All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I just read this in another forum .

The beauty of Christianity to me is how we can have peace while things are falling apart, Joy through it all and no fear even through the valley
of death.

I'm wondering if any of you were not to have this peace and joy. And the fear followed you
continually, would you still follow the Lord and if so what would you
do different if anything without this behore mentioned?  Seriously? If
you weren't ever able to feel an anointing  the presence of God
would you stay following Him? I know folks aren't suppose to go by
feelings but come on really think .. in church no peace joy no presence
no nothing anywhere??? How would you follow God then? Please I hope my questions
are taking seriously and not thought to be unimportant. Normally I don't care if my post get comments or not but this post is very important to me. I hope for sincere honesty too. thank you if anyone replies.

the quote above is Dv's plus the quote above is what I used to have but no longer do.

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Hi Janie,
I don't believe anyone can have their world fall apart or suffer serious illness and not have fear.
Certainly we have comfort from the Holy Spirit that will get us through the turmoil, but there will be fear and doubts.
We are after all humans with human emotions.
I had cancer last year and although I gave the fear over to God to deal with, I still experienced worry, fear and doubts for a short period. You still think "is it terminal", "am I going to die", "am I going to lose some vital part of me".
These are human fears and emotions and we all have them and experience them.
Once you sit and pray and give it all over to God, then there is peace.
As Christians we have that peace, knowing that we don't walk through the valley alone.

It must be difficult for a non believer who has never put their trust in God to call on Him when they get sick or they know they are going to die..
Christians helping non believing friends will say " give your fears to God"
There must be enormous doubt in their minds. "What if God doesn't help me"?

In terms of feeling an annointing or presence of God in your life.
There is usually some reason or occurance in your life for that presence to reveal itself.
For me it was a particularly low point emotionally in my life.
I felt an uplifting spirit speak to me.
Praise the Lord that He did. I have never looked back.

I don't know if that answers any of your question, Janie.
Others may have more valuable words to add.
In His love
Thank you for your comment Rod and LT.
If we sit and pray and give it all over to God and yet still no peace ,well then what? How could a christian, even if still serving Him, serve Him with their all with passion? I guess passion is the word I mean. I wish I could explain my thoughts better. I mean I hear or used to hear Christians talk about how when they pray and or worship how the peace of God is all over them. Then I hear others say that they get that sometimes like one of yall said when you give it all to God through prayer. I had backslid because no matter how much I prayed and worshiped God I lost that peace and joy I lost the sence of God being with me ; but I did sense the presence of evil demonic. Now I pray and need God and I'm just not strong I need His strength but it seems its never available. So if you guys were never ever able to sense the presence of the almighty God even now would look past the valley and look to the mountain top. I will try to stay focused on that. I just dont know how to do that yet. Thank you both for taking time for me. ..
what just came into my mind is Moses people taking 40 years to get to where they were going when it should tooken a very short time. Thats all that came to mind but maybe I shoulsd learn about that
Hello Janie,
There are certainly plenty of believers all over the world that are in trials.
People suffering disease, famine, wars and persecution that believe in God and give those trials over to God. Many of them may wonder, why God seems to have deserted them.
God's timing and purposes are not ours and sometimes we are left to shake our head, trying to understand why He doesn't step in and fix things when we pray for help.
If you have known God and seen his wonders and works , then you know that he has not left you, but there may be another purpose to your trial.
Perhaps we have just not seen or accepted what He is trying to tell us.
The Israelites following Moses, doubted often and rebelled, even though they were following a tower of cloud during the day and a tower of fire at night. They saw all the wonders and miracles of God and still doubted and rebelled.
I often wonder as do many believers I am certain, how the Israelites could have watched the Red Sea part and then consume the Egyptians and then still doubt that God was with them. They still turned to idols even after that.
God tested them for 40 years in the desert and they failed, which is why he didn't let any of that generation go to the promised land, not even Moses.
The truth is Janie that our own trials may be for 40 years just like the Israelites.
Perhaps God has a purpose for our life, through our suffering that we don't understand or see, BUT has a purpose in His scheme of things.
That may be a hard lesson for some who are suffering to take and they may feel miles away from God and feel deserted, but He hasn't left them. God will never leave us.
You are right in staying focused on the mountain top.
The valleys will come and go but the mountain always remains.
The only way to move that mountain is through Faith and Jesus told us "if we have faith as a mustard seed we can say to that mountain lift up and be cast into the sea."
I don't have that much faith I can tell you.
I doubt.
I doubt that the mountain will be too much for me to move.
Because I am human.
Do you see any other person moving mountains, No.
Why because we are human and have doubts and fears.
Stay focused Sister on His presence and He will stay close and reward you.
He has never left you Janie, It was you and I that left Him. He didn't go anywhere, He stayed right beside us all the time.
In His love

For me to answer the question for myself I have to ask a couple of different questions first. Do I trust God's Word? Can I trust Him even when life seems to be out of control?

