hey Nancy, Might they have been referring to:
1 Corinthians 11:
''27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world''
James 5:13-16: “Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective”
I'm guessing that this may be one of those cases where A particular scripture verse is taken out of context and applied to all!.
I think it is a very dangerous thing to claim that ANY illness is caused by unrepented sin. As there are many faithful Children of God going through physical and emotional illnesses, and indeed spiritual. For them to think it is their fault, is not what the Word of God teaches me. This puts the emphasis on punishment, guilt and unforgiveness, the opposite of how we are instructed to live as Christians.
I disagree with u Char, Just because I is sick does not mean they sinned ..Your son mike gets a cold so by ur words ur kid sinned
A Pastor who has been a child of God all of his life gets sick your saying he sinned so a new born gets sick he sinned I dont think so God will not make children sick. .I still dont belive God bringing a ILLNESS on to a child of his.I still dont think illness is result to unrepented sin..Susie
Well, I just noticed when Jesus healed the sick in the book of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Most of the time, he would say that the person is healed, do not sin and your sins are forgiven. So in my own opinion, sickness is brought together by the sin of mankind and of unrepentant sin a person commits.
On another story, when he healed the blind man in the gospel of John, I remember that he said that the man was blind in order that the glory of Jesus may be seen, because Jesus healed him on that very moment.
So I am really not sure, only God knows. But I strongly believe that Jesus heals because it is His nature.
And I learned that if a person is not healed, there is something lacking, maybe lack of faith would be one of the reasons.
I pray to God that He will release HEALING to those who are sick! not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. In JESUS MIGHTY NAME!
To God be the glory forever!
I recently heard that physical illness can (might) be the result of unrepented sin.
Actually, the sentence is correct. If one drinks alcohol frequently and heavily, it causes alcoholism or cirrhosis of the liver. Smoking causes lung problem or lung cancer. Emphysema. Over eating causes obesity, sugar diabetes, heart problems. Sexual promiscuity could lead to STD, aids. Going barefoot in cold weather could lead to pneumonia. Not having a child properly dressed could lead to colds, flu, etc.
The one thing that makes the statement misleading is is *unrepented*. Whether a sin is repented or not doesn't make a difference...if the illness has found a way to grow, it might grow. The damage is done, even if the sin is repented. God can heal it or you can not concentrate on it.
Many people speak illness over themselves. Their mind concentrates on it so hard, being ill, that they actually become ill. By His stripes you are healed. But if you don't believe it, if you continually complain of illness, you are speaking illness on yourself.
It is a known fact that many people who say they are dying, actually do die. EMTs are warned of this in patients that they transport and are taught to guard against it.
Many times, we speak ill onto ourselves.
God would have us prosper and be in good health but we speak against it constantly. Satan is more than willing to accommodate us.
The thought that God put illness on us is something that I don't agree with. I have heard people say that it is the will of God that someone is sick or will die. That would make God out to be a liar. Satan brings illness and disease on people. Babies do die. Is that the will of God? I don't think so. But then one has to think, what did the parents do that caused the baby to die. Did they do anything? Maybe or not. But what I can say is God didn't make the baby die.
I hope this post helps.
Hi Rita and Nancy,
Good post Rita. Years ago there was a Christian book called "Hung by the Tongue". It brought out that Jesus created the entire world with the power of His words and that we, too, have power over our lives by the words we speak either for the good or the bad. The Word says there is death and life in the power of the tongue. We can constantly confess fear, doubt and unbelief, or we can speak faith over the situations of our lives. We can speak as the world speaks, negative, whiny, fearful, germs are gonna get us or we can speak what the Word says about us- By His stripes I WAS healed, not I'm going to be healed- I ALREADY was healed at Calvary and through faith I receive it. This is an example of a positive confession rather then the faithless confessions most ppl, even believers say. Or lets look at the verse Beloved I wish that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Again, I take this verse and others like it to mean that God is not the author of poverty, sickness and disease, satan is. I believe the stripes that Jesus took for us covered every sickness, disease and malady of spirit, soul and body. In fact another book I recall reading once showed how all the sicknesses and diseases in the world are categorized in as many categories as the stripes Jesus bore. Is this fully accurate? I don't know, but it really made me think that what was the purpose of the particular number of stripes Jesus bore?
Think how most ppl are raised. If they do not come from a Christian family that believes in divine healing, from earliest on they are taught what I call the "germ fear"- that there are germs lurking everywhere and they are out to get you! And if it is cold out, kids are often overly dressed so they don't catch a cold- they are so bundled up that they stumble over themselves and do catch a cold lol! Let's not forget "we must take our medicine" lol. I mean this stuff was drilled into most of us from earliest on. When it comes to the myriad of chemically manufactured medications that do not come from natural sources, who is to say how many of our generation who seem to have all kinds of illnesses previous generations didn't even have a name for were not negatively affected? How often do we see on the news or tv commercials that the star medical product from last year is now being taken off the market by the FDA as it has been found to be unsafe. Now attorneys are involved promising big bucks to sue the errant, or maybe criminal, drug manufacturers.
