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I would really want someone to explain to me why does it say in the bible "Ask and you shall recieve seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened..." I have been told that the Lord knows just what we need and when we need it and that he asks of us to ask form our heart and for he knows our heart better then we do.  Then why is it that the more you want to be patient and wait for the Lord to answer your prayers the more alone you feel and the more you feel as if there is no point in asking and seeking if for what you seek and  are asking for never is granted to you. What must one do to find that what we seek why must there be so much suffering before you can finaly find peace. It seems as if no matter how much I try to live as the Lord says the more the enemy puts things in my path that make me doubt the Lords promis. I just do not know any more can some one please tel me why is it so hard to live the life the Lord wants me to.


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hi Maritza, 

i can definitely relate to what you express here. 

i still don't have many answers, but the one thing that gets me through is this:

i am not saved by anything i do (right living etc.), and my salvation is sealed by the blood of Jesus. 

so now that's settled, there's a huge load off. but it doesn't mean the other difficulties like impatience and lack of direction etc. just vanish...

there is still this question of how to live out our lives following Jesus. sometimes it seems like there's no moment to moment guidance, but the Word says that God knows when we sit and when we rise up. 

we aren't saved in order to have everything figured out, but as we trust in God's working, even when we can't see it, i believe He will change us. 

not sure if this helps, but i pray it does in some way. 

when we seem to be our worst enemy and discontent and confusion is everywhere, at least we can cling to the one thing that's a sure foundation: Jesus Christ


There is also the parable of the persistent widow.  God does say ask and receive, He just didn't say how many times to ask, but with the parable, and others, He does give us a clue that we need to keep on asking.  God makes us wait to both test our faith (not to Him, He knows our faith), but to show US where we stand and where we need improvement.  Believe it or not, severe testing can even strengthen your faith, if you let it.  There've been many times I've felt and asked the same you're asking, and many times I've felt stronger.  Years later and I'm still asking.  It's hard to hold onto hope at all times, it rises and falls. 

Paul said that he "learned" to be content in all things.  He could only learn this by GOING through all things.  And that is what we go through at times.  We learn to be content by going through things, we learn to seek God first before the things, and then "all those things will be added to you".  It is in the waiting and repeated asking that we're refined and molded.  And it can be very painful and hard to take, but I believe the ending is worth it.

it was encouraging to read this, good things to remember

by David Wilkerson

Some believers get discouraged over unanswered prayers and, finally, they
simply give up. They think, "Prayer doesn't work for me and why should I pray
if it doesn't work?"

The Israelites in Isaiah's time had the same attitude. Isaiah wrote: "They seek
me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness . . .
they ask of me . . . they take delight in approaching to God. Wherefore have we
fasted, say they, and thou seest not? Wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and
thou takest no knowledge (notice)?" (Isaiah 58:2-3).

These people were saying, "I love God. I do right and avoid sin, and until
recently, I've been faithful to seek Him in prayer. But, you know what? He's
never answered me. So why should I continue afflicting my soul before Him?"

James writes that God doesn't answer the prayers of those who ask for things
simply to satisfy themselves: "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss,
that ye may consume it upon your lusts" (James 4:3). In other words: "You're
not asking for God's will. You're not ready to submit to whatever He wants.
Rather, you're trying to dictate to Him those things that will satisfy your own

Our God is utterly faithful. Paul writes, "Let God be true, but every man a
liar" (Romans 3:4). He is saying, "It doesn't matter if you hear a million
voices crying, ‘Prayer doesn't work. God doesn't hear me!’ Let every man be
called a liar because God's Word stands. He is faithful to hear us!"

Jesus said, "Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive"
(Matthew 21:22). Simply put, Christ is saying, "If you truly believe, you will
be willing to wait and expect an answer from your heavenly Father. No matter
how long it takes, you will hold on in faith, believing He will answer."

"Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee;
which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!"
(Psalm 31:19). "They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing" (34:10).