I sold out to God years ago. There are times that storms in life seem big, but we cannot let our circumstances (bad times) move us from our trust in God. Nor can we allow our circumstances (good times) determine our depth of trust (faith).

Therefore, I rest in His promises even when life does not make sense. If I cannot trust in His promises then this life is for naught anyway.

Last thought: I ask the congregation I pastor periodically if they would still worship God if He never did one more thing for them. I do not worship Him for what He does, I praise and thank Him for that. I worship Him because of who He is. See beyond the valley and look to the mountain top.

PS 121:1 I lift up my eyes to the hills--
where does my help come from?
PS 121:2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
PS 121:3 He will not let your foot slip--
he who watches over you will not slumber;
PS 121:4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
PS 121:5 The LORD watches over you--
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
PS 121:6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
PS 121:7 The LORD will keep you from all harm--
he will watch over your life;
PS 121:8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Lord Bless,

This is Linda on Rod's profile. My computer got attacked by a nasty virus and is "out of action" - bit like me!

You said:

For me to answer the question for myself I have to ask a couple of different questions first. Do I trust God's Word? Can I trust Him even when life seems to be out of control?

This is what it comes down to for me too. I so agree with this statement. My life seems to be out of control out the moment. My symptoms are getting worse - including now my eye sight - my vision is bad and Rod pointed it out to me yesterday. He did it jokingly but it is true. So I may miss with the "one whack stowed away card for Rod that you have with me". My children are getting sicker and we seem to be at the doctor's surgery every week. My son said the other day, "Why doesn't God just kill us and get it over and done with". Of course I came back with a faith statement, "Because He is going to heal us". Sad words from an 11 year old (but proof that his faith is waivering). Last night while showering I said to myself, "It doesn't matter I will still trust - I will trust despite whatever happens". In the words of Job, "Yet thou he slay me, yet will I trust". I don't have my computer so I can't e-sword the scripture to give the reference.


My heart goes out to you - I have interceded for you and I will continue to do so. Trials are to perfect our faith (to make it stronger) - to keep believing when it seems that everything is against us.

LT's statement here is true:

There are times that storms in life seem big, but we cannot let our circumstances (bad times) move us from our trust in God. Nor can we allow our circumstances (good times) determine our depth of trust (faith).

Janie, please keep believing - I am - even though my circumstances are grim. I will pray that you do.

I am not sure if I have made any sense here as I am very unwell and dizzy this morning. This song comes to my rememberance and is a song that is keeping me going - 2 songs actually. I hope you don't mind me putting them up:

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord - the sufferings of my life here on this earth are nothing compared to the glory that I will have with Him in heaven - so yes I will keep believing...... I might be crying as I write this but yet I will rejoice in the Lord.

This song comes from:

Habakkuk 3:17-19 (King James Version)

17Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:

18Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

19The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.

Janie, make the Lord your strength - hang onto the Rock - Jesus. Nothing is impossible for the Lord God Almighty - I am trusting in that at the moment:

Seek him in His word Janie - He will comfort you. He can calm the storm.

Luv to you
Linda Ruth
Linda Ruth,

My heart leaps with joy as I read the words of determined and strong faith and at the same time my heart sinks as I simply want to cry over all you and your family are dealing with. May God continue to shine His grace upon you and fill you with His Spirit day-by-day.

I wish I had more words to say, but right now none seem fitting.

May the Lord give you your heart's desire,
Linda Ruth

To hear your own child say what he did had to be painful I'm sure. I do wish there was something I could do. I dont have that jpy leaping as LT mentioned to you but I feel the sadness. I am glad you have the Lord to help you through this and I want healing for yall too. I listened to both videos and posted one on my facebook link. Thank you for posting them. Thank you for prayers too. Please know I will write your name down and will put on my icebox so to remind myself to pray. You are on my mind .. my grand son was trying to help me look for things on line for you earlier. Its good for us to see such love for God that you have even through this tremendous battle you are going through.
Hey Janie,

It was painful but a big gulp and a word of faith set the boy straight. Hey that rhymes.

God is good. God will do it. Let me tell you a little story that just happened to me - He is faithful.

