Why does a church need/want to send their young children somewhere else to find Christ? If a person finds Jesus in a church, then why is it different for their children? Why do they have to go somewhere else in order to get saved and filled with the Holy Ghost?
Hi Michelle,
Children are loaded with energy and expecting them to sit through a service without a coloring book or something to occupy their time is simply not practical in my opinion. If they want to stay and sit through a service and are hungry for the word, then I would say they are filled with the Holy Spirit and should stay. If on the other hand they are climbing over the back of the pews, then I would give them a coloring book and send them on their way to Sunday School. That is my opinion anyhow.
Grace and Peace Always.
Hi Michelle,
If the church they went to was hot and on fire for God then it would be logical to assume that the Holy Spirit was moving and they got a taste of it. A touch by the spirit is powerful stuff and if they got a touch they will know. ---They may not be able to describe it in a way that makes sense because it’s beyond description, but they will definitely know if they were touched. However, I don't know if that means the church they are a member of is lacking youth salvation. I was not in church when I was touched by the Holy Spirit so maybe it doesn't make a difference where they go to church. That question is hard to answer.
Hi Michelle,
I should add this. There is a Church in Kansas City Missouri where the Holy Spirit seems to show up more than anywhere else. So much in fact that the place has become a Ministry, for Ministers of other churches trying to find out how to get it in their church. It is not uncommon to see pastors of major churches in the United States and from overseas sitting and taking notes during the sermons. The Pastors name of WRC is Steve Gray and he is the real deal. I know that Pastor Gray's teachings are not sugar coated as you can listen to them online. He will not bend to the ways of this world even one inch. So I guess it does make a difference where the Holy Spirit decides to move. I think that clicking this link will get you there. You may like what you hear. http://www.worldrevivalchurch.com/media/sermons
Hi Michelle,
I would like to help with you question, but still do not know what you mean. At first I thought you might of meant sending kids to youth camp or something like that. And what do you mean when you say filled with the Holy Ghost? I know what that means to me, but not sure of your meaning. You know, different denominations attach different meaning to it like some believe you get the Holy Ghost when you accept Christ and others mean it is a separate and distinct experience from salvation evidenced by speaking in tongues and is Jesus's command to all believers.
What is your denomination? How regularly do they teach on the baptism of the HS? Each of my children got saved and baptized in the HS at very young ages since I was saved and prayed for them in the Spirit when they were in the womb. Of course, it has been up to them to choose to grow in spiritual enlightenment.
But you say the children of your church are not getting saved or baptized in the HS and its not til they go to other churches that they do. It sure sounds like your church is not doing something right.
For one thing, if you say that you believe that there is such a thing as the Baptism of the HS, but also believe it is nat mandatory to go to Heaven, I would ask you where did you get this idea? Is it your chuch's teaching that you are following never having searched the scriptures yourself on this subject? Did not the Master himself instruct the disciples to make new disciples making sure that they were baptized in the HS?
Yes it is true that the thief on the cross entered Heaven without this empowerment. But that is not the point. Should anyone get saved and die before one has heard of the Baptism of the HS I'm sure they would enter Heaven too. The point is the Baptism of the HS is an empowerment given by the Lord to successfully live the Christian life. It is not an option. You are correct- He will give it to anyone who asks Him to give it to him. It is just like salvation. Ppl don't understand salvation. It is mysterious to them until they ask for it and get it. Most who come to believe don't ask God for this empowerment of the HS either, because their church teaches against it or some compromised stand or because they don't want to surrender fully to God. My belief is those who do not surrender fully to God, who hold back on God because they want to walk in their self-will, will not enter Heaven. Easy salvation doesn't work with God.
In churches where the baptism of the HS is embraced and actively taught that I have been in, kids don't have to go to other churches to get saved and baptized in the HS. My goodness, I have seen young children full of the Spirit leaping and dancing and praising God. Anyone of any age can receive the Baptism of the HS. My understanding of this subject is that the Baptism is not an option, but a command- not to hurt us in any way but to empower us to live the Christian life. What a church teaches it will produce.
I realize that this is one of those hot subjects that those who call themselves Christians like to debate. But I am not here to debate. I have had the baptism of the HS my entire Christian life, have shared about it with many who did not believe in it at first due to their preconditioning, have prayed with many to invite the HS to take control of their lives and have heard many, many testimonies of ppl who initially did not believe in it or who did not believe that it is for all believers who later received it one day lol. You could probably go somewhere like YouTube and view many testimonies of those who doubted it was for them and received. Of course, there might be some fake testimonies there, but I bet you would find many good ones.
One of my favorite testimonies is of a neighbor lady I shared the gospel with at her home. I told her about the Baptism of the HS, too, because to me they go hand and hand, My phone rang at 1:30 in the morning as she said she was so excited she just had to tell me that she accepted Christ in her living room and she added, "And btw, I got the prayer language too- I would of called you sooner, but I have been praising God in tongues all evening"! LOL!!! The thing is, where salvation and the Baptism of the HS is taught and practiced, kids will not have to go elsewhere to get saved and baptized in the Spirit.
Though this is long I will add one more story. A youth leader named Ron was the person who witnessed to me about how to receive the Baptism in the HS. Years later, the Lord lead me to attend a Presbyterian church. I thought what good would that do since they do not believe in the Baptism of the HS that I so very much believed in, but I went at God's leading. To my great surprise, my brother Ron was the pastor of the church. I thought what in the world is he doing as the pastor of this church since they do not believe in the Baptism?? I later got to ask Ron about it and he told me he still believed in this empowerment and practiced it, but he did so "in his closet so to speak." I was shocked that he would say this. Well he had kids and so did I at this time who were about the same age and one day we had a sleep over party inviting Ron's daughter and some if the other kids of Ron's church. We didn't say a thing to them about the Baptism of the HS, but just by virtue of them being in our home, they all started getting Baptized in the HS one after another! Boy were we surprised!! Later that night we asked them what came over them and they all said they felt convicted to surrender fully to God while in our home. These kids were about 11 and 12. We were sooooooooooo amazed!!!! But where the HS is welcomed there will be salvations, baptisms and signs and wonders!
May be it is somehow relative to sending our children to secular schools rather than a christian school.
May be the parents experienced in that area is not enough to convinced his children that this is the place to be.
A manifestation of their real assestment for the church or school they been. May be a faked church supporter or member.
We are always praying for the better things, that one spoken already of what they want, better place.
Heaven is the only perfect place with perfect people. Here on earth, if the person is the problem wherever he goes there would be problem. May be the parents is the real concern here not the children. Why in the world, home is the hardest place to share the gospel and get good results? Life testimony mostly is the factor but not in general.
NEEDS in different stages or levels in our life are to be meet or else we will never grow in certain area.
Different age bracket are not same in needs. Like the infant baptism issue. I'm not limiting Gods power here just making my point.
How can an infant accept that he is a sinner, repent, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and be saved and live by it?
Children love to be active, speak loud and play not just sit, keep quiet, take notes and hear that long dynamic preaching.
We incorporate biblical teachings and stories in the way sunday schools teachers present their lessons. Playing, shouting, eating and etc. Yes, we can play with them but I don't think they will be happy being quiet, taking notes and listening long to dynamic preaching with us. Let them enjoy their childhood stage, be with other people and friends. God cares for those children so don't worry, they are in Gods hand. Same with fellowship: young people needs is different from adults needs, new believers understanding is different from the matured believers. Most golden ladies and men will not enjoy the company of hip hop and heavy metals. There is a time for everything and season for every activity under heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
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