In my studies the Holy Spirit teaches me that the little horn (that man of sin, the son of perdition) is not that antichrist, neither the beast, but an ignoble inexperienced leader that's allowed by God to weaken and waste away that nation he arose out of; bringing it to desolation because of exceeding sin.
The book of Daniel, specifically chapters 2, 7, and 8 reveal seven kingdoms, which coincide with Revelation 13 & 17. Most prophecy students assume a four kingdom view, but the truth is the image reveals seven kingdoms: Egypt, Babylon, Media/Persia, Greece, Rome, Divided Rome, and the U.S.A. That which king Neb. dreamed was God's way (by Daniel) to inform them that the Bablylonian kingdom would be succeeded. What most believers miss is that Babylon conquered Egypt, even as God gave the Egyptian kingdom to king Neb. (2 Kings 24:7; Ezek. 29:19). This why Daniel said what he did in Daniel 2:37. Daniel Chapter 2 reveals seven kingdoms, not four.
Daniel 7 is all about the seventh kingdom, the U.S.A. The "four beasts" in this chapter refer not to physical kingdoms as traditionally taught, but to four eras that make up the U.S.A. How we know this is by Daniel 8:22, "Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power." The word " up" is amad, which means to abide, tarry, remain, etc. In other words, these four, which are four kingdoms, as per Daniel 7:17, are not physical kingdoms, for they come not about by power (conquest), rather these kingdoms refer to four eras that build upon another, to the fourth, which make the seventh kingdom, the U.S.A.
Scripture then reveals these four eras: 1st Era: 1789 - 1913; 2nd Era: 1913 - 1933; 3rd Era: 1933-1953; 4th Era: 1953-2009, which has ten kings (Eisenhower - Bush Jr.; that after the tenth king (Bush Jr.) then comes the little horn (an ignoble inexperienced leader) who is identified in Obama (scripture gives great detail identifying the little horn, which Obama matches perfectly), but Obama is not that antichrist; rather he works in concert with the false prophet (pope?) and the beast (the U.S. of the fourth era that receives a mortal head wound during the little horn's reign that is healed by the U.S. being possessed by Islam.
Scripture teaches me that the Antichrist consists of the little horn (leader and mouth), the false prophet (another beast), and the beast (the U.S. possessed by Islam).
In Christ,
My sister my contribution is that we as believers we are not suppose to be concerned about the Anti-Christ for we are not looking for their appearance even though they do appear openly for I believe they are already here working through disobedient people. The Lord is faithful, in Hebrews 13:5 He tells us that He would never leave us or forsake us, what a beautiful promise hence we do not need to worry about the anti-Christ. In the book Titus 2:13 the Lord is telling us what we should be waiting for, His second coming to earth. I am looking for the second of my Lord and not the Anti-Christ for I do believe they have already been defeated by our victorious king, Jesus Christ who is reigning forever and ever.
Amen. But what was the reason for Jesus Christ's first Advent? Wasn't it to demonstrate the law of righteousness that had been forsaken by the Sanhedrin, which by their traditions corrupted society, that Jesus Christ, who is the Personification of the law of righteousness, that whosoever believes in Him (which means those that believe in Him agree to His way of righteousness) understood His gospel preached was for them to repent and keep the law of righteousness, which He made it possible for us to do by His cross?
But His gospel has been turned into another, which is not another, but a lie, which today believe we no longer live by His law of righteousness; that because of them thinking this, His gospel has been replaced by another: "the Substitutionary Sacrifice of Christ" doctrine, which is deceiving believers, leading them to think they're something they are not. This other gospel (The Substitute Sacrifice of Christ) has pervaded 99.9% of today's church, leaving an remnant that have and do His law of righteousness, which those that believe this other gospel think it's impossible to keep His law, which has indoctrinated them to think anyone who says the keep the law of righteousness are deceived themselves, and a liar.
But what "they" fail to understand is that it's by grace (godly sorrow) through faith (believing in Jesus Christ who is the Giver and Personification of the Law that demonstrated the law of righteousness while in the flesh) in Him that makes it possible for us to keep the law of righteousness (which differs from the law of ordinances).
Therefore all believers that believe it's impossible to keep the law of righteousness, won't, for they believe it's impossible. But Jesus said, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes" (Mk. 9:27).
Those that do not believe it's possible to keep His law, according to scripture, they are antichrist's, for they don't believe it's possible to keep His law of righteousness, which we do by grace. Therefore every believer that believes it's impossible to keep His law of righteousness, most likely, have bitten the apple of deception this other gospel teaches, which causes them to be of that spirit of antichrist (1 Jn. 2:19).
This is why we need to be diligent and vigilant; to make our calling and election sure; and to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, for God has an expectation upon all those that name the name of Christ to keep His law of righteousness (2 Tim. 2:19).
The bottom line is today's church misconstrues Romans 6:14: "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace." The law we are no longer under isn't referring to the law of righteousness, which we are required and expected to keep, but to the law of ordinances.
Therefore whosoever keeps not neither agrees to the law of righteousness is of that spirit of antichrist.
In Christ
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