Finally I decided to read the book of Job from the beginning to the end. I tried to read it before, several times, but everytime I was stopping on the first сhapter.I do not understand why God listens to the slanderer`s assumptions and experiences a Job by such terrible methods. Don't get me wrong please. I have no claims to God, I love God, I trust Him and I know that His every action in our life contains the greatest wisdom. And I believe that in the case of the Job it is also present, but I still cannot find it.I hope that the Lord will reveal to me this secret, perhaps He will do it through you, my friends.
Thank you in advance!
It does sound like the battle of the gods in a myth of the gods. The gods battling & doing it with men as if we were play toys to them. Back to reality though, God only listened to the slanderer. He knew the truth. He knew he was the father of lies. To say why is a good question. I would love to hear some of the responses. Great discussion Victory.
I wouldn't say He listened to him at all, but that He wanted to prove to satan himself that he's lost the battle. And secondly, He perhaps had something in Job He wanted to change as well. Job worshiped God, Job was righteous and upstanding, but Job also had likely never seen adversity to show him his true feelings about God and God's power.
EEP, You deleted your reply Tammy!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr, and I had a really good response. So I'll give it anyway. HA!
God listened to Abraham about Sodom and Gomorrah, because Abraham was a friend and He valued his opinion. Yet God had already decided what He was going to do, but He did agree to save Lot at Abraham's asking. Why I say however that God didn't listen to satan is...He does not value satan's opinion. He did not decide to allow satan to do these things to Job because satan made a good argument, but perhaps for many reasons that we can speculate on or ones we cannot.
Those I speculate on is that He was showing satan that he didn't hold as much power as he thought he did. That He was instilling a greater reverential awe in Job. Job knew OF God, but did he KNOW Him? That He knew that 2,000+ years later, there would be those who thought that bad things happening to a person meant the person must be sinning and God wanted a record to show that wasn't the case.
Sorry. lol. I was in a strange frame of mind that night so I thought I needed to delete my replies.
I must admit that I have not fully followed this forum and will inject a quick thought to part of what you originally posted.
God knows what we need, but do we REALLY know that we need God? How often do we trust too much in self seeking God to only make up the difference? Coming to Him in prayer is a way of us demonstrating our dependence on Him. When God answers prayers it is a faithbuilding experience and it builds our dependence on Him.
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