When you feel down, beat-up or overwhelmed, what does God use to pick you up and get you through?
Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator
So, basically, “works” play no role in eternal security? They are just a result of being saved?
That is correct. Works do not gain, assure or retain salvation. We are saved through the work of God, by His grace through faith. Good works follow salvation and are enabled as a result of salvation.
Works that try to prove obedience in order to keep salvation would really be of the flesh, right?
Yes, or a misguided understanding of God’s Word that follows a legalistic teaching.
Our works should come naturally by growing in faith and being empowered by the Holy Spirit. Works show faith and show proof that a person is genuinely saved.
Yes, but the type of works may vary from one person to another.
Were we created to do good works, or were good works created beforehand that we might walk in them (Eph. 2:10)?
Both aspects are actually true.
Works are supposed to glorify God and not make us look good by doing them.
When we truly love Jesus, we want to obey Him (John 14:15).
Yes, but what should happen is that people see Jesus living in us, thus they are being drawn to Jesus, not us.
How do I do my part in the works that God calls me to do?
Surrender daily subduing the flesh and then following the Word and Spirit of God as they guide you.
You talk about progressive sanctification. Some think we are sanctified wholly at the moment we are born again--that the Spirit sanctifies us right then.
Positionally we are sanctified (set apart from sin and set apart to God) at salvation. Experientially in this life it is a process that begins with a crisis that is followed by the progression over a lifetime. It deals with being filled with the Spirit of God and empowered to overcome sin, the flesh, in this life.
Is the concept of abiding in Christ what you are calling progressive sanctification?
It includes abiding, but really focuses on a complete surrender unto Him.
The believer and the Holy Spirit working together? For life?
But we don't produce the fruit, The Spirit does.
Two kinds of fruit. Inward fruit that God is the cause of the change and the causation of the growth toward maturity, the “Fruit of the Spirit”. The outward manifestation of what is taking place inward is part of the surrender process and the call for us to seek live godly lives.
And the fruit of love, joy, peace, kindness...etc...is it actions (works) or simply attributes of the character of the saved?
The fruit listed in Galatians are all states-of-being. God literally changes us at salvation and we receive the presence of the Holy Spirit who brings these attributes into our lives. He then begins the work of maturing us in conjunction with our hunger for God and surrender to His will.
I do not try to be kind—but I am kind? Automatically? By nature?
As a babe in Christ yes. As these mature they will be manifested in outward actions that flow from the inward person.
Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordiantor
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