressed now but if I get knocked like i did before on that night. I would die. I dont know ho to give God that fear when its Him who I fear. I am grateful that you people here on AAG is so upfront and put Gods word and ways first. I know Im doing wrong. I just hope for the Holy spirit tug to help me and STAY with me during this step. I am getting ready to listen to the video now.
when i say it is Him I fear i dont mean the beginning of knowledge type of fear but the abandoning and pushing me back kind of fear and the fear of feeling over whelmed with evil. I knoiw i sound like a broken record . i hope you know im trying atleast. If you knew me before you would know i didnt make a habit of asking christians anything.
there's scorpions why are there so many scorpions.
You are a cat - kill them hahaha :)


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