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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


There are so many people who never say ‘THANK YOU GOD FOR THE FOOD WE EAT"... because they think that they paid for it!!!

My friend has a little boy of six (Blayden) and he did me so proud when I heard what he did last week when they had supper with relatives (who do not say Grace)... They sat down at the table and began eating. Blayden piped up: "Mommy! We can't eat - we have not thanked God for the food!". There was a hush... and the man of the house was so embarrassed. He apologized and immediately said Grace. (A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM....)

When hubby and I have a meal at a restaurant we thank God for our food before we eat - regardless of who looks at us... After all, we do not owe the people in the restaurant an apology for doing what we believe to be right, and why should we be ashamed to show that we are BELIEVERS... If we are ashamed of Jesus He will be ashamed of us!

I once heard a guy say : " Why should I thank God for the food? I paid for it"... What a pity... Did he not realize that without God's grace he would not be able to pay for it. God gives us our health and the work and the energy to do our work.

" In his forthcoming book, psychiatrist Louis Cady makes this observation: "Thanks For Nothing. Whether or not one believes in a Supreme Being, the notion that there is nothing to be grateful for outside of the self is, in my professional opinion, the first step down a very slippery slope to nihilism, despair, self-pity, isolation of the self, depression and death. If we have 'nothing to be thankful for' we must by definition not feel grateful for the beauties of nature, marvelous sunsets, snow-capped peaks, peaceful sandy beaches, green and peaceful forests and the melody of the wind."

If we have nothing to feel grateful for, let us abandon gratitude for all the wonders of God's creation. I look at my garden and see miracles all the time - seeds that were sown sprouting and finally forming the most beautiful flowers.

To me the cries of every newborn baby is a miracle. A little child's first words of love is so gratifying. "Mommy, I love you"... If we have nothing to be grateful for, let us forget about having a loving family, enjoying their love and being surrounded by people you love. I even find the hugs and kisses of my grandchildren to be a BLESSING and a miracle. If we have nothing to feel grateful for, let us abandon all love, respect, admiration and devotion to our parents, who did the very best they could for us. Let us ignore the love and kindness our friends show us. Let us forget the love our spouse shows us...

Let us then at least thank God for creating our bodies so meticulously - think of our eyes... We are able to see where we are going and admire the beauty of nature, our strong legs that carry our bodies, our arms to carry our baby... We are God's master piece designed perfectly.

Let those who do not believe in God imagine how they came to being... I know that I was perfectly designed by God Almighty and I bring all the praise and thanks to Him, my Divine Creator.

Psalm 8:1-9

A psalm of David.
1 (b) LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
above the heavens.

2 Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.

3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,

4 what are mere mortals that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them? [c]

5 You have made them [d] a little lower than the heavenly beings [e]
and crowned them [f] with glory and honor.

6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their [g] feet:

7 all flocks and herds,
and the animals of the wild,

8 the birds in the sky,
and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.

9 LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

After reading this, do you not feel GRATITUDE?

Your Friend
Ramona P.

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i believe this to be true. i try to say thanks for my food and everything that God gives me when he gives it. i know that sometimes it may be hard to do because my family doesnt thank God.
Dearest Kim

Even when I eat alone in the Wimpy (when hubby is not with me - I close my eyes and pray and thank God for the food). If someone notices me I just do not care. I cannot eat without saying THANK YOU to God. For without Him and His grace I would not have the money to pay for th food. The bible says :

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1Thessalonians 5:16-18

Would your folks not like you to say Grace at the table? If they do not want this - do it any way (just say it in your heart).

Love you my angel

Your Friend
Ramona P.

P.S. Hve your problems been sorted out? Am praying for you...
How did you know that Dr. Cady has a forthcoming book? I know him and he's never mentioned any forthcoming book, yet you quote it as if you have seen it.
Dearest Claire
I read so many articles and publications that I cannot pinpoint where I read about the book of Dr Cady...
What a privilege to know the man... perhaps you can give him the quotation, dear, and ask him about it. I know when my son writes a book I only learn about it through my granddaughter and then it has already been published! This has happened quite a few times... Possibly Dr Cady is the same? (Forgetful professor)?

Fond love in Jesus

Your Friend
Ramona P.
well when i find that i cant thank God i tend to not eat because i feel if i cant thank him then i dont need anything. my family always gets mad at me for not eating so i will just stay out of the way so that they dont get mad at me.
Hello my Angel
Perhaps you should start a strategy of your own... Don't make the family mad... Surprise them and just say softly, before eating: GIVE US THY BLESSING FOR WHAT WE ARE ABOUT TO EAT AND MAKE US TRULY THANKFUL. AMEN... short and sweet. I am sure they will not mind having their food blessed. My food "goes down" much better after I have thanked God.

It is strange but so many people never say "grace". But others say it as a ritual and that is being a hypocrit. The thanks must be "genuine" or not at all.

You are so sweet... stay in touch and know that you are truly loved!

Your friend
Ramona P.

P.S. blessings in abundance - may you always realize that you are a jewel... precious one!!!
My answer to that question would be: "Everything Is Taken For Granted", I'm not judging anyone, I've been guilty of it myself. I actually thought about this question for a few minutes and it is a very sad thing to think about...what does God think of this behavior? It breaks my heart because every moment is a moment to be thankful. In my case I would say "the dark times" in my life have taught me to be grateful to God and to not take anything for granted, so I'm even grateful for the dark times. You don't appreciate the light unless you've been trapped in the dark so to speak. If every hair on our head is counted by God...I have a question to there anything that we should "not" be grateful to God for?? Bless Blaydens heart...that's awesome! Give him a high five for me:)
In Christ
You speak the Truth for Gods word is The Truth. And you've scared me half to death. I admit I am a sinner and Jesus died for those sins, that I believe. I also believe I will have to account for every single one of them. I've given my life over to the Lord so he may do with me what he wants, not what I want=what he wants whatever that may be. I am truly thankful and feel incredibly blessed for all that God has given me in the past and allows me to have now, NOT just the good. I have had some very strong revelations about the dark times that I have had and I now know "everything was for a reason", and those dark times hold very important lessons I would never have known. I wouldn't have been able to learn them any other way. I have been studying the Bible diligently, with the help of the Holy Spirit I am trying and doing my best.
But after reading your response to this question what hope do I have? If I didn't say grace or didn't give thanks for something (aloud or to myself) God will give me over to a depraved mind fill me with wickedness, evil, greed, etc.? I will be full of envy,murder,strife,deceit,malice...gossip,slander,God haters,insolent,arrogant,boastful...invent ways of doing evil, senseless,faithless,heartless,ruthless? If I am having a hard day and feel strife, if my faith is being tested, or if I feel my sense of purpose is weak does that mean I am godless and wicked? Or I guess I should say does that mean that God has given up on me, or handed me over the enemy? I had a battle on my hands that I felt the Lord was helping me conquer...the more I learn, the better I feel, the better I feel, the more I am what God wants me to be, the more he can use me. Now I'm confused...I don't know if the enemy is trying to confuse me, this is the first time this has happened in a over a week or so. I don't like this uneasy feeling creeping back in. What am I missing, or misunderstanding? Is there Hope?


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