All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Why do trials pull some people away from God instead of closer?  It seems
to me every time  I myself  try to get closer to Him the harder the
trials get for me or mine. That makes me  more  encouraged to step back
again. I am not strong my family needs me more than ever now. But I
dont have faith and i cant do this battle alone. Where is God? I know
someone might think you dont always FEEL Him . Thats not what I mean
"although I don't" . I am talking about why when I try to get closer to
this God who IS love .. things tend to blast back at us?
I had been coming here and had started watching more videos reading more even
trying to get acquainted with different folks. I had been reading more
of the bible than normal and praying more. Even trying to be quiet to
hear God. Then BLAST BLAST BLAST WAM. I know some will think
welllllllllll thats because the devil doesnt want to lose you. But why
is it on my life the devil always always over power God . What am I
doing wrong? We are having the biggest battle that I had never ever
thought would happen.. WHERE IS GOD??????????  I dont know what to do .
I know faith is a big key but when I am having distractions more than I
know what to do with .. im rattling and i dont even think i have even
came close with what i am trying toi say. .

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i know the devil cant really over power God.. thats not possible.. but I do know its like the closer i step toward God the further away from Him it seems .
God has given us free will, and free will to make choices, and so with that being said Satan puts in front of us many barriers to keep the correct choices away. God does speak to us, and he does present things to us in our life, although I think at times we tend to ignore or don't understand, because at the time when God speaks to us we are not hearing what we want or getting what we need. God puts in our life what we need, or can handle, sometimes it is not easy to understand his plan. I to am going through a growing period with my relationship, and I don't know if the above helped but I'm hoping it did is some small way. We are all humans, and we all make mistakes, but if we are open and honest with God, trust me he will enter your life and full fill your needs as he see fits. He is not of this earth and will not cave to Earthly needs, but the needs he see fits.

Keep learning, and trusting.
Multiple reasons for this beloved.

1. People have the wrong idea that coming to the Lord means no more problems (Not saying you, just in general), but the truth is that people lose their families in certain cultures for accepting Christ. Darkness hates the light so old friends are no longer acceptable at times. In other words coming to Christ doen not mean the end of problems and at times means even being killed for our faith.

2. Before we were in Christ, we were in Satan’s team. Once we are in Christ his troops don't stand around with their arms cross watching you become free. You just became their hated enemy and God will allow them to do their thing, so we can grow in the process. God has overcome the world and all fallen angels. They are no challenge to him. A word, a thought and they are history, so you must learn this truth and believe them. We are in a war. A spiritual war. Put on the full armor, Eph. 6.

3. Ask God for what you need. You need strength, ask him. You don't have because you do not ask, He tells us. Ask God for hunger to read his word and for understanding. As you read your faith will increase and you will also learn that with such a powerful and beautiful God, you are in good hands.

4. We live in a fallen world. We are surrounded by unsaved family members and people who will also generate all kinds of troubles for us. Our Lord told us in this world you will have troubles.

2 Corinthians 4:11
For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation (troubles); but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

We can have joy and peace through it all sis. Christ has overcome the world and He lives in us. Rest in Him and do not fall into fear. Trust in Him.

>>I am not strong

Joel 3:10
Beat your plowshares into swords And your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’”

If God is with you, who can be against you. The KING OF kings AND LORD OF lords is with you. Abide in him and you will be free.

Because you are seeking God more now, the enemy will try to throw temptations at you. The temptation to believe that he is greater than God or that God is really not with you. Trust in the Lord and do not fall into anxieties. Be anxious for nothing, but instead pray about everything.

Love you
david when i was walking with the lord before; I had all kinds of problems .. seemed like everything was going wrong everywhere. Lots of family crisis going on. A missing child, you name it. I at that time trusted in your lord. Theses crisis mattered but not enough to turn my back on God. You know my feelings on thinking it was him who pushed me away ? why lord did you forsake me kind of feeling. And none of my family crisis led me to think trhat ... so yes i understand that the christian folk will have problems. instead of me trying to comment to these very appreciated reply's. I ask one think of you chosen people. I may be selfish of asking.. but everytime EVER i had prayed I ask god LOVE. Thats the main prayer. That and hope. Im not talking about a spouse boyfriend love. im talking about love from this god of love. I need trhat . I dont give a crap if folks arent suppose to go by feelings. My family needs love now. Prayer rtequest.. someone o know better than anybody thinks suicidal things. thi sperson has lost all hope and says they know they arent doing anybody anygood anyway. Gods l;ove hope thats it
You are so right trail seems to pull us away because it looks easier to walk away than to stand and fight. This battle have already been won, I find myself asking some of the same question. I was a backslider for three and a half years but now back in church and learning to stand and fight, not allow mess or other things to get next to me. I handle all my situation differently now stopping the devil assignment. No matter how hard it look like I pray right then and every time the problem show up I pray. No weapon form against shall prosper. Keep fighting fasting and standing
>>Why do trials pull some people away from God instead of closer?

