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46At about three o’clock, Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,j lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”  

This is a very Powerful verse I think.  Why, do you think Jesus spoke these words?  

I think it was something He truly felt.  Yet, also I believe He spoke them also for us.  We all have had times when we feel this way.  What do you think?

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Hi Chris,


I agree.  I think God wants to reassure us that even though we may have moments of 'feeling' abandoned, we can know the truth that we are never abandoned. 


Jesus was quoting psalm 22.  He was drawing attention to this psalm...and the jewish people would know that when the first line of a psalm is quoted, it refers to the entire psalm.  This was being fulfilled, and Jesus was showing them.  Many psalms begin this way...with pain and and utter crying out...and they always end in praises to God for His faithfulness.


I also think there is a spiritual element going on here...  It must have been a terrible emotional burden to even 'feel' separated from God...however knowing that God hasn't left Him.


I believe it's deeper still...and anything we may come up with would only brush the surface.


Blessings, Carla


I, like Carla, do not think we will ever know in this life what all was happening on that cross and in the beatings before. What we do know was that He was doing all that for us. It was our sins, our transgressions, our iniquities that put Him there. Ps 22, where the quote of Christ comes from, talks about bulls, roaring lions and dogs surrounding Him. I don't think He was talking about physical lions or dogs. Everything hell had was there that day. They were fighting with all their power. It appears that He may have had to go through all of this alone. All of our sin was upon Him and every demon in hell was there to attempt to make sure He paid the price for such a thing. When the priests, religious leaders and people mocked Him, He could see the demonic forces behind them and asked God to forgive them for they didn't realize what they were doing. When the priests and soldiers hurled their insults, He could hear the roaring of the lions. He perfectly finished the sacrifice and died. Soon, the Lion of Judah would be roaring and all the forces of hell would flee. The battle took place on the cross and before. Once He finished, the battle was over. Satan lost completely. However, that was the battle of the ages. It only happened once but He completely won and because of that, you and I are winners as well. Now, we have perfect peace with God, for every thing there ever was that took away our peace was dealt with in the battle.

I don't know the depth of this verse, servant, but I do know I gained victory on that day. I am completely healed of all my sin - all of it. I am healed completely. And all those who put their faith in Him experience complete healing - all their sins are dealt with and they are given eternal life. What a blessed day that was and is for all those who put their trust in Him. Because He overcame, we are more than conquerors. We are victorious. Praise the Lamb that was slain.

Carla and Roy Lord Bless

    With a whole heart I agree with what you have shared.  In times of trouble early in my walk, I have taken much comfort from these Words of Our Lord.  In all aspects He knows what we have, are, and will go through.  He knows and is able to speak on our behalf to the Father.  These words in my eyes reveal the pinnacle of tragedy and disappointing emotions from a "human feeling."   When I realized if Jesus could even for a moment feel this way, then to know His Triumph over all the reasons He spoke these words.  I understood then, with and by His Grace I could also have Victory over the things that I was struggling with.

Thank you both for referring to Ps 22 and for how you both saw this verse.  We have such a Great Savior and Lord.

Again, Thank you both.


Amen. We do have a Great Savior and Lord. Hallelujah!


This question has just come up again and maybe it needs more visitation. As Carla is saying, we may never know the complete reason Jesus is saying this. We do know He is quoting Ps. 22 and fulfilling all the Psalms, Isaiah and other prophets had to say about this event. I am going to share something else that I think. Notice I said that I think.

When God planned for His family, He was already aware that man would sin and that there would have to be consequences. God had given Adam and Eve instruction that they were to follow and they failed. The fell from their first estate and a curse was brought upon our world. The Scripture tells us that this sin brought death to the world for he first time. The first man, Adam, was responsible for death and now the second man, Jesus, would have to come to undo what Adam had done.

What Jesus did on that cross, He had to do as a man. I believe all the rest of us would have failed. However, Jesus did have to accomplish this for us. All the rest of us have had all the righteousness necessary for eternal life handed to us by Jesus. It is a glorious gift. However, Jesus had to earn that for us and He did earn it by His perfect life and perfect sacrifice.

When Jesus was hanging on the cross, it is not that God had abandoned Him, but Jesus had to accomplish this alone. He had to do this for us. He had to undo what Adam had done. As He hung there on the cross, He was accomplishing all of this for us. This was Jesus the man doing this for us. Now, we have the ability at the judgment to point to Jesus and that is all that will be required. He did it all. He accomplished everything demanded by God the Father to undo what Adam had done in the beginning. Now, we are free from this curse. We are free to enter into fellowship with God for eternity.

We owe it all to Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for Your sacrifice.

Knowing all that I do about Jesus, Who He is and all He has done for me.  When I see those words, I am somehow even more grateful for the Sacrifice He made for us. {if that makes any sense} To hear these Words I know I will not be able to grasp the depth of them, until I am in Heaven.  Yet, I feel somehow more connected to Jesus.  I in no way can compare to all He did, yet I have questioned God and been angry with Him.  Do not get me wrong i do not think Jesus was angry or questioning God.  I just know I have and after I had repented, and read these words.  I knew Jesus understood what I felt.  As Our High Priest He understood human emotions.  I read these words and Love Him all the more.  Trust I made sense, and did not offend. 


Hi All,

Another thing I remembered about reading from the Old Testament is that God, the Father, won't or doesn't look upon sin. Christ had taken all the sins of the world upon Himself on the Cross. The Father wouldn't look upon Him. Christ was feeling the desolation of that  loss...a desolation that many feel before they find Christ. Christ had no Mediator between Himself and the Father at that time.




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