The point is, how foolish can we be? If we would put our trust in God and His Word over the hysterical, ever changing nonsense of the world, we would avoid a lot of the illness, sickness and disease that most are plagued with. Fear, doubt and unbelief says, let me get on my silk pajamas and crawl into bed I think I'm about to be sick. Faith has a completely different reaction to the same issues we face whether spirit, soul or body.
The subject of walking in divine healing is something I wish I knew more about. You know how it is- there are so many subjects that we must study for our Christian lives that we can't cover it all. But I have to say that the amount I learned about this subject prevented illness from coming on my family anywhere near to the degree that both the saved (but unbelieving) and unsaved, I've known had. Their kids were sick all the time, but ours rarely were. I think you really see it with the children of such families always down with something or another, colds, earaches, fever, accidents on and on. Again, why? Because its like that's all they ever talk about. It's like they're saying come right on in sickness can't wait to entertain you today. Do you see what I mean lol? And such is the way of the world. We as believers need to speak a new language of faith.
And let's add another category called strife. The Bible says where there is strife there is every evil work, strife is as the sin of witchcraft. It is very sad when you see those of so many deniminations acting like the world, into every strifeful thing, not able to distintuish the holy from the unholy in their dress and manner. Do you not think that strife opens the door to sickness as well? Think again, I firmly believe it does open the door to sickness.
Despite having very few health problems with our kids or us, we even went through the period when kids get cavities every time you turn around and families have huge dental bills, yet none of our kids so much as had a cavity, 12 years ago, from out of nowhere, I became ill one day and as it turned out, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I didn't even have time to utter a word- it was a life and death situation where if I didn't get healed I would be dead in a very short time. Well as it turned out, my faith could not withstand this predicament. Like others who have a chronic illness, I have had to go through a medical regime to keep living and not die prematurely.
When this first happened to me, I was given statistics that I had 2-5 years to live. Needless to say, I was in Shock City U.S.A.!!!! But listen to how its turned out. Even though God has not removed this illness from me as in an instant healing, because I've had those, too, in my Christian life, I have totally beat the odds. I go through a medical regime each day, follow directions carefully, and I'm the first person in my city to have had the opportunity to be the recipient of the newest and best treatment for the desease known as the "cadillac treatment" which has been like day and night in how much better I feel restoring me to an almost normal life. And the reason I got this treatment in the first place is due to God blessing me with His wisdom to research it on the net, find it and convince my doctor to make it available to me in that only God could of influenced his heart as most doctors I've encountered don't like to work outside the box. Now other patients at the clinic are following suit as I sat with them and explained to them how they can have greatly improved treatments as well. One man who was quickly losing his life, got on this treatment, was spared and calls me his total inspiration, an angel that came into his life.
So what is my point in telling you this? I am a person who believes God heals. Whether I am instantly, divinely healed or not, I believe. In thinking about all of this, I know that if I had been divnely healed of this chronic illness, then I would of not been brought into the lives of so many ppl who suffer with this too. I would not of ministered to all the many patients who are struggling as I have, because you can be sure of one thing, I have lifted Jesus up over and over again to this group of ppl. Those of them who are athiests and other unbelieving types, the type who in a situation like this say curse God and die, have persecuted me left and right, but I never ever let off of my witness for Jesus. I let them know that they wouldn't even have a breath to breathe if it was not for Him. The patients who have known me for years now can not deny the progress I have made and my willingness to stop and help as many of them as I can. So, in this illness Jesus is lifted up praise God!
What does it all mean? Although the odds have been heavily stacked against me with this situation and many others, I have thrived and have seen the goodness of the Lord with a very blessed life. This illness could not hold me back eventhough it is so serious in nature that if I did not go through my medical regime, I could be dead in a matter of days. And depression has no place in my life- I am in that stage now where His blessings have overtaken me despite the usual trials and tribulations of life. I have realized lifelong goals and recieved many rewards and its far from over yet. Just sharing this to say that faithfullness to God does pay off despite all the devil can throw at us. I would say that despite God not taking this illness out of my life, completely, that this is definitey a healing of sorts. Do I lack faith, is there something I don't know about faith/healing to be totally free of this predicament? I don't know, but this one thing I do know, I serve a God who is the Great Healer!
Great testimony. You are healed to the point that you feel you need to be healed. There is nothing wrong with that. You are helping others deal with their own illness and that is because you have your illness under control. There is nothing wrong with that. My question is (and I ask it in Love) how much better off or how much more belief is shown if you are completely healed? Would you not be a better hope to the others who are ill around you if you were to accept a complete healing? Would it not be better to show these other patients a completely healed body?
A complete healing would show others that they had the chance to be made whole through seeing you made whole.
You are seeing yourself living partially healed and enabling you to help others who aren't that far along, How much more help could you give them if you could show them a completely restored body?
Blessings to you,Jane, in the Name Above all names, Christ Jesus, our Lord....
Good morning Rita,
Yes, absolutely, I totally agree with you! Why else did Jesus perform the miracles of healing if not to bring glory to God. And when He said we would perform even greater works then He did, what else can that possibly mean then exactly what He said!! I believe, yet have a gap in my understanding. It is not God who has changed one iota- it is our lack of understanding of His nature and His Word that holds us back from receiving His best.
Let me share a diving healing I once had. I was pregnant with our last child. I never understood why they call it "morning sickness" because I was sick morning, noon and night with the worst nausea, vomiting, and therefor, weakness I ever experienced in my life. I was in such a weakened state from this that I had become totally bedridden. I was grief stricken to be in this condtion. As a wife and a mother, I wanted nothing more then to get up and resume my duties, but I could not even take a step without support. I kept thinking of the dishes piling up in the kitchen and how I must get in there and take care of it. This was the only time in my life that I was so incapacitated. The only thing I could do was listen to teaching tapes. One morning I was listening to a tape by the great faith teacher, Kenneth Hagin. On the tape he said that faith is action and if you are so sick that all you can do is wiggle your little toe, then do so as an act of faith. So, this is exactly what I did in order to exercise my faith. Then I heard the Spirit instruct me to go to the kitchen. I could not walk due to being so weak, so I scooted myself down off the bed, like a parayzed person might do, to the floor. Then, with every ounce of faith I possessed, I attempted to crawl along the floor towards the kitchen. As I was crawling along, a miracle happened, because I began to feel strength enter my body that I had not had for the long months of the pregnancy. I was healed and able to stand to my feet! I then walked the rest of the way to kitchen, washed ever last dish, pot and pan and proceeded to clean the entire house up!! My husabnd had been unable to keep up with his job and mine too. And the ladies of our church had paid me a nice visit once, but no one had offered to really lend a hand. So, God healed me that day and I was no longer sick after that and was able to enjoy the final days of my pregnancy and then deliver a handsome baby son.
Why am I sharing this story? Because I have experienced the healing power of God and know He is the Great Healer. Re the faith teacher whose tape I had listened to that morning, the reason I had his tapes was because I had attended a meeting He was at at one time. At that meeting, there was a prayer line and as he laid hands on each person, every single one of them was slain in the spirit. It was like seeing a line of dominoes fall. Being new to faith teaching, I was sitting in my seat watching all of this in utter amazement. I am the kind of person who is not gullible for everything that comes along, so I decided to test this out to see if it was really of God. I asked my husband to go up there with me so we could see how real this was. It so happens that this experience occurred at another time that I was pregnant. I was at the end of my pregnancy so showing very well. I didn't need healing of anything although I had a very slight cold that day, so I went up there to see if the cold would be healed. I knew there was no way being an expectant mother that I would allow myself to fall over backwards on the ground as I had such an immense sense of protection for my unborn child- if this was not real there was no way I would let anyone tip me over! My husband was in line before me. The next thing I knew, he went down just like all the others like another fallen dominoe. Now I knew he would not of gone along with anything unscriptural either. Next it was my turn. With me, Hagin did not lay hands on me at all. It was almost like there was something in the air, which I later realized was the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit, and before I even knew what hit me, I found myself lying on my back on the carpet, having softly landed there, looking up at the ceiling totally bewildered as to how I went from standing striaght up one second to losing sight of my entire surroundings with nothing but the ceiling in view LOL! It was just lovely down there on the floor, such a time of sweet peace. My husband came to, then took my hand and lifted me up gently and we both looked at each other totally amazed that we had both just had this awesome spiritual experience. Later when I checked to see if my cold was gone, it wasn't, but the Spirit told me the experience had occurred to show me the miracle working power of God and that should God wish to place me on the floor, heal me or whatever He wanted to do, He could do it!!!! Just like my salvation and the day I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, I will never forget these spiritual experiences as long as I live.
So, Rita, I have no doubt that God is our healer. In my Christian walk, I have long since come to the point where I feel there are many things off re the Church as far as the divisiveness of the denominations that were never ordained of God, the worldliness and compromise in the Church, the straying from the tenants that Jesus taught the Church which the early Church walked in at first. Because what I see when I read my Bible is, there were all kinds of signs and wonders in the early Church that most denominations do not walk in today. So, the question is why...what has changed? The church today is weak and ineffective. Even the faith teachers that I once highly esteemed, have gotten into scandals and they themselves are not healed - do healed teachers of the Word wear little reading glasses or contacts when they read from the Word and look as old as sin lol?! And when was the time that such and such spirit-filled, faith church was in the news, because their members are all healed? Did the false message of over the top prosperity take over and blind everyone so that this is all they can think of, bless me clubs?
The point I am making is we are all a product of our discipleship and churching and if those areas are not right, we will be lacking too. Nevertheless, I never give up believing that God's Word is clear and means exactly what it says it means. Never do I blame God that I am not where I would like to be- let God be true and every man a liar! I am blessed that despite living with a fatal disease, my health has been sustained and I live an overcoming life, because I stand up for Jesus every opportunity I get. However, I totally agree that to be supernaturally healed, thus a testimony to others of God's great power and love for us, would be the greater testimony. I know there is more, a lot more, that we could all have if we better understood God's Word and walked by faith. I have learned not to focus on this ministry or that ministry, but to be someone who gets my revelation directly from the Holy Spirit. And I pray that before its all over that I will be someone who fully walks in God's divine healing and promises that others, more than I reach now, might come to Christ.
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