As I reread your question something else came to mind. Janie you know I love you dearly and would love to fellowship with you in a church environment and as friends, but we will in heaven or the new earth. For now you know I do not ever wish to hurt you. What I will write now is not to bring you down or condemn you, but to answer you with biblical truths. It may apply to you or it may not. You will know if they apply to you or not. You do not have to answer me. This is simply for your meditation.

Matthew 7

Build on the Rock

24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. 26 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”
28 And so it was, when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at His teaching, 29 for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

Trials pull some people away from God because they have not established a firm foundation in Him. Building on sand is extremely easy. It takes little effort, but when the storms come there will be consequences to pay. This refers to those who hear the words of our Lord and like it, but don't ever get to the business of establishing a discipline in their lives to Study the word. They do not develop a prayer life and don't fellowship much or fellowship for the wrong reason. Above all they do not do what the word says to do consistently, so they build a weak foundation in Christ.

1 Timothy 4:7
But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness.

Godliness takes Exercise, and how many of us enjoy exercise? I remembered when I started reading the bible, how hard it was because I would become sleepy etc. At times I had to get up and splash water on my face. I notice that I had no trouble reading anything else, especially some silly tabloid magazine, but when I got into the word, boy all kinds of things would come up so I made a conscious effort to overcome that. The same thing for prayer.

Hebrews 5:14
But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Now, it can also be that a person at one point had a firm foundation, but has neglected their relationship with God and the storms are overwhelming when we do not have God's anointing and authority.

Building on Rock is much harder, but well worth the investment. The storms can come and you will not break. The truth of God which you have believed and PRACTICE (THROUGH EXERCISE OF THE TRUTH) will have you in a place where you can be a blessing in the midst of the Storm. A mature Christian can even rejoice in trials and tribulation because He can be a light and grow through them.

Again - only you know if this applies to you or not, so is just for your meditation.

LOve you! DV
Satan attacks me with the "what ifs". Last night I got a call from my oldest son, telling me he was on his way home from Texas. That little *red suited devil* gives me thoughts of "what if he is in an accident?" Immediately I start to pray for his safe return. Satan attacks through the place we are most vulnerable, our thoughts.

His attacks are never ending, and how a Christian can turn away from God at a moment when we need Him the most, is not something I understand. I would think that the person who bends to the whisperings of Satan is not firmly grounded in the Lord in the first place. I would think that it would be an indication that we are headed in the wrong direction.

I try to keep Job and his testamony at the front of my mind, recalling all he went through, during the time that he had Satan's God spoke to Job and his friends...showing them that they didn't have all the answers, but also giving the surity that He (God) was in contol during the entire trial and tribulation.

People have asked me how I have gone through what I have and not broken and I have to tell them that God has stood by me with the *super glue* holding me together.

Some will not look for God during their trials but if they will look, they will always see Him. He's the One who is carrying them.

Satan has placed doubt in your mind and you need to fight it. You know that God is love and the last thing he would ever want is for you to suffer in any way. He is your father and no father wants that for their child. Satan's attacks on you and your family are doing exactly what he wants, to try and pull you away. He does this to me on a daily basis. Through affairs, illness, financial difficulties, through doubt, he has tried in every way to destroy me and my family and every time he places a doubt in my mind I yell at him. "You will not destroy me, you will not destroy my family, You have done enough damage and now I have the Love of God on my side and you are not welcome here!" It gives me strength, it gives me encouragement and keeps me focused. Try it. I will pray for you to find the strength and faith inside that will help you through this.

I hope I didn't leave you with the idea that Satan tormented me with doubts for my son's safety because it doesn't last very long. What I was trying to convey to readers was the moment I feel the attack start, I turn to the Lord for help and peace.

That is where we all need to ask for help ....when the attack first starts. I do not rebuke Satan...I let God do that. We need to learn that when we ask for help from the Lord, He has already sent it.

We know the attacks will come, but we are under protection of the Lord, and He will protect us. What we need to remember is the Lord protects us because He loves us.

I hear people speak of the fear that they have over certain problems (attacks). I hear the fear that they feel. I try to tell them to put the problem to the Lord but, because it seems to continue, I don't think they really FEEL His presence. Other than encouraging them and praying for them, I don't know where else to go with their problem. How does one get another person to rely on God and His love for us to bring them peace? The discouraging thing for me is knowing that I have this peace but they can't seem to reach it. Any suggestions?

I wonder if, in their praying, they aren't trying to heap the blame of the situation on another person and that is why they don't feel the peace?
Dear Rita-

Great question!

>>How does one get another person to rely on God and His love for us to bring them peace?

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Study with them. Show them the many wonders God has done for His people. Also share your own testimony of how God has been faithful in your own life. Continue to pray for them and also pray with them.

Luv you.
I really love this topic, but I believed that everything is based on our spiritual attitude and perceptions which is always a function of the revelations and the understandings that we have in Christ, I mean our personal encounter with God and His person.

The essence of trials of faith to me is to test ones convictions about God and our patience in the hope of His callings upon our lives.

The devil who is a father of lies and deception always specializes in turning around the truth and to make us believe that God does not care for us as He has promised by making situations and circumstances to look and appear more threatening and difficult than what the really were.

Dear friend, it always depends on your stand,faith and convictions to withstand the lies of the devil

With God nobody is a loser



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