You are right about having a great attitude....that is important. We need to trust in God..keep our eyes on Jesus, read our bible, pray... We can indeed make a plan as this quote suggests, but it is God's Will not our own that we are to be living for as Christ followers.
Trust in the LORD your God with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
God's plan for our lives is way better then our own plan could ever be...
As believers...our lives are not our own, they have been bought with a price. All the plans we could even consider making amount to nothing if they are not God's plans also.
His plans...not ours!
When we are relationally connected to Christ, He guides us, we know His voice and listen to his leading...God is working on me with this. Our own plans may lead us off the edge of a cliff...
We are not to be lazy...that is true..But when we are in tune with the Holy Spirit, and obedient things go as God plans for them in our lives.
When we don't know the next step to take.. I believe the best thing to do is stop and pray about it....not that I always do that... but as I said, God is still working on me...I'm thankful for His patience and Love and Grace.. and Mercy.
Permalink Reply by Tony on October 16, 2009 at 2:20pm
That was an awsome word I receive it IN THE NAME OF JESUS. And that's exactly what my quotes are designed for, to make people go hummmm and reflect on what it may mean in someone life on this site, I thank GOD for people like you and others here who shares the Word from their heart. Stay Blessed and keep doing Gods will.