Thank you Taminator,

You have been the first person who has expained it to me in terms that make sense. I know that I must pray for things that will honor God not me. I know that I must always keep God in my thoughts and in what I seek.   I have one more question how can asking for help to correct some of the damage that  I have done to my children be asking for things to satisfy myself. All I was asking was for the tools to be able to give them a life filled with love and joy. How can wanting to correcting the things that I have done wrong be looking for self satifaction.

You actually never said what you was praying for. David Wilkerson wrote the above & thought it fit well with the subject matter. He was just explaining that particular Scripture on prayer so we get all aspects of it. Sorry you seen it that way. There is nothing wrong with praying for your children because they really suffer from our choices. I think it's great that this is your desire.

Well I have been praying that the Lord help me to to move on and be able to provide for my children now that their father has left us. I just can not understand how a man can not care if his children and only care for material things. You see my husband choose to leave us after 15 years of marriage and has choosen to live with some other. I am not perfect and I know that I too have made some bad choices but I have asked the Lord for forgivness and have not sinned again. I have been asking God to help me stop feeling so sad and empty and to help me provide for my children the things that will need live a good life.  That is what I have been asking for/



Hola hermana Maritza,


God has given us his will in his word. The one thing I have been praying for since the day God saved me, is for hunger for his word, for His word is our true sustenance. It is our spiritual bread and the food God has given us for our faith to Grow.


The strength and desire to forgive will come to you, as you renew your mind by the washing of God's word.


Your faith will increase as you read it. You will then believe that God is faithful to keep us and to provide our daily bread in a super natural and practical way.

 Once God has given you hunger for his true bread, His word, ask him to help you with the actual studying, because often we pray for the desire to study and God gives us the desire, but we fail at the doing, so asking for hunger and for the Spirit of truth to also help you actually study is necessary. J


Blessings to you sister.


I'll be praying as well

Thank you all who have been sharing your views an comments on my question of “Why ASK” I have always known that God’s time is not our time and I am trying to teach that to my children that it is very important not to give up on your prayers and that we should keep on asking with all our heart and the Lord will answer us.  I am trying not to stop believing in what I am teaching my children but it is so hard especially on days like today when my daughter was upset at her dad for not keeping his promise to buy her shoes that she needs. Knowing that I am unable to get them for her and knowing that it will be a long time before my children see him again really hurts. Ever sense my husband cheated on use he became a different person. Any time my children would as for something that  the needed for school or if they had just out gowned something he would get so upset and yell at them saying mean things to them.   Yet I see how many blessings he has been receiving while not once thanking the Lord for the bounty that he has. I am barely making ends to pay bills and put food on the table and he only pays rent yet has no money to buy his children clothes and shoes and all I have been asking for the means to be able to provide for my children. I cannot even seek public assistance because according to them I make “too much” money.  I just do not understand why is that it says “ Ask and ye shall receive , seek and ye shell find, knock and it shell be opened” I have asked for yet I have not been herd, I have seeked and still cannot find and I have been knocking and still the doors have been closed in my face.  Why then why is it that my children must pay for the mistakes that I have made, why must they suffer for my sins I had always believed that a child’s prayer is answered faster than that of an adult sense a child has no malleus in their heart and what they ask for comes from their heart and is pure.  I do not know maybe I am still holding to a little of resentment towards my husband  and that is why God will not answer me just yet but how much more pain must I endure before I receive the means to provide for my children.

Maritza, dontcha just love it?  We can sit and do nothing and get all the help we ask for and yet if we TRY, we make JUST too much, but we're classified the working poor. 

I've had very similar questions, but I keep trying to remember that my son's needs ARE being met, he is being provided for, just not in the manner I would like.  Like the children of Israel who's shoes and clothes did not wear out.  They didn't have a roof over their heads, they walked for years in the wilderness, didn't have steak and potatoes for dinner, sometimes were hungry for awhile, but they were still alive, they still ate enough to sustain them and had clothing to keep them warm enough to survive.  Having hardship isn't the same as not being provided for, it's just not the provision we may be accustomed to and maybe what God is trying to teach us.  Only He knows.


You just made me feel all kinds of convictions just in your statement about Israel. This is not my sarcasm speaking either.


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