As I stated above my computer is "out of action" and I had to drop it over to a place that I was not so familiar with (I had lived there years ago but could not remember well). I was dizzy and blarey-eyed (lucky I drive a RED car - watch out everybody) and probably shouldn't have been in the car but what had to be done - had to be done. I was confused as to where to go, balancing the street directory and trying to check it between stops at lights, one little girl chattering away in the passenger seat asking me questions and thinking how on earth am I going to get there. Well all of sudden my mind went clear and a map of exactly where I had to go popped into my head along with the words, "I will get you where you want to go". Now who do you think that was? I know - God Most High who cares and loves me. He is good Janie believe me. He is with those that love Him. I got there with a big smile on my face - dizzy - but a smile. No wrong turns - straight there. The lady at the counter said, "Whats your password" (for my computer) and I said, "Jesus My Love" with a big cheesy grin. The lady said, "I havn't spelt that in a while - can you spell it". He is faithful and with you even at your lowest.

I so pray for you Janie - I so pray that God does for you what I can't do - I trust Him to do it for you. I will continue to lift you up in prayer and I am touched that I made it onto the icebox. I'll put you on our refrigerator.

Much love to you.
Linda Ruth


He is already shining upon me..... He will get me to my desired port/destination.

Tks for your kind words.

May God bless you and your family abundantly.

Linda Ruth

As you know I came to the Lord while serving a four year sentence in Prison. Those 3 years were the best ones in my life up to then. Never had I known such love, joy and peace. In one of the worst places on earth to be - I was joyful and actually did not want to leave when my time came to leave. I have experienced the ability to be joyful, at peace and without fear in one of the worst places on earth, but only because by God's grace I took advantage of the time I was there to build a firm foundation on the Rock. I studied the word day and night. I would work and then study and teach and preach.

After almost 3 years of being out I found myself with no joy, peace and little love due to my rebellious soul. Yet I knew the word of God to be real and felt horrible about the sin I was committing.

I have also gone through many storms as a Christian and by God's grace and for His glory the Spirit has helped me remained joyful, hopeful and without fears. There have been times of temporary fear and sadness but they are few and tend to go quickly when I remember who my God is and who I am because He lives. The years I spend studying diligently built an unshakable foundation in my life.

At times like David I must remind my soul to stop tripping.

Psalm 42

5 Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and 6 my God.
My [c] soul is downcast within me;
therefore I will remember you
from the land of the Jordan,
the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar

>>Would you serve God with the same kind of passion if you had no peace and joy. And fear followed you continually?

I don't know Janie - I have shared the above with you, but I thank God that I do not have to serve Him without those benefits and as I have told you before you have to work on building a strong foundation through your personal relationship with Christ. Pray study and worship the Lord in all that you do.

There was this guy that owned two pit bulls that he trained to fight against each other. Every other week he would take the dogs to a fighting ring and have them fight. He himself would bet on which dog would win and he was always right. So a good friend of his asked him how he did it, how he always got it right. He told him that before the fight he would feed one dog very well while almost starving the other. In a week’s time no one would be able to see the difference on the dogs, but one was definitely stronger and he knew which one that was.

Why tell you this story?

Well is the same in our lives. The one we feed will win. Feed the Spirit and the Christian life is beautiful. Feed the flesh and the Christian life is almost no different than a life without Christ.

Love you.
Dear Janie,

God is faithful. Psalm 91 speaks of God's protection int he midst of danger:

God is our shelter and refuge when we are afraid.. All our fears must be traded in for faith. As we have faith we are able to live and rest in Him. As we trust that HE will protect us as He says He will, and we profess our daily devotion to Him we are kept safe. This is a living active relationsihip which we pursue daily, continually 24/7. ;-)

We are not told we will have no troubles.. we are told we will have many trials. John 16:33..
Jesus assures us that He has overcome the world....and we are to 'take courage'.

The best part is that As we abide in Christ we are 'kept and protected'. We must abide in Him to bear fruit, and also to know that HE keeps us..all the time, even in our struggles. If we are not abiding in Him we are only hurting ourselves. We need Him.... Our Savior is so beautiful. His Grace is Sufficient. We cannot do anything to earn it....we will never be good enough to earn it. God's Grace is simply a gift we receive...and His Grace is sufficient.

2Cr 12:9 And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast [fn] about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
2Cr 12:10 Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with [fn] insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.

We must depend on God's Power not our own.

Phl 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Phl 4:7 If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Instead of worrying (the same as fear).....pray! Tell it all to God. He already knows it all anyways....He wants you to come to Him.

Love you sis, Carla
Janie -

I know you will enjoy this testimony, but i am not sure it pertains to your post in its completeness, but I think it will bless you.

Love you. :)


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