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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hi everyone, 

I have been a follower of Christ for almost 2 years and overall have experienced my faith and relationship with the Lord growing gradually. 

However, there are moments when I feel like my faith has flied out the window and I find myself wondering if I'm crazy to believe all this. Even though these thoughts only last a few seconds, they are uncomfortable.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this talked about at all in the Bible? Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated~


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What you are describing is not unusual. The thing to remember is that what you are describing is based on "feeling." Feeling can deceive us. Our faith must not based on feeling. Our faith is based on the Word of God and the work of the Lord Jesus on our behalf. Thus, we have to continue to remind ourselves of the truths found in God's Word and rest in them, regardless of what we feel. What does the Word say about you when you received Jesus as your Savior? It tells us that we become children of God and that we have been forgiven, redeemed, bought by the blood of the Lamb. We are now sealed with the Holy Spirit and marked for God. The Holy Spirit lives within us. We have a new name, a new citizenship. We have a hope that cannot be taken away, for our hope is not in ourselves, but in Jesus who died for us. He loves us.


When doubts come overflow them with the Word of God and a flood of praise.

Absolutely. I can't tell you the times I've said the "sinner's prayer". There are times that I'm taunted with the thoughts that I must be a complete idiot to believe my body will be raised from the dead on & on. They are uncomfortable for sure. That's when I start reading the Word & when I don't have it, say I'm going down the road, I begin quoting Scriptures I've somewhat memorized over the years. I say them out loud to let Satan know I'm not going to believe his lies. He's the father of lies & no way is he going to snatch away the awesome faith I have in Christ. 


Welcome to the world of Christianity. What you are experiencing is nothing new. We all have to go through periods that we begin to doubt. This is in no way unusual. Timothy was a young convert. He knew Christ was the way but would have these same kinds of doubts that you are referring to. It appears that he spoke to Paul about these kind of doubts which didn't seem to alarm Paul at all. In his letter to Timothy he encouraged him:

1 Ti 6:12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. NIV

The fight of faith refers to exactly what you are speaking of. When Paul was finishing his course here on earth, he testified that he had fought this good fight and had kept the faith.

Do not be alarmed at your mind questioning the reality of that which you cannot see. Yet, our hearts will confirm to us God is our God. He is our Father. I have a feeling you are doing just fine.


Thanks everyone for your thoughtful replies. 

Roy, i appreciate your directing me to the book of Timothy. i will read it again with deeper understanding knowing what Timothy that he himself dealt with similar feelings. 

Love to you all in Christ, 


Hi. Jenny. I can tell you I'm in a similar position myself. My relationship with God...:sighs: My faith isn't that great. The Holy Spirit knows just thr right times to help though.


For me it doesn't seem like I have any faith. I know the Holy Spirit is telling me's just in certain times I'm just too numb and "spiritual shock" is a good way to put it. It lasts longer than a few seconds for me, it can last quite awhile....

i pray the Lord blesses you and strengthens your faith. its good for us to remember that we are told in the Bible that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. let's continue to read the Bible and ask God to help us understand!

It appears the growth is moving right along.

I agree Roy

Sister, what growth?

The growth in you. We don't know you but we can see the growth in your words. We see the desire to grow, that in itself is a sign of growth.

Tammy, what helps is being able to slowly open up about life. I've tried for the most part to keep alot of stuff hidden (except for telling God and some internet Christians). But, since, you could say, by testing the waters, I'm slowly able to open up and guess what. The pain doesn't hurt as much.


One of Satan's tactics is to make us doubt ourselves. He does his level best to twist what we know of God and make it seem like we are wrong in believing as we do. Tell him to scram and he will.

He is trying to convince us to act on the thoughts he puts in our minds. He will do anything to discourage us in our walk. 

Just stay focused on Christ.

Blessings as you grow in the Lord....



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