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Since Jesus is God, how come He prayed to God? Wouldn't Jesus already have all the answers being that He, his self, is God? Please explain. Thanks.

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Greetings all,

This forum has lost its way. Much has happened during the wee hours of the morning (for me at least while I slept). The question of this forum is "Why did Jesus pray to the Father?" We have traveled down the road of the Trinity and from that road to some stating that Jesus is not God and then we turned onto judgment lane where the debate was over who should be banned and ended up somehow on gestapo circle.

Let's work this backwards for a minute.

1) Stating that this site is run like the gestapo is judgment Mr. Rice and it is a judgment you have presented from your POV. Please be honest. If you make a judgment at least call it as such and do not attempt to say otherrwise. I have been called alot of things in my life, but that is a first. BTW, I will not lose any sleep tonight regarding your judgment of me and those who operate in some form of leadership on this site.
2) There will be no apology given for banning people who break the membership agreement. Those who come here to teach false doctrine, which includes doctrine contrary to the agreement they signed to be here will be banned. This site was created for a purpose. This site is for newer believers seeking to learn. Many have just recently made a profession of faith through one of AAG's many ministries. They come here open and wanting to learn. If the doctrine of the Trinity is confusiing to a seasoned believer how much more to a new believer? How much damage to that new person is caused when the debate digresses to the point of questioning the biblical fact that Jesus is God. Those who have been banned often have not come here learn, but to destroy and attack the foundations of Christianity.
3) In the ealry 1900s liberalism did a great damage to the body of Christ. Today we are plagued with pluralism that believes everyone is right and no one is wrong. What garbage. The Bible is the authority and the absolute rule for man. There are things that are difficult to understand, but much is given with clarity. This site is established and run by a Christian organization who has a set of beliefs regarding the Word of God. it is clearly stated. In joining one agrees to and with those views, If they do not agree they should do one of two things. 1) Do not join. 2) Come asking questions regarding points you don't understand or agree with. For those who are newer the forums are full of honest questions from people who hold different beliefs from this site. They were engaged and given space to question and respond. Those banned did not engage in questions but placed attacks. I could care less about someone attacking me, literally I lose no sleep nor do I get the slightest bit irritated. But this site is not about me, Greg, Carla or you. It is about presenting truth to the new believers who are coming here every day to learn. The truth AAG holds to is presented in its statement of faith.
4) No person should be so arrogant as to believe that they need no one else and that by themselves they will go and study the Scripture and God wil give them all the answers. Cults are started that way. There is a need for teachers, accountability and an opportunity to express POV. The apostles were answerable to Jesus for 3+ years. Paul walked with Barnabas and submitted to the council and Jerusalem. God established the church and has established pastors, teachers, elders, etc for the building up of the body of believers. If you submit to no one you will fall. This does not mean you blindly follow, but you must be under the teaching of someone who is a godly person. Timothy was under Paul and over other believers.

If you do not like the fact that there is a leadership here on AAG and that it has authority to act in accordance with the purpose of AAG, get over it. The site and its leadership is committed to the purpose inwhich it believes God has called it to fulfill.

I submit to Greg. If anything I have written is incorrect I trust Greg to correct me regarding AAG purpose and beliefs.

Lord Bless,
Volunteer AAG Administrator
I guess I believe it would be impossible to have a discussion on Why Jesus Prayed to the Father without having a discussion about who He was. Scripture presents Jesus as God but why would God need to pray to God? Some said He was doing this to only be an example to others. I personally don't believe that answer gives a proper glimpse of this Person who was God but became man. I believe the reason Jesus was in constant prayer was because He needed to. Yes, He was God but He laid down those attributes to become our perfect sacrifice. When He prayed to God He was praying as any other man needs to pray except what He was facing was much more than any man had ever faced. If any man ever needed God's help, it was He. Creation was facing its greatest crisis. The destiny of all mankind was at risk. Yet, Jesus would not don His God suit as it was necessary to remain a man for this sacrifice to be complete. Yes, Jesus did have God attributes but He did not wear them for the most part. He lived like we live, He had to think like we think, He had to face every single situation that we face but was not allowed the luxury of failure. He felt the pain we feel. He felt the scorn we feel. He suffered in every way that any man has suffered. The sacrifice had to be by a man. Only God could become the perfect man and win this war. And a man did He become. He made Himself like us in every way except was without sin. He was born like we are born. He grew up like we grow up. He matured like we mature. He had to learn obedience like we learn obedience. Yes, He became like us in every way. He emptied Himself of the luxury of being God with all power and knowledge. He humbled Himself to become a man. He who once was the richest of all, now became poor. He did this to make us rich. Creation was facing its most critical hour. Our destiny was completely dependent on His success in this war. Jesus did what no one else could do. It came to the point that Jesus was hanging on the cross and was left alone to win this battle. Jesus asked God why He had been forsaken not just to fulfill Scripture but as a man He wanted to know. Here we have another example of Jesus laying down the attribute of omniscience. Jesus, who was God, now was reduced to the humble position of needing to ask a question. Could Jesus have called ten thousand angels to rescue Him. I don't believe it was that easy. When He went to that cross, He was committed. If He was to win this battle, He had to win it as a man not as God. God's righteousness demanded no less than a true man winning this battle. The first man failed but the second man won. The victory was secured. The battle is over never to be fought again. Jesus conquered every temptation faced by man and overcame. Now, because of Him I am also an overcomer. My salvation is secure. The victory is won and death will have no more power over the believer.

Dottie Rambo wrote a song called "If That Isn't Love." The lyric goes, "He left the splendor of heaven, knowing His destiny." He eventually came to understand that His destiny was the One described in Isa 53. He knew as He prayed to the Father, that the time had come. This was the hour. Even in the Garden the battle had begun to intensify. While His disciples slept, He continued to pray: Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. What was He praying for? These were not nonsensical words. I believe He really was asking as a man if there could possibly be any other way. He was not looking forward to what He knew He was facing. He asked questions because He wanted answers. However, as a complete Bible believer, He knew there was no other way. However, again I believe He had to face this hour as a man and not as God. He had to lay down those God attributes.

That day was a wonderful day for all who will call upon Him as God their Savior. We can have complete confidence in Him that our prayer will be answered. We can absolutely know that all our sins are forgiven and his complete righteousness is credited to us. I am humbled to admit that I have done nothing and that He has done everything. Everything depended on that hour. He won and mankind is saved. Blessed be the Name or of Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Roy,

I think you have touched on something so important when you said this:
I guess I believe it would be impossible to have a discussion on Why Jesus Prayed to the Father without having a discussion about who He was.

This is central to beginning to answer this question. God Bless you for your responses here in the forum.
Blessings, Carla
Beautifully stated.. thank you again, Roy.
Yes, this is true. Paul learned through study and special revelation. We also learn but we have the advantage of Paul's dedicated life and writings. Paul wrote that we are saved by grace through faith alone. He also tells us this faith is a gift of God. Those who have this gift of faith will strive to know Him more. I think Paul is here indicating that his own salvation was a gift. He is giving all credit to Jesus and none to himself. Many of his actions seem to earn praise as he also faced many tribulations. However, he would confess to failure after failure. Our salvation is dependent on the person of Christ. Over and over Paul referred to Jesus as His Lord. He is Lord of all. Even though He exists outside the boundaries of this universe, He is the One and only One that can lay claim to the title of redeemer. He has the right to take back the title of this universe. Now the universe can be made anew. He is the Creator of all things and now His creation is saved.
God in three person. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This three together created the heaven and the earth. The three are the same. If one is out then God is not complete. That was why Jesus could not do without the father. He needs him to be complete.The three makes up the ingredient to make God. So without one then God is never complete.So Our Lord and mater Jesus is also God.


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