I just read an article that stated, only 40% of people who claim to be Christians believe the Bible is true.
I admit before I was "born again" I also didn't believe the Bible was true. I don't know why I felt that way, but I did.
So why do people not believe the Word?
Have you ever doubted the Word?
What can we do to change it?
God is sooo coool
P.S. If this was covered before sorry for the repeat.
I live in NC Gary so my boys' schools still teach Jesus. I know that's rare & I'm sure someone is going to stand against it one day. In the meantime, I'm soaking it up.
Not in Wisconsin sorry to say. I have found a few born again teachers that struggle. I've told them they are welcome to send kids my way when they start to question things like creation Vs Darwin.
I wonder also about the world Vs God. I can't imagine a life without Jesus, I wonder how close we are to a humanity without Jesus.
I seem to find many people who think the Bible is not true and therefore won't consider even giving the Word a try. I guess the world "satan" is busy at work.
Gary, like most Bible-believing Christians, He's never let us down thru His Word. Like you said, they need to try it, they may like it.
I have the opportunity to interact with the youth in my line of work and I am amazed at the the faith of some of them. I never let an opportunity slip by without bringing up the word of God. The Holy Spirit inspires me to witness to everyone I meet. twice a month I am given the chance to teach the Word to the whole school. We meet twice a week for worship and some educators take turns to teach the Word to the learners an some colleagues.
I always ask the Holy Spirit to reveal a verse relevant to our situation before hand and I invite the Holy Spirit to speak through me. This requestt has always been granted and I know the Words I speak out are not mine but 0f the Spirit.
For some reason I believe in the Word as it is. I think I see the Word as a child because I know I am still learning and as I study, I allow the Holy Spirit to guide my understanding. There is no doubt in my mind that the Bible is an inspired work of the Holy Spirit.
I believe everything in the Bible is true, its just that we sometimes lack understanding. In the book of James 1:5-6 It says, 'If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, and without doubting, for he who doubt is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.'
Amen. I also share with everyone. God Bless the children.
Everyone has a calling and a purpose. The Kingdom is so dependent of the Word. It is the method God has given us to speak truth to our generation and the generations to follow. When God's people lose faith in the Bible the church is in trouble. It is very interesting to hear how different ones are being used to propagate His Word to others. The children are critical. God tells us to teach the children. We cannot fail in this area. Jesus said,
Lk 18:8 However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" NIV
He said this when giving a talk about the unjust judge. He is sending us, His followers, a message clear down here in the 21st century. He is coming back. When He comes, will we have done our jobs. I doubt if there has ever been a time that the unjust judges have had more to do with the unbelief all around us than in this generation. The judges have kicked God and the Bible out of our schools. Now, what do we do? Do we just give up or do we fight back? I say there is still plenty of fight left in us. Let's get to work.
Bless you, Gary.
If the evidence got you saved ... you are still lost.
If the Holy Spirit got you saved ... you are saved.
If the Holy Spirit got you saved and used the evidence outside of Scripture in the process to get you saved, it is still the Holy Spirit who got you saved.
The evidence is secondary ...ALWAYS!!! to the work fo the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. One is necessary and the other is not. It is that simple!!!
I never thought of it that way. I have spent a lot of time looking for evidence. Until your post I never gave my search any thought. The reason for my search has always been to share with others who don't believe the Word to be true. I think my hope was to get them at least to consider reading the Bible and hope the Spirit would fill them with truth.
You are right though, the evidence has to be secondary. I would think though if someone felt the need to research the evidence and then became a believer,one could say the Holy Spirit led them to their faith.
Take Lee Strobel as an example.
If the evidence got you saved...you are still lost. I take that as, you can't be saved with head knowledge, you need heart knowledge. In other words, It's the personal relationship. Did I get it right?
So is wonder..is it fruitful to learn the "evidence" so that it can be shared with other who do not believe the Word and maybe change their attitude and in the long run increase the number of folks who believe the Bible?
Yes. God can use the external evidence in the journey, but in the end salvations is solely dependant upon the Holy Spirit opening up the mind and heart to the truth and reality of the Living Savior and our need for Him. When this happens, the evidence is always secondary because the person has met the Living Savior. I am troubled that there are many who think they are saved, but have only followed the evidence or bowed to religion and never met the Living Savior. They may have said a cute prayer, gone forward in a service or had hands laid on them, yet did not meet Jesus ... My heart breaks for the religous lost ........
I like Strobel, but one of his comments trouble me. He states in one of the DVDs that he followed the evidence and made a logical choice. It has to be more than that. When God moves nothing else will satisfy the longings of the soul. Thus, you correctly interpreted my statement in your last comment.
I agree, I just like picking others brains.....mine pretty small.LOL
You are correct on Lee's comment. I had forgotten it.
Hahaha ... don't pick too much as there is very little left :